Haaretz: Thank You Russia, for Setting Limits on Israel


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Obviously a self hating Jew. Seriously, Israel just doing what it planned on doing all along, using the American military.

Thank you, Mother Russia, for imposing boundaries on Israel | Opinion

To Russia With Love

For the first time in years another state is saying to Israel: Stop right there. At least in Syria, that’s the end of it. Thank you, Mother Russia.

By Gideon Levy

A ray of hope is breaking through: Someone is setting limits on Israel. For the first time in years another state is making it clear to Israel that there are restrictions to its power, that it’s not okay for it to do whatever it wants, that it’s not alone in the game, that America can’t always cover for it and that there’s a limit to the harm it can do.

Israel needed someone to set these limits like it needed oxygen. The recent years’ hubris and geopolitical reality enabled it to run rampant. It could patrol Lebanon’s skies as if they were its own; bombard in Syria’s air space as if it were Gaza’s air space; destroy Gaza periodically, put it under endless siege and continue, of course, to occupy the West Bank. Suddenly someone stood up and said: Stop right there. At least in Syria: That’s the end of it. Thank you, Mother Russia, for setting limits on a child whom no one has restrained for a long time.

The Israeli stupefaction at the Russian response and the paralysis that gripped it only showed how much Israel needed a responsible adult to rein it in. Does anyone dare prevent Israel’s freedom of movement in another country? Is anyone hindering it from flying in skies not its own? Is anyone keeping it from bombing as much as it pleases? For decades Israel hasn’t encountered such a strange phenomenon. Israel Hayom reported, of course, that anti-Semitism is growing in Russia. Israel is getting ready to play the next victim card, but its arrogance has suddenly gone missing. Article... Thank you, Mother Russia, for imposing boundaries on Israel | Opinion


"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is
guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even
more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab
confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to
the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria
and in Lebanon..." - Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for
Israel in the Nineteen Eighties"

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and
even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein
from power in Iraq..." Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, "A Clean Break: A New
Strategy for Securing the Realm
(Israel)" 1996

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with
Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off,
Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

The Jews have always been plagued by a Self-Hating element in their ranks. Damned shame, that.
The Jews have always been plagued by a Self-Hating element in their ranks. Damned shame, that.

It's a defense mechanism. Jews, even assimilated Jews, are frequently distanced from non-Jews by their ethnicity. Some of us are OK with that, even a little bit proud of it. Others are so desperate for a connection with the non-Jewish community they will go along with anything they say to gain that acceptance.

Self-hating Jews are like popular Xmas songs .... created by Jews but really popular with the Xtians.
The US is most certainly Israel's bitch.
US elites blame Russia for just about everything including "interference" while Israeli Lobby basically tells US Congress what to do. And for some reason it's not called "interference".

Oliver Stone: You better look at Israel and Mr. Netanyahu who comes to USA and talks to the Congress just before the elections. Or look at our billionaires like Soros who donate millions to certain candidates. Or look at Israeli Lobby who works with our Congressmen so close. This is the real interference. Don’t talk about Russian interference: Russians are not pouring their money into US political processes.

Interview to a Russian TV channel
The US is most certainly Israel's bitch.

That was clear when they deliberately murdered 34 American sailors on the USS Liberty and LBJ and congress covered it up. The goal was to drag us into their war with Egypt. If they thought it was "mistaken identity," why did they attacked with unmarked planes? That and many other questions were never answered by the official whitewash.

The Jews have always been plagued by a Self-Hating element in their ranks. Damned shame, that.

It's a defense mechanism. Jews, even assimilated Jews, are frequently distanced from non-Jews by their ethnicity. Some of us are OK with that, even a little bit proud of it. Others are so desperate for a connection with the non-Jewish community they will go along with anything they say to gain that acceptance.

Self-hating Jews are like popular Xmas songs .... created by Jews but really popular with the Xtians.

How about these good Jews against Zionism? They are rabbis and they say that modern Israel is an "abomination" that should not exist, and that it is doing evil. They say the Torah says Israel is not supposed to come into existence until after the coming of the Messiah, which would be the Second Coming for Christians. That's why Fundies are so eager for the Middle East to blow itself up. That's when the get raptured to Heaven.

Many rabbis even before Israel's founding said it was an un-Godly idea. They were right.

...How about these good Jews against Zionism? ...
Self-hating Jews, shielded under the defense umbrella of The West and lacking a need to protect themselves on a day-to-day existential basis.

The sort of cattle that went stupidly into the gas chambers, bleating like sheep.

Jews without balls, hating those Jews who finally found their balls again, after the better part of two thousand years.

Weak Jews, trying to pull down strong Jews.

Phukk 'em.
My guess is that the name of the author "Gideon Levy" is too convenient to be true. The article is so poorly written that it could have been authored by a High School kid or a jihadist unfamiliar with the English language..
My guess is that the name of the author "Gideon Levy" is too convenient to be true. The article is so poorly written that it could have been authored by a High School kid or a jihadist unfamiliar with the English language..

By Jove... I think you've got it... Achmed isn't quite as clever as he would like to think...:21:
...How about these good Jews against Zionism? ...
Self-hating Jews, shielded under the defense umbrella of The West and lacking a need to protect themselves on a day-to-day existential basis.

The sort of cattle that went stupidly into the gas chambers, bleating like sheep.

Jews without balls, hating those Jews who finally found their balls again, after the better part of two thousand years.

Weak Jews, trying to pull down strong Jews.

Phukk 'em.

Zionists think bombing unarmed children in Gaza and firing on unarmed protesters is "tough," because they cannot stand against a real army without big brother USA standing behind them. IDF soldiers look like pussies who don't even lift weights and barely fill out their uniforms.

...Zionists think ..."tough,"... because they cannot stand against a real army without big brother USA standing behind them. IDF soldiers look like pussies who don't even lift weights and barely fill out their uniforms...


Anytime you wanna come back for more, Achmed, feel free to come knockin'...

Let us know when you've got a "real army" to go up against them, rag-head...

So America can sit back and watch the Israelis kick your ass again... and again... and again...

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