Hacking by foreign government compromises US security.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
A real matter of national security quietly slips under the radar as Democrats and some Republicans go full fucking retard over the hacked emails of a corrupt DNC and the media, who colluded to anoint Hillary Clinton the nations first female President.

"Chinese spies reportedly hacked into secret US war plans, gaining information about nuclear weapons, and snooping into electrical power grids and financial networks. US Diplomatic, economic, and defense industrial sectors have also been the targets of China."

“US critical infrastructure entities are a major target of Chinese cyber operations, and China is capable of significantly disrupting or damaging these entities,”

China repeatedly hacked US, stole data on nukes, FBI & war plans – security report

As this serious breach happens people like GOP stratagist John Weaver sends out Tweets comparing the DNC hack to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor
Media types hit panic button over CIA Russia assessment

As the drama queens of fake doom lose their collective minds over the bad security measures of the governing body of the Democratic Party, normal, freethinking people should be wondering who is really try to influence the outcome of the Presidential election.
You can bet your bottom dollar, the Chinese hacked Cankle's server...and the NSA, Obama, and many others know it. I am betting most of the MSM knew it before the election, but did not inform Americans.
Obastard is working on it.
You can bet your bottom dollar, the Chinese hacked Cankle's server...and the NSA, Obama, and many others know it. I am betting most of the MSM knew it before the election, but did not inform Americans.
Russia does the same. Hell every country in the world does the same as we do to them. But the DNC hack was not a national security thing they need to get better cyber-security measures.
It wasn't Russia it was dumb Americans. "Trump was in plain view. He had all along been in plain view. His hatred for uppity or “nasty” women, his racism, his prickliness, his narcissism, his rich white boy arrogance and entitlement (apparently even to strange women and other men’s wives), his cronyism and his fundamental dishonesty were on display 24/7 during some 18 months of the campaign, and it wasn’t as though he were an unknown quantity before that." No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself

"One of the more maddening things this week, says Mr. Rosenthal is the way that President-elect Trump has been stacking his cabinet with “the entitled, rich, privileged, white men who run Wall Street or large banks or come straight out of the Washington power structure that he supposedly fought against.” Then, says Mr. Rosenthal, the President-elect tosses in a woman or an African-American appointee, and the news tells “fairy tales” about the Mr. Trump moving to “diversify his team.”" NYT Story by Susan Lehman

'Dear hard-working white people: Congratulations, you played yourself...Donald Trump's not bringing back those imaginary factory jobs — so I hope racism keeps you warm at night' Dear hard-working white people: Congratulations, you played yourself
You can bet your bottom dollar, the Chinese hacked Cankle's server...and the NSA, Obama, and many others know it. I am betting most of the MSM knew it before the election, but did not inform Americans.
Russia does the same. Hell every country in the world does the same as we do to them. But the DNC hack was not a national security thing they need to get better cyber-security measures.
Russia attacking the integrity of our election is a serious national security issue your man has every intention of ignoring.
You can bet your bottom dollar, the Chinese hacked Cankle's server...and the NSA, Obama, and many others know it. I am betting most of the MSM knew it before the election, but did not inform Americans.
Russia does the same. Hell every country in the world does the same as we do to them. But the DNC hack was not a national security thing they need to get better cyber-security measures.
Russia attacking the integrity of our election is a serious national security issue your man has every intention of ignoring.
Fake news is to your liking...know?

Please provide the proof of Russia attacking the integrity of our election.
You can bet your bottom dollar, the Chinese hacked Cankle's server...and the NSA, Obama, and many others know it. I am betting most of the MSM knew it before the election, but did not inform Americans.
Russia does the same. Hell every country in the world does the same as we do to them. But the DNC hack was not a national security thing they need to get better cyber-security measures.
And again, we can be assured that Cankle's server was hacked by many foriegn governments.

I can only assume those governments obtained a great deal of classified information...but don't expect our government or media to tell us the truth.

If true, Hillary should be in Supermax serving a lifer.
They did
You can bet your bottom dollar, the Chinese hacked Cankle's server...and the NSA, Obama, and many others know it. I am betting most of the MSM knew it before the election, but did not inform Americans.
Russia does the same. Hell every country in the world does the same as we do to them. But the DNC hack was not a national security thing they need to get better cyber-security measures.
Russia attacking the integrity of our election is a serious national security issue your man has every intention of ignoring.
No one attacked the integrity of the election you twit. The only failure of integrity evident was that of the DNC, the media. and the Clinton campaign

. Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

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