H.R. 6678 - Deport Illegals who commit Social Security Fraud

First, who created the asylum problem. It sure as hell wasn't Biden.

This is a list of everything Trump did to take an ax to the system we use to process asylum seekers. It's very extensive.

Thats so odd because we didn’t have these problems until this admin came into office and started undoing the things the last admin put in place like remain in Mexico. We didn’t have them until they changed the threshold for valid asylum claims. Also odd they didn’t get this legislated when they held both houses of Congress. So fucking odd isn’t it?
So what. Don’t imprison them. Deport them.
That's kind of useless. They just keep coming back.

What you need is to take away the reasons for them to want to come here, and that would be by reforming immigration to include workplace enforcement, guest workers, and verifiable identification.

Thinking you can stop them with a fence that can be easily cut through isn't a solution.

More significantly. WHO has lifted a damn finger to fix the immigration problem?

Nobody. Trump just made matters worse and kicked the can down the road.

joe.... biden made this thing even worse...the guy hasnt looked to good at this point on immigration...
Well, not to the racists, anyway. I guess with a good economy, no war, and inflation under control, this non-crisis is the only thing Faux News has to whine about.
Thats so odd because we didn’t have these problems until this admin came into office and started undoing the things the last admin put in place like remain in Mexico.

One more time. Remain in Mexico did not fix the problem. It made it much, much, much worse. These people aren't going away because you made them wait in Mexico until Mexico got tired of feeding them.
One more time. Remain in Mexico did not fix the problem. It made it much, much, much worse. These people aren't going away because you made them wait in Mexico until Mexico got tired of feeding them.
joe....biden and the 2 clowns he picked to fix this has made this much worse than what it was.....quit making excuses for these jerks...
joe....biden and the 2 clowns he picked to fix this has made this much worse than what it was.....quit making excuses for these jerks...

No, we'd have had a problem either way. We've needed to reform immigration since the mid aughts, and Bush, Obama, and Trump didn't get the job done and in many ways, made things much, much worse.

Now it's Biden's job to fix this mess, and of course, the Republicans are doing whatever they can.

Again, what we need to do is stop appealing to the bigots on these policies.

We have jobs, they have people. That's why there's immigration.
No, we'd have had a problem either way. We've needed to reform immigration since the mid aughts, and Bush, Obama, and Trump didn't get the job done and in many ways, made things much, much worse.

Now it's Biden's job to fix this mess, and of course, the Republicans are doing whatever they can.

Again, what we need to do is stop appealing to the bigots on these policies.

We have jobs, they have people. That's why there's immigration.
like i said joe quit making excuses....biden and his 2 idiots have made this situation much worse...
like i said joe quit making excuses....biden and his 2 idiots have made this situation much worse...
No, reality has made the situation worse.

We've turned Latin America into a hellscape and wonder why they want to come here.

We've had 20 years to fix this problem and haven't.
One more time. Remain in Mexico did not fix the problem. It made it much, much, much worse. These people aren't going away because you made them wait in Mexico until Mexico got tired of feeding them.
You keep saying that, but the evidence doesn't show that. Remain in Mexico was effective at keeping people from starting their journey here dum dum. I agree if I've walked 2k miles I'm probably not giving up because I have to wait a while on the border. But if I know I'm not just going to be let in (like now) then maybe I dont walk the 2k miles. Maybe that's' the reason we have record numbers of illegal crossings and people claiming asylum.
You keep saying that, but the evidence doesn't show that. Remain in Mexico was effective at keeping people from starting their journey here dum dum.

Except there's no evidence that it did, really. The policy was only in effect for less than two years, and one of those years was Covid, where NO ONE was leaving their house.

I agree if I've walked 2k miles I'm probably not giving up because I have to wait a while on the border. But if I know I'm not just going to be let in (like now) then maybe I dont walk the 2k miles. Maybe that's' the reason we have record numbers of illegal crossings and people claiming asylum.

No, the reason why we have record numbers is because conditions have gotten so much worse in the countries they are fleeing. Especially Venezuela.

Here was the thing about Stay In Mexico. No big surprise, Trump fucking lied. Trump promised the Mexicans that if they just kept the undocumented on their side of the border, he totally promised that he would consider their asylum claims promptly. Instead, the lying cocksucker dismantled much of the apparatus for hearing asylum claims.

So no big surprise, people just got tired of waiting, and Mexico got tired of being played for Chumps.
That's kind of useless. They just keep coming back.
Not if we actually do the job of shutting our border to illegal aliens they won’t.

Don’t you get anything? I mean, shit. That is the entire point.
What you need is to take away the reasons for them to want to come here,

Nope. They want to come here because they see us not just as a land of opportunity (which we don’t want to “take away” but also the land of gullible government giveaways (which is what we all should want to remove)
and that would be by reforming immigration to include workplace enforcement,
I agree on that point. Notice it’s not in the proposed bill.
guest workers,
I have no problem with guest workers. Provided they enter legally with that proper authorization, great. We actually like immigrants who don’t seek food stamps or welfare or “free” medical care.
and verifiable identification.
Again. That’s a good point. And there’s a decided lack of that in this proposed bill.
Thinking you can stop them with a fence that can be easily cut through isn't a solution.
Who spoke only about a fence? Not me. The goddamned proposed bill doesn’t even mention fence repair or completion.
Nobody. Trump just made matters worse and kicked the can down the road.
FALSE. He tried. He got stymied. And we all know it. Even you. And we know by whom.
Well, not to the racists, anyway. I guess with a good economy, no war, and inflation under control, this non-crisis is the only thing Faux News has to whine about.
You remain perpetually delusional.
No, reality has made the situation worse.

We've turned Latin America into a hellscape and wonder why they want to come here.

We've had 20 years to fix this problem and haven't.
the reality is biden has made it worse....
Except there's no evidence that it did, really. The policy was only in effect for less than two years, and one of those years was Covid, where NO ONE was leaving their house.

No, the reason why we have record numbers is because conditions have gotten so much worse in the countries they are fleeing. Especially Venezuela.

Here was the thing about Stay In Mexico. No big surprise, Trump fucking lied. Trump promised the Mexicans that if they just kept the undocumented on their side of the border, he totally promised that he would consider their asylum claims promptly. Instead, the lying cocksucker dismantled much of the apparatus for hearing asylum claims.

So no big surprise, people just got tired of waiting, and Mexico got tired of being played for Chumps.
The only evidence being that there were far fewer illegals crossing the border and fewer asylum seekers. Other than that.....
Not if we actually do the job of shutting our border to illegal aliens they won’t.

Don’t you get anything? I mean, shit. That is the entire point.

Nope. They want to come here because they see us not just as a land of opportunity (which we don’t want to “take away” but also the land of gullible government giveaways (which is what we all should want to remove)

I agree on that point. Notice it’s not in the proposed bill.

I have no problem with guest workers. Provided they enter legally with that proper authorization, great. We actually like immigrants who don’t seek food stamps or welfare or “free” medical care.

Again. That’s a good point. And there’s a decided lack of that in this proposed bill.

Who spoke only about a fence? Not me. The goddamned proposed bill doesn’t even mention fence repair or completion.

FALSE. He tried. He got stymied. And we all know it. Even you. And we know by whom.

You remain perpetually delusional.

The fence was just another Trump vanity...like his demand to be on Mt Rushmore.

Fine employers who hire illegals. The illegals will self deport. That's been a successful strategy.

I agree about guest workers
The fence was just another Trump vanity...like his demand to be on Mt Rushmore.

He never demanded to be on Mt. Rushmore, you dishonest hack. And the Wall wasn’t for vanity but was proposed as pet of an effort to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.
Fine employers who hire illegals.

Good. Do it. You notice that’s not part of this shit proposed bill, though. Don’t you?
The illegals will self deport. That's been a successful strategy.

Wishful thinking. Don’t tell me. I don’t buy your make believe claims. Show me. Prove it but, of course, as always, you won’t.
I agree about guest workers

I don’t know many conservatives (or libs for that matter) who oppose a well thought out legal immigration plan.
The fence was just another Trump vanity...like his demand to be on Mt Rushmore.

Fine employers who hire illegals. The illegals will self deport. That's been a successful strategy.

I agree about guest workers

That could already be done. So you agree there's no new law required.
One more time. Remain in Mexico did not fix the problem. It made it much, much, much worse. These people aren't going away because you made them wait in Mexico until Mexico got tired of feeding them.
Mexico was aiding and abetting them. Mexico assisted them in their journeys to the US border. Making them Mexicos problem is a reasonable response.
Mexico was aiding and abetting them. Mexico assisted them in their journeys to the US border. Making them Mexicos problem is a reasonable response.

I'm sure that's your fantasy, but what possible incentive does Mexico have to NOT facilitate them?

Heck, if I were Mexico, given all the shitty things America has done to Mexico since 1836, I would be HELPING them cross the border. I'd be using my intel to track the Border Patrol and tell the Coyotes the best places to cross.

Mexico isn't going to fix our problem for us.

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