H.R. 6678 - Deport Illegals who commit Social Security Fraud

First, that's not what our laws say. Our laws say that if you get here, you can claim asylum and you are entitled to a hearing on your claim. If you don't like the law, that's kind of too bad, but that's what the law currently is.

Second, I will freely admit that a lot of these claims are bogus. For instance, there's that German family that has been claiming asylum for 17 years because Germany has the good sense not to allow home schooling. (We seriously need this kind of law!) It's a bogus claim that was rejected during Obama's term, but they are still here, just receiving yet another extension.

Third, we could probably discourage false claims by simply staffing the asylum bureaucracy adequately. Of course, your boy Trump did the opposite; he slashed the bureaucracy and hoped they would all politely stay in Mexico, waiting their turn. My wife filed an asylum claim 8 years ago because the CCP arrested her for belonging to an organization they didn't approve of. She still hasn't gotten a hearing. They keep extending her visa. (Now that we are married, we are taking the marriage sponsorship, which only requires us to file 200 pages of documentation.)

Fourth, we have a labor shortage in this country. Our economy can easily absorb more people. It just needs to be managed properly and not pander to some redneck inbred from Jesusland who is afraid that a Mexican might fuck his sister because that's his job.

No, they are scamming it so they can work because you can't work without a social security number. Most of them aren't thinking so far ahead that "Well, in forty years, I can retire if the person who I stole this number from doesn't retire first and claim all that money."

Again, this could be changed by making Social Security a national ID Card with biometrics attached to it.

Have you read Lisa's posts? She is the kind of person who freaks out when she sees posters with black people on them at the mall! Oh, also, she is still whining that FDR turned away the passengers of the SS St. Louis, who were Jews trying to get away from Hitler, because they were WHITE! So we totally needed to take those people in.

Your fucked up, Bronze Age religion isn't a race.
You are quite disturbed and woefully misinformed. That is all.
Go whimpering off with your tail between your legs, hoping a Mexican doesn't move in next door.

Funny, my next door neighbor is a doctor and has been married to an Hispanic lady for many years. They have 3 adult children. She, nor her parents, were ever illegal.

I have told you before, I have no issues with anyone’s race. I do have issues with boisterous, misinformed fools that are too ignorant to see how left-wing policies are destroying our country, which is one of the reasons that Democrats are few and far between in my neighborhood. In fairness, Democrats in my area don’t generally have the means , however, I do have to say that is changing due to the influx of Northerners who have partially woken up to the idea that where they lived was terrible. Hopefully they will be wise enough to understand that it was the politicians they voted for that were the root of their problems, but I don’t hold out much hope for that. In addition to being naive and ignorant, they tend to be extremely stubborn and self-absorbed. Admitting they have been wrong is not typically in the cards.
Illegals getting so ial security? That's fraud in itself.

Yes, but Democrats don’t care.

As JoeB131 attempted to explain, they only want SS numbers so they can work legally, despite being in the country illegally. In his (pea) brain, that will put more money into the SS coffers. Meanwhile, he argues that most get more out of SS than they put in. He has that right, but only to a point. The algorithm used to calculate SS benefits ensures(on average) that the lower the average income throughout ones’s life, the more likely they are to draw more SS than they contributed. Beneficiaries receive a lower monthly percentage of their previous income in SS benefits as their income rises. There is also a cap on benefits that doesn’t necessarily coincide with cap on SS earnings. Assuming life expectancy is nearly the same, it stands to reason that the higher earners will receive a smaller portion of their overall contributions before they pass away. It is fair to say that illegals won’t typically be in the upper echelon of earnings, so would ultimately be draining the system, as opposed to helping us as he attempts to explain.

I don’t buy the premise anyway. Getting a SS card opens the doors to many other benefits that are available to them pre-retirement, including the possibility of disability, for example.

Illegals should be deported because they came into our country illegally. It is as simple as that.
I have told you before, I have no issues with anyone’s race. I do have issues with boisterous, misinformed fools that are too ignorant to see how left-wing policies are destroying our country, which is one of the reasons that Democrats are few and far between in my neighborhood.

Really? Frankly, we had it pretty good in this country until Republicans tricked stupid white people that people of color wanted half their cookie.

In fairness, Democrats in my area don’t generally have the means , however, I do have to say that is changing due to the influx of Northerners who have partially woken up to the idea that where they lived was terrible. Hopefully they will be wise enough to understand that it was the politicians they voted for that were the root of their problems, but I don’t hold out much hope for that. In addition to being naive and ignorant, they tend to be extremely stubborn and self-absorbed. Admitting they have been wrong is not typically in the cards.
Again, you don't get why Northerners are moving down there. More often than not, they are following the jobs that big corporations are sending down there because they don't have to follow those silly rules like "Not poisoning the water." then they realize Cleetus and Billy-bob are too stupid to do the jobs that require a modicum of intelligence, so they have to bring down folks from the North. I get an offer a bout once a month to relocate. I ignore them because frankly, I can't stand you people.

As @JoeB131 attempted to explain, they only want SS numbers so they can work legally, despite being in the country illegally. In his (pea) brain, that will put more money into the SS coffers. Meanwhile, he argues that most get more out of SS than they put in. He has that right, but only to a point. The algorithm used to calculate SS benefits ensures(on average) that the lower the average income throughout ones’s life, the more likely they are to draw more SS than they contributed. Beneficiaries receive a lower monthly percentage of their previous income in SS benefits as their income rises. There is also a cap on benefits that doesn’t necessarily coincide with cap on SS earnings. Assuming life expectancy is nearly the same, it stands to reason that the higher earners will receive a smaller portion of their overall contributions before they pass away. It is fair to say that illegals won’t typically be in the upper echelon of earnings, so would ultimately be draining the system, as opposed to helping us as he attempts to explain.

Works on the assumption the illegal is going to be using the same stolen SS Card for his entire career. Most of them don't. So the amount of total contributions to a person's account would be neglible.

As for higher earners, we should be means-testing social security. There's no reason why Bill Gates should be getting a check.

I don’t buy the premise anyway. Getting a SS card opens the doors to many other benefits that are available to them pre-retirement, including the possibility of disability, for example.

Again, I've given you the solution. Make the Social Security card a National ID with biometric features. Problem solved. Except that right doesn't really want to "solve" the problem, they want a workforce they can exploit.

Illegals should be deported because they came into our country illegally. It is as simple as that.
Then go after the white people who keep hiring them.

I've worked at two companies where they hired "subcontractors" that were almost all illegals. The company managers knew they were illegals, and they didn't care. (This was when I was in the packaging industry, which is all sorts of sleazy to start with.)
Because that would be deporting a Democrat vote
And it's not really a crime worth deporting someone over.

If you guys are REALLY worried about Social Security Fraud (far, far more of which is committed by Americans who were born here!) then make the Social Security card a national ID with biometric information.
Really? Frankly, we had it pretty good in this country until Republicans tricked stupid white people that people of color wanted half their cookie.

We had a pretty good country before far-left Democrats starting running the show on the left. Clinton Democrats, for example, were off base, but could have still be led back on course. The current Democratic Party train has jumped tracks and is now headed in the completely wrong direction.

Again, you don't get why Northerners are moving down there. More often than not, they are following the jobs that big corporations are sending down there because they don't have to follow those silly rules like "Not poisoning the water." then they realize Cleetus and Billy-bob are too stupid to do the jobs that require a modicum of intelligence, so they have to bring down folks from the North. I get an offer a bout once a month to relocate. I ignore them because frankly, I can’t stand you people.

Funny. I work in a very technical job. Almost everyone I work with is from this area with degrees from states in this area. Northerners are seeking to leave their cesspools of high taxes and bad weather. I talk to them at coffee shops all the time. Every one I have talked to has said that there was no way they would want to go back.

I actually don’t have a problem with Northerners, just the liberal ones. I had neighbors, who have since retired to Florida, from upstate NY. Very nice people who hated the fact that they had no control over the craziness in the big cities that voted for Democrats. I do have to catch myself putting all Northerners in the same bucket of wackos. Most of the nuts are in the big cities. Funny thing is that the same can be said in the South, just to a lesser extent. The middle of downtown in my nearby city, though still conservative overall, is much more liberal than everywhere else. This is where most of the pierced, blue-haired crowd can be found. Go figure.

Works on the assumption the illegal is going to be using the same stolen SS Card for his entire career. Most of them don't. So the amount of total contributions to a person's account would be neglible.

As for higher earners, we should be means-testing social security. There's no reason why Bill Gates should be getting a check

You mention Bill Gates. There are only a handful of people in his category. What is your real cutoff for high earners that shouldn’t be receiving Social Security? Saving the money from SS benefits from a few billionaires isn’t going to make any difference whatsoever.

Again, I've given you the solution. Make the Social Security card a National ID with biometric features. Problem solved. Except that right doesn't really want to "solve" the problem, they want a workforce they can exploit

That is not why the right doesn’t want it. We aren’t so quick to give up our biometric information to the federal government because we aren’t as naive as you and your short-sighted brethren.

Then go after the white people who keep hiring them.

I've worked at two companies where they hired "subcontractors" that were almost all illegals. The company managers knew they were illegals, and they didn't care. (This was when I was in the packaging industry, which is all sorts of sleazy to start with.)

I don’t have a problem going after companies that hire illegals, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make every attempt to keep them out in the first place. You are basically saying that it is Walgreens fault that they have unsecured merchandise sitting on the shelves which tempt thieves to steal, instead of taking the approach that we will arrest people who steal. It is quite backwards, but typical of lefties.
We had a pretty good country before far-left Democrats starting running the show on the left. Clinton Democrats, for example, were off base, but could have still be led back on course. The current Democratic Party train has jumped tracks and is now headed in the completely wrong direction.

I think you are confused. We had a good country until Reagan started undoing 50 years of progressive policy.

Funny. I work in a very technical job.
Head Possum Catcher isn't a technical job, Cleetus.

I actually don’t have a problem with Northerners, just the liberal ones. I had neighbors, who have since retired to Florida, from upstate NY. Very nice people who hated the fact that they had no control over the craziness in the big cities that voted for Democrats. I do have to catch myself putting all Northerners in the same bucket of wackos. Most of the nuts are in the big cities. Funny thing is that the same can be said in the South, just to a lesser extent. The middle of downtown in my nearby city, though still conservative overall, is much more liberal than everywhere else. This is where most of the pierced, blue-haired crowd can be found. Go figure.

Oh, no, they are offending you with their hair styles! Kind of sounds like kids being kids.

You mention Bill Gates. There are only a handful of people in his category. What is your real cutoff for high earners that shouldn’t be receiving Social Security? Saving the money from SS benefits from a few billionaires isn’t going to make any difference whatsoever.

I would say $400K is a good cutoff. If you made that much, no Social Security for you unless you can show economic hardship.

That is not why the right doesn’t want it. We aren’t so quick to give up our biometric information to the federal government because we aren’t as naive as you and your short-sighted brethren.

Then don't come whining like a little bitch when Paco "borrows" your social security number to work a job.

What amazes me is that you guys get all paranoid about the government having information on you when private organizations know more about you than your loved ones. And you are usually giving them that info over your phone. You don't want the government to know you are you, but Google can tell you everywhere you went last month.

I don’t have a problem going after companies that hire illegals, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make every attempt to keep them out in the first place. You are basically saying that it is Walgreens fault that they have unsecured merchandise sitting on the shelves which tempt thieves to steal, instead of taking the approach that we will arrest people who steal. It is quite backwards, but typical of lefties.

Again, practicality. We don't have enough resources to lock someone up at $30,000 a year because he stole a $40.00 hair dye box.

Just like most of your anti-immigration policies are impractical as long as there are such rewards for coming here.
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Deport Illegals for ( Pedo / NAMBLA activities ) ( Drunk & Drugged Driving ) ( Firearms Violations ) ( Drug Sales ) ( Breaking & entering ) ( Bank Robbery / Robbery ) ( Animal cruelty ) ( Human Trafficking) ( ...
I think you are confused. We had a good country until Reagan started undoing 50 years of progressive policy.

Reagan was the greatest President of our time for those that weren’t deadbeat losers. Explains quite a bit about you.

Head Possum Catcher isn't a technical job, Cleetus.

Head Possum Catcher sure pays better than whatever resume writing job you have in Chicago.

Oh, no, they are offending you with their hair styles! Kind of sounds like kids being kids.

I don’t have a problem with kids being kids, but I do question their sensibilities. They can vote as well, which I know thrills people like you. The less sensible and informed the better.

I would say $400K is a good cutoff. If you made that much, no Social Security for you unless you can show economic hardship.

You went from Bill Gates to $400k/yr. That is a HUGE jump. I sincerely hope your envious, deadbeat mentality isn’t the prevailing one when I get to retirement age.

I guess to people like you, someone making $400k is ultra-wealthy, but it is all a matter of perspective. When I was fresh out of college making very little money, I assumed a person making 100k/yr would be driving a Ferrari and living in a mansion on a golf course. What could they possibly be doing with all that extra money per month when I was living on peanuts?

Again, practicality. We don't have enough resources to lock someone up at $30,000 a year because he stole a $40.00 hair dye box.

Just like most of your anti-immigration policies are impractical as long as there are such rewards for coming here.

We certainly have the resources to deter them. The alternative is to allow everyone to walk in to any store and take whatever they like.

If you were practical you would be in favor of a border wall, which is the epitome of practicality. As far as rewards, many illegals aren’t coming here for the opportunity to work, they are coming here for the gifts that sanctuary cities and Democrats provide them(healthcare, money, housing, etc.). Believe it or not, those are huge incentives for people to come to the US, particularly those coming from impoverished countries.

It is in no way practical to allow anyone and everyone to come into our country.
Reagan was the greatest President of our time for those that weren’t deadbeat losers. Explains quite a bit about you.
Reagan tripled the debt and demolished the middle class with union busting and hyper-inflation. Not sure how you think this is a good thing.


Head Possum Catcher sure pays better than whatever resume writing job you have in Chicago.
Unlikely. My income was six figures the last two years (even though it wasn't limited to just resume writing). With my wife's income added in, we are doing very well.

I don’t have a problem with kids being kids, but I do question their sensibilities. They can vote as well, which I know thrills people like you. The less sensible and informed the better.

Or they are just voting in their own self-interest without the racism, misogyny, and homophobia that infects older generations.

You went from Bill Gates to $400k/yr. That is a HUGE jump. I sincerely hope your envious, deadbeat mentality isn’t the prevailing one when I get to retirement age.

I guess to people like you, someone making $400k is ultra-wealthy, but it is all a matter of perspective. When I was fresh out of college making very little money, I assumed a person making 100k/yr would be driving a Ferrari and living in a mansion on a golf course. What could they possibly be doing with all that extra money per month when I was living on peanuts?

Not at all. The purpose of Social Security was to be a safety net. If you made 400K in your worklife, you didn't need a safety net. It's ridiculous that the government is sending you a check. We need to 1) Raise the SS Cap and 2) Means-test it so that it is only going to those who need it. oh, yeah, and 3) Allow more legal immigration to make up for the kids who were never born to replace the boomers who are retiring en-masse right now.

We certainly have the resources to deter them. The alternative is to allow everyone to walk in to any store and take whatever they like.

Sure. Tighter security. Detectors at the door. Lock up the high-value items that are actually worth the trouble of stealing. What everyone figured out hasn't worked is locking up a kid for a year at $30,000 to the taxpayers, ruining his employment prospects for life, over a $40.00 package of hair dye.

If you were practical you would be in favor of a border wall, which is the epitome of practicality. As far as rewards, many illegals aren’t coming here for the opportunity to work, they are coming here for the gifts that sanctuary cities and Democrats provide them(healthcare, money, housing, etc.). Believe it or not, those are huge incentives for people to come to the US, particularly those coming from impoverished countries.

Sorry, man, most of them want to work. They have better work ethics than most Americans. A wall is just stupid. If someone has travelled 2000 miles to get here over mountains and through deserts, they aren't going to be deterred by a wall that can be defeated with $200.00 worth of tools from the Home Depot.

Here's what we need to do if you are serious about curtailing this.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security, so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweat shop owner, but the clown who hires a truckload of day-laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery.

It is in no way practical to allow anyone and everyone to come into our country.
Well, since no one actually suggested that, a good thing.

What we DO need are more immigrants to prop up the entitlement programs listed above.
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Unlikely. My income was six figures the last two years (even though it wasn't limited to just resume writing). With my wife's income added in, we are doing very well.

Congrats. Surpassing six figures must be quite an achievement in your circles.

Or they are just voting in their own self-interest without the racism, misogyny, and homophobia that infects older generations.

Right, we all know the kids are the wise ones who know what’s best. Been that way since the dawn of time, right?

Not at all. The purpose of Social Security was to be a safety net. If you made 400K in your worklife, you didn't need a safety net. It's ridiculous that the government is sending you a check. We need to 1) Raise the SS Cap and 2) Means-test it so that it is only going to those who need it. oh, yeah, and 3) Allow more legal immigration to make up for the kids who were never born to replace the boomers who are retiring en-masse right now.

Raising the SS cap without raising the benefit is more theft from the “rich”. Means testing and not allowing someone who paid into the system their entire lives to collect any benefit is also theft. We don’t need more people, particularly people with the mindset of you. We will be bankrupt in not time.

Sure. Tighter security. Detectors at the door. Lock up the high-value items that are actually worth the trouble of stealing. What everyone figured out hasn't worked is locking up a kid for a year at $30,000 to the taxpayers, ruining his employment prospects for life, over a $40.00 package of hair dye.

This is just STUPID. Criminals love your type, but then again, you kind of are a criminal yourself, you just leave it to the Democratic Party to do the stealing on your behalf.

Sorry, man, most of them want to work. They have better work ethics than most Americans. A wall is just stupid. If someone has travelled 2000 miles to get here over mountains and through deserts, they aren't going to be deterred by a wall that can be defeated with $200.00 worth of tools from the Home Depot.

Sorry, but people will come for freebees. Grow up.
Congrats. Surpassing six figures must be quite an achievement in your circles.

Yes, it puts me way ahead of most of the white trash in Jesusland. Probably ahead of you, Double-wide.

Right, we all know the kids are the wise ones who know what’s best. Been that way since the dawn of time, right?

We'd still be fighting a pointless war in Vietnam if the Youth of the 1960's hadn't said, "NO!"

Raising the SS cap without raising the benefit is more theft from the “rich”. Means testing and not allowing someone who paid into the system their entire lives to collect any benefit is also theft. We don’t need more people, particularly people with the mindset of you. We will be bankrupt in not time.

My mindset is one of going to work every day and doing a job, paying my taxes, and oh, yeah, when I was a young man, serving my country.

What isn't sustainable is wealth inequality on the level we have. Eventually, poor people will get sick of being poor.

This is just STUPID. Criminals love your type, but then again, you kind of are a criminal yourself, you just leave it to the Democratic Party to do the stealing on your behalf.

When the poor steal, it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called Profits.

Sorry, but people will come for freebees. Grow up.
You might have a point there... We spend 2.5 TRILLION on middle class entitlements that mostly benefit white people. Oh, but you're entitled to that.

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