Hamas and Gaza and how I see it

You’re such a HAMAS propagandist.

The first hijacking was done by someone imprisoned in a Hungarian labor camp, and he hijacked his way to West Germany. He had a Jewish-sounding name.

I guess from now on whenever a Jew does something wrong, you HAMAS sympathizers will say “Israel did it.”
in catholic countries and Lutheran countries----POLTICIANS simply invented jewish
ancestors for their opponents
The situation of the people of Gaza is the same as it was for the people of Nazi Germany. Hamas is the government of Gaza, and the people of Gaza are just as responsible for the actions of their government as the people of Nazi Germany were for theirs. Unfortunately, so much suffering has to happen but there is no other way anything else will just prolong suffering for generations.

Some people say that Hamas is worse than the Nazis? I agree they’re comparable with the NAZIs. Hamas came to power the same way the Nazis did, they were elected. I know there was a civil war, but Hamas won the war and is now the rulers of Gaza. The people of Gaza accepted their rule and that makes them their government. And I have no doubt that Hamas would exterminate the Jewish people if they had the ability to do it and we could do nothing about it but protests. It is up to the Jews to protect themselves and I think that’s what they will do.

If Israel is ever to have peace, they have to eliminate Hamas; to do that, they must invade Gaza and destroy parts of Gaza. Those high-rise buildings are the high ground that Hamas will use to kill troops with snipers and tanks for anti-tank weapons as well as kill Israeli drones. Every building that is destroyed now saves Israeli soldier’s lives in the future. Once the buildings are down, the IDF can use drones to detect enemy activity and take them out with artillery and gunships rather than sacrificing their troops. I think it’s reasonable that the IDF does not have to wait until their soldiers are killed before they knock down those buildings, so destroying the buildings of Gaza is a justifiable act of war.
There is one aspect that needs to be considered here though. Yes it is the people's fault for allowing a bad government to come to power, most especially a totalitarian/authoritarian vicious bloodthirsty one.

But you can be sure the people of Russia did not know what horrors the regimes of Lenin and Stalin would be. Maybe most Palestinians didn't know how vile and vicious Hamas would be. And those who voted for Biden almost certainly wanted him to be great.

Once in power, however, the people of Russia or the people of Palestine had no say whatsoever in what their government did to them or to others. And any who vigorously complained or opposed generally quickly became among the disappeared. So even those who hate what their countries or government have become give affirming lip service as they have no other choice. To refuse to do so could cost them their livelihood, the roof over their head, their freedom, their lives.

I am guessing there is also a LOT of buyer's remorse among those who voted for Biden considering the disastrous results of that vote, and they are all culpable in that but are not necessarily guilty of the bad/evil as they didn't realize what they were voting in.

Many, maybe most of those who voted for Biden, no matter how bloody, costly, unpleasant, horrible the consequences, do not necessarily fear the government in our system but they continue to say they support him lest they become among the 'untouchables' of their societies. (Plus their egos won't allow them to admit they were wrong.) But given the same choice now, knowing what they know, at least some would never vote for him again.

All this is to say, let's don't assume there are no innocents in all of this. There are even as it is hard to accept that it is necessary for innocents to suffer in order to eradicate great evil.
I have been accused of cheer leading, but It’s not cheerleading to speak to truth. I don’t have a team to cheer for, and even if did I would not cheer. War is not a game one plays for amusement; it is a dirty business that kills, cripples and mutilated both military and civilian alike.

I have principle of life that I believe in; one of which is, what one does to one’s enemy that enemy has a right to it to in return. I don’t believe the Israeli army will do to the Palestinians what Hamas did to the Jews. But they do have a right to destroy Hamas and it doesn’t matter how many human shields stand in the way.

There is one aspect of this Gaza situation that bothers me on a personal basis. There are Palestinian-American fathers in Gaza city that are keeping their families there so their children can be human shields for Hamas. Don’t tell me they can’t get out of the city, it is not that big; they can walk out. What kind of father would sacrifice his minor children on the altar of propaganda in an effort to save terrorist. My opinion is that a father whose children are killed or injured in Gaza City should face criminal charges on arrival back in the US.
I have been accused of cheer leading, but It’s not cheerleading to speak to truth. I don’t have a team to cheer for, and even if did I would not cheer. War is not a game one plays for amusement; it is a dirty business that kills, cripples and mutilated both military and civilian alike.

I have principle of life that I believe in; one of which is, what one does to one’s enemy that enemy has a right to it to in return. I don’t believe the Israeli army will do to the Palestinians what Hamas did to the Jews. But they do have a right to destroy Hamas and it doesn’t matter how many human shields stand in the way.

There is one aspect of this Gaza situation that bothers me on a personal basis. There are Palestinian-American fathers in Gaza city that are keeping their families there so their children can be human shields for Hamas. Don’t tell me they can’t get out of the city, it is not that big; they can walk out. What kind of father would sacrifice his minor children on the altar of propaganda in an effort to save terrorist. My opinion is that a father whose children are killed or injured in Gaza City should face criminal charges on arrival back in the US.
well, gee, sorta. The libel that Gazans are IMPRISONED in Gaza is so dear to the
Jihadist's heart----that, IMO, it would be almost impossible to WRENCH it away.
In the past---something like 85 years, muslims have been desperate to BE the jews of
GERMANY and even the jews of Shariah Shit holes. A theory of cannibalism as practice
amongst people like the INCAs-----was that the person eating---the other guy----was
somehow IMBIBING HIS STRENGTH. Muslims---believe it or not----are DESPERATE to
eat jews
You are an idiot… The first airline highjacking occurred in 1931 a full 17 years before the state of Israel became a reality.. It was the plo that took it to an art form in the late 1960’s making life miserable for millions and millions of people with their crap.. Always hurting the innocent always threatening woman and children never taking responsibility for their actions…
Israel hijacked a Syrian airliner.
Israel hijacked a Syrian airliner.
Muhummad the rapist pig is in the eight circle of hell---torn
from his nipples to his asshole and his guts hang out and he farts-----according to the Holy Roman Geographer Alighieri
Israel hijacked a Syrian airliner.
As I said you are an idiot the first hijacked airliner occurred many years before the state of Israel was established secondly that Syrian airliner was forced to fly where the Israeli fighter jets forced it to go that is not a hijacked plane from passengers that take it over if anything that could be called something else… Like skyjacked if want of a better term but quite frankly you are always throwing silly comments out constantly that have no bearing on the conversations that any are having try sticking to the subject at hand instead of behaving scatterbrained or trying to cover it up…
I just home from services. The Jew-hate is so bad that we had an armed guard standing out front. The Rabbi said we’ll have that now every time.
I just home from services. The Jew-hate is so bad that we had an armed guard standing out front. The Rabbi said we’ll have that now every time.
It should be pointed out that many Jews helped protect Muslims after 9 11 where are the Muslims protecting Jews or is it one way only…Just be safe this is just an excuse for people who hold those views to have a chance to let it all out after keeping it hidden and bottled up… At least we know where things stand when you have a really bad pimple it looks ugly and it is not till you squeeze out the pus and bring it to the surface that you can heal it and RETURN it to its former glory.. We are at the bad pimple stage it will take some time till it heals in the meantime we are in the festering stage…
As I said you are an idiot the first hijacked airliner occurred many years before the state of Israel was established secondly that Syrian airliner was forced to fly where the Israeli fighter jets forced it to go that is not a hijacked plane from passengers that take it over if anything that could be called something else… Like skyjacked if want of a better term but quite frankly you are always throwing silly comments out constantly that have no bearing on the conversations that any are having try sticking to the subject at hand instead of behaving scatterbrained or trying to cover it up…
It is the nature of islamo nazi propaganda. ----perversion of
history and sophistry
I just home from services. The Jew-hate is so bad that we had an armed guard standing out front. The Rabbi said we’ll have that now every time.

That’s every day life in Germany, for years. Armed police out front during services and events.
The situation of the people of Gaza is the same as it was for the people of Nazi Germany. Hamas is the government of Gaza, and the people of Gaza are just as responsible for the actions of their government as the people of Nazi Germany were for theirs. Unfortunately, so much suffering has to happen but there is no other way anything else will just prolong suffering for generations.

Some people say that Hamas is worse than the Nazis? I agree they’re comparable with the NAZIs. Hamas came to power the same way the Nazis did, they were elected. I know there was a civil war, but Hamas won the war and is now the rulers of Gaza. The people of Gaza accepted their rule and that makes them their government. And I have no doubt that Hamas would exterminate the Jewish people if they had the ability to do it and we could do nothing about it but protests. It is up to the Jews to protect themselves and I think that’s what they will do.

If Israel is ever to have peace, they have to eliminate Hamas; to do that, they must invade Gaza and destroy parts of Gaza. Those high-rise buildings are the high ground that Hamas will use to kill troops with snipers and tanks for anti-tank weapons as well as kill Israeli drones. Every building that is destroyed now saves Israeli soldier’s lives in the future. Once the buildings are down, the IDF can use drones to detect enemy activity and take them out with artillery and gunships rather than sacrificing their troops. I think it’s reasonable that the IDF does not have to wait until their soldiers are killed before they knock down those buildings, so destroying the buildings of Gaza is a justifiable act of war.

Gaza is like the Warsaw ghetto. Most of the population are refugees from the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Hamas hurts the Palestinians and gives Israel an excuse to kill them. Bibi is will never allow a just peace or a 2 state solution. This just goes on year after year.

You'd think the Israelis would remember their experience in Hitler's Germany.
Gaza is like the Warsaw ghetto. Most of the population are refugees from the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Yeah. :p





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Gaza is like the Warsaw ghetto. Most of the population are refugees from the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Hamas hurts the Palestinians and gives Israel an excuse to kill them. Bibi is will never allow a just peace or a 2 state solution. This just goes on year after year.

You'd think the Israelis would remember their experience in Hitler's Germany.
more ISLMAO NAZI BULL SHIT----gaza has nothing to do with the Warsaw
ghetto which was CONFINED TO POLAND and used to concentrate the
JEWS OF POLAND and starve them to death to the overwhelming JOY OF
SURADA who loves to dance on the dead bodies of infants. Gaza is HISTORICALLY a lovely land which HISTORICALLY was economically
wealthy and highly developed by AEGEANS . In modern times it was attached to EGYPT----but it got infected with those the egyptians call BALESTNIANS whom they despise so they BOYCOTT THEM economically and Physically even though they are muslims. The populations---so rendered VULNERABLE has been exploited first by the PSYCHOPATH---
as CANNON FODDER in their genocidal aspirations against Israel. The
Iranians have sacrificed MILLIONS so far-----in order to entice their
MAHDI out of his well in the city of QOM

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