Half time show Superbowl

Former drug dealer Jay-Z is put on a pedestal by the left for being an activist for his people. The same guy that profited off destroying the minds and bodies of the people in his community, not to mention glorifying the violence in it, is hailed as an activist. Let the guy make any kind of symbolic gesture he wants, but truth be told, he was part of a greater problem. Now he’s just a corporate lapdog getting paid millions for publicity.
Touching themselves, shaking their bare asses, dancing on a stripper's pole...
Don't worry though we men are not to look at them as sex objects.
That would be wrong.
Jay Z of course not standing for the National Anthem cause of all the injustice towards black people as he is being wined and dined and pockets lined by the NFL.
Ahhhh, the grievance industry.
They are careful to call it a Halftime Show and not a musical event as there is long on show and very short on actual music.

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Half the time she was singing in Spanish! Not even English.
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I liked this part where all the guys were holding horns but none actually PLAYING them. View attachment 304291 View attachment 304292 View attachment 304293

Shaking your asses in the camera's face as 50 little girls look on.
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Next year, Junior will want his own TV for his bedroom. Just when we were told that women have moved on from being objectified for their bodies.

Believe me, I'm no prude by any measure, but if I want porn, I don't need the NFL for it.

Good one, Roger.
Our daily helping of blatant leftwing double standards and hypocrisy.

Trust me, I can appreciate that, but not in that setting.

Metoo metoo metoo.

Woman are not sex objects!!! They will then tell us how bad we are for staring at their bumps or watching them touch hoo-haas on live TV.

Metoo metoo metoo....
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I didn't know asshole Jay-Z didn't stand for the anthem. If he doesn't like it here in the US and feels he's being oppressed, I have a solution for him. Forfeit all his money and fortune and move to somewhere like Venezuela or a country in the Middle East. Problem solved.

You know, I served 20 years in the US Navy, and once a year, we had 1 week of training on Navy Rights and Responsibilities. During that week, we were told what we could and couldn't do, as well as why we couldn't do it. One of the main subjects that came up was concerning the 1st Amendment and the right to free speech.

Did you know that as a member of the military you are not allowed to associate or be part of groups that the military would consider as being discreditable? Civilians can join any groups they want to without consequences. And, if I wanted to go to a political rally, I had to check with my Public Affairs Officer to find out what I could and couldn't do at the rally. One of the big no no's was wearing a uniform to a rally for a particular candidate as civilians would think that was an endorsement from that branch of the military for that candidate. Nope, sorry, can't do that as the military doesn't support any individual candidate, we work for the whole country.

As far as not standing for the anthem? Doesn't bother me at all, because that person is availing themselves of the rights that I defended and fought for during my 20 year career, and if they feel secure enough in their rights to say what they want, then my service wasn't in vain, as the Constitution is still the law of the land.

What pisses me off is the idiots who are eligible to vote but refuse. The Constitution also guarantees the rights of citizens to vote, and if you are eligible but choose not to, you are pissing all over the service of the military.

Touching themselves, shaking their bare asses, dancing on a stripper's pole...

Don't worry though we men are not to look at them as sex objects.

That would be wrong.

Jay Z of course not standing for the National Anthem cause of all the injustice towards black people as he is being wined and dined and pockets lined by the NFL.

Ahhhh, the grievance industry.

Guess who loved it !


Jeb Bush
Best Super Bowl half time show ever.
How Hispanic Is Jeb Bush?
April 07,2015
Bush, who is “actively exploring” a Presidential run in 2016, has come under fire for a 2009 Miami-Dade County voter-registration application in which he identified himself as Hispanic. The Times has a photocopy of the document, which requires an original signature next to an oath declaring “that all information provided in this application is true.” A spokeswoman could offer no explanation for the error, but the most likely one is that it gives new meaning to the term “honest mistake.” Bush has a long history of identifying with and immersing himself in the Hispanic community. His wife, Columba, is Mexican-born, and his three children are mixed-race. But, as the media was quick to remind Bush (who was born in Texas, to two exceedingly American parents, George and Barbara), ethnic identities are not exactly elective.
Would this be a good time to post some pics of the 1st Lady nude and touching her privates?

Sure! I've never seen most of those as they were printed in magazines only for people intending to see them, not on national TV during prime time on a family TV show.

Awwww. Poor thing.
Poor nothing. I'm not the one laughing alone, I'm laughing in a large group -- -- -- at YOU. I don't personally consider Melania "my type" but she is definitely prettier than most wives and you wish you could do as well when you're 73. Bravo to Donald for always picking them.

Touching themselves, shaking their bare asses, dancing on a stripper's pole...
Don't worry though we men are not to look at them as sex objects.
That would be wrong.
Jay Z of course not standing for the National Anthem cause of all the injustice towards black people as he is being wined and dined and pockets lined by the NFL.
Ahhhh, the grievance industry.

You know, I hate to lay this trip, but in reflecting further, it occurs to me that some guys will watch stuff like this and they will want to go out and rape a girl. I wonder how J-Lo and "Shakira" (as if that were really her name) would feel if they found out they had contributed to some girl getting raped, molested or murdered somewhere? I wonder how Roger G would feel if the perp was caught and confessed that seeing stuff like this is what drove him to it and someone laid a lawsuit on his ass?

What has happened to our social standards of restraint and tastefulness? Someone said it best when they remarked the Halftime Show was getting awfully close to what one might see in a can-can Vegas show or in a strip club (short of the actual stripping). All this does is desensitize people to where an increasing amount of sex (and violence) becomes the normal in our society.

Touching themselves, shaking their bare asses, dancing on a stripper's pole...
Don't worry though we men are not to look at them as sex objects.
That would be wrong.
Jay Z of course not standing for the National Anthem cause of all the injustice towards black people as he is being wined and dined and pockets lined by the NFL.
Ahhhh, the grievance industry.

You know, I hate to lay this trip, but in reflecting further, it occurs to me that some guys will watch stuff like this and they will want to go out and rape a girl. I wonder how J-Lo and "Shakira" (as if that were really her name) would feel if they found out they had contributed to some girl getting raped, molested or murdered somewhere? I wonder how Roger G would feel if the perp was caught and confessed that seeing stuff like this is what drove him to it and someone laid a lawsuit on his ass?

What has happened to our social standards of restraint and tastefulness? Someone said it best when they remarked the Halftime Show was getting awfully close to what one might see in a can-can Vegas show or in a strip club (short of the actual stripping). All this does is desensitize people to where an increasing amount of sex (and violence) becomes the normal in our society.

Only a moron thinks to saddle a woman with sexual violence perpetrated by a man.

I don't see why they need to show their "junk" to everyone, so I can agree with that. It was a terrible show because they do medleys and never complete an entire song. If anything, it is annoying.
Totally agree, I watched a few minutes and that was too long. Compare that boring repetitive sleaze fest to Katie Perry's incredibly visual and creative show a few years ago.
I don't see why they need to show their "junk" to everyone, so I can agree with that. It was a terrible show because they do medleys and never complete an entire song. If anything, it is annoying.

Sounds like a Hater.

Why do you say that? Explain. :D

They didn't show their junk, usually women that complain about other women are the women most men wouldn't even know you are in the room.
I don't see why they need to show their "junk" to everyone, so I can agree with that. It was a terrible show because they do medleys and never complete an entire song. If anything, it is annoying.

Sounds like a Hater.

Why do you say that? Explain. :D

They didn't show their junk, usually women that complain about other women are the women most men wouldn't even know you are in the room.

They did, and pictures prove it. Because I don't want to see their vaginas and asses, that doesn't make me hate them. You, as usual, are wrong.
What is funny you haters claim to not have liked the halftime show, but damn you can tell us every dance move that happened.
I thought it was good at first. Came out in the red outfit. It covered her, and she was good. Then jlo came out, I enjoyed. But it's not family friendly. All I got to say.
I don't see why they need to show their "junk" to everyone, so I can agree with that. It was a terrible show because they do medleys and never complete an entire song. If anything, it is annoying.

Sounds like a Hater.

Why do you say that? Explain. :D

They didn't show their junk, usually women that complain about other women are the women most men wouldn't even know you are in the room.

They did, and pictures prove it. Because I don't want to see their vaginas and asses, that doesn't make me hate them. You, as usual, are wrong.

Where did they show their vaginas or asses?

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