Halp! Laptop and Desktop not Loading Pages

A DoS on the IPs server would do it though, slow down everyones service but I agree, my initial thought is the router is failing but not the NIC because all the computers are experiencing the same issue, not just one.

Here at work I use layer 3 switches that isolate bad packets. But at home I use the same Linksys router everyone else does. :)

I have 7 machines on the home LAN. My son had a failing NIC (on board, naturally!) and it flooded the LAN with bad packets, no one could do anything. Put a little PCI NIC on his box and it cleared right up.

Oh, learn something new every day. Thanks!
I had a card go bad years ago but it only affected the one computer, didn't realize it could do that.
So yesterday a.m. all was fine. Yesterday afternoon the laptop and desktop stopped loading certain pages. This site/pages is/are fine but when we try to log on to other sites (news sites, youtube -- it seems random) it just spins and spins. The status bar progresses very slowly if at all. Even sites that it is bringing up it will often load the page and we can navigate it but the status bar won't quite complete and the spinny thing on the tab doesn't stop spinning.

We're running FF 8.0.1 on the laptop; FF 4. something on the desktop, Kaspersky anti-virus. Any ideas where/what we should be looking at to resolve this? I've cleared the cache, rebooted, disconnected/reconnected to the internet (though have not rebooted the modem/router yet).

Since it's on both computers (don't know about oldest's laptop, will check when she rouses) it's making me think an update - Kaspersky perhaps? - is the problem. Did a Windows update last night (it doesn't automatically do updates so it wasn't a Windows update because the problem started before I did the update) but the problem persists.

Any suggestions? Keep in mind I'm not a computer geek. :)

Oh, I also tried loading stuff in IE but the same problem occurred.

How long has it been since you emptied your cookies ?
If you don't know how ask how on the web and it will tell you how to do it. They give instructions for all the types of windows and other operating applications.
Sometimes it's the most simple things that most of us don't think about that causes the problem.
^^ I've deleted cookies and cleared the cache a couple of times. Doesn't seem to make any difference.
If the modem was going bad would/could it have these types of issues?
If the modem was going bad would/could it have these types of issues?

Not if you're not using it, shouldn't be an issue at all.

Ok, I said I wasn't really computer savvy so don't laugh at this . . is the modem only used by the desktop? I thought the modem sent the signals through the router, which lets us connect wirelessly, to all the computers?
If the modem was going bad would/could it have these types of issues?

Not if you're not using it, shouldn't be an issue at all.

Ok, I said I wasn't really computer savvy so don't laugh at this . . is the modem only used by the desktop? I thought the modem sent the signals through the router, which lets us connect wirelessly, to all the computers?

That's what the NIC cards and routers are, they're basically modems, sorry, I was thinking phone line.
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If you can go to Hulu (or any other site offering 720dp or better videos) and watch videos without it breaking up, pausing, connection problems etc. If you can watch a video there without any problems - then I would say you do NOT have a router issue.
If your system/router is dropping packets (connection problems) - you should definitely not be able to watch 10-15 minutes of a streaming hi-res video without interruption.

If you can do this without problems - then I agree with Ringel - you are being hijacked.
Ok, so after I turned off the desktop last night we weren't online for a couple of hours. Around 9:30pm I figured I'd try one more time on our laptop to see what was going on. Zero problems. Zip, page loaded. Zing, video loaded. Everything that I couldn't access earlier was working fine. Going to 'tools', 'add-ons' 'get add-ons' had been getting a message saying 'if you were connected to the internet (which we were connected) you'd be seeing all these nifty add-ons from Firefox'. Last night I could browse the add-ons because they loaded. Even Mozillazine was loading. Hmmmm.

Tried again this morning and all was well. Turned the desktop back on around 6a.m. and just now got back home and am trying things and everything is working well. Actually, it's working more than well . . . it's like someone gave my computer puppy uppers. Uber fast, no problems, everything loading ... pages, videos, pictures on Facebook, etc. The page loads completely (the status bars finishes) and the green spinny thing on the tab disappears because the page completely loads.

Maybe Verizon was working on something and that was interfering? We have DSL so . . . I have no idea. Thanks for everyone who posted with help/suggestions. It was so sucky yesterday because I couldn't look up what was wrong with the computer because something was wrong with the computer. :rolleyes: USMB was the only place that was working well where I could ask questions and knew I'd get responses. So thanks again you guys!
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Ok, so after I turned off the desktop last night we weren't online for a couple of hours. Around 9:30pm I figured I'd try one more time on our laptop to see what was going on. Zero problems. Zip, page loaded. Zing, video loaded. Everything that I couldn't access earlier was working fine. Going to 'tools', 'add-ons' 'get add-ons' had been getting a message saying 'if you were connected to the internet (which we were connected) you'd be seeing all these nifty add-ons from Firefox'. Last night I could browse the add-ons because they loaded. Even Mozillazine was loading. Hmmmm.

Tried again this morning and all was well. Turned the desktop back on around 6a.m. and just now got back home and am trying things and everything is working well. Actually, it's working more than well . . . it's like someone gave my computer puppy uppers. Uber fast, no problems, everything loading ... pages, videos, pictures on Facebook, etc. The page loads completely (the status bars finishes) and the green spinny thing on the tab disappears because the page completely loads.

Maybe Verizon was working on something and that was interfering? We have DSL so . . . I have no idea. Thanks for everyone who posted with help/suggestions. It was so sucky yesterday because I couldn't look up what was wrong with the computer because something was wrong with the computer. :rolleyes: USMB was the only place that was working well where I could ask questions and knew I'd get responses. So thanks again you guys!

Do you have instant messenger? If so, PM me and let's see if I can help 1:1.

Ok, so after I turned off the desktop last night we weren't online for a couple of hours. Around 9:30pm I figured I'd try one more time on our laptop to see what was going on. Zero problems. Zip, page loaded. Zing, video loaded. Everything that I couldn't access earlier was working fine. Going to 'tools', 'add-ons' 'get add-ons' had been getting a message saying 'if you were connected to the internet (which we were connected) you'd be seeing all these nifty add-ons from Firefox'. Last night I could browse the add-ons because they loaded. Even Mozillazine was loading. Hmmmm.

Tried again this morning and all was well. Turned the desktop back on around 6a.m. and just now got back home and am trying things and everything is working well. Actually, it's working more than well . . . it's like someone gave my computer puppy uppers. Uber fast, no problems, everything loading ... pages, videos, pictures on Facebook, etc. The page loads completely (the status bars finishes) and the green spinny thing on the tab disappears because the page completely loads.

Maybe Verizon was working on something and that was interfering? We have DSL so . . . I have no idea. Thanks for everyone who posted with help/suggestions. It was so sucky yesterday because I couldn't look up what was wrong with the computer because something was wrong with the computer. :rolleyes: USMB was the only place that was working well where I could ask questions and knew I'd get responses. So thanks again you guys!

Do you have instant messenger? If so, PM me and let's see if I can help 1:1.


Nah, I never did go for any of that stuff. Thanks for the offer though, R. :)

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