Haiti official set to testify against the Clinton Foundation found dead in Miami


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A Haiti official who exposed the corrupt Clinton Foundation after millions of donated relief money was spent on things other than helping the victims and who was set to testify next week, is dead.

He had a gunshot to the head and it was called a suicide. Just another suicide of a person who was set to harm the Clintons. This has happened too many times now and it's damn difficult to keep saying it's just another coincidence. If you are in a position to hurt the Clintons, apparently you immediately become suicidal. How many people have been killed or supposedly shot themselves at a time when they were just about to testify against the Clintons? Too fucking many.

Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead
Aww now. They're just mad at her because she scammed all that money that was supposed to help the Haitians.

That and the Haitian kids she was stealing for Pedo Island.
Aww now. They're just mad at her because she scammed all that money that was supposed to help the Haitians.

That and the Haitian kids she was stealing for Pedo Island.

The guy had exposed them. There were a lot of protesters who came to Washington from Haiti to demand answers as to where the money went. Fancy hotels and some factories were built in Northern Haiti, all that benefit that evil 1% but little was done for the victims of the earth quake in Southern Haiti. People donated that money to the Clinton Global Initiative for the poor people affected by the disaster and it was spent to help people who contributed to the Clinton Foundation. Few homes were rebuilt. The people just wanted to put their cities back together but Clintons preferred to help those who could help them instead. It was treated as their personal slush fund. No wonder it dried up when Hillary lost. No more favors to be purchased.

And the guy who knew too much is no longer with us. I hope this doesn't end because one witness is gone. This still needs to be investigated. The timing of so many deaths surrounding the Clintons is beyond creepy. It's become predictable. Go after them and you suddenly become suicidal or die from some freak accident. .
A Haiti official who exposed the corrupt Clinton Foundation after millions of donated relief money was spent on things other than helping the victims and who was set to testify next week, is dead.

He had a gunshot to the head and it was called a suicide. Just another suicide of a person who was set to harm the Clintons. This has happened too many times now and it's damn difficult to keep saying it's just another coincidence. If you are in a position to hurt the Clintons, apparently you immediately become suicidal. How many people have been killed or supposedly shot themselves at a time when they were just about to testify against the Clintons? Too fucking many.

Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead

how dare you insult the greatest first family America has ever had by implying they would EVER do anything underhanded. After all, people every day shoot themselves in the back of the head and through the spine at 250 yards with a .308 and then drag themselves away from the scene leaving bloodtrails.
take off the tinfoil hat

"In the note recovered by police, Smith reportedly apologised to authorities and said "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER" was involved in his death.

He reportedly said he was taking his own life because of a "RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017", adding that the timing related to life insurance of $5 million expiring."
Her opposition seems very suicidal. Dying of most mysterious causes.

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