Hamas hits Israeli kindergargen


Israeli Child Killed by Gaza Mortar as Cease-Fire Hopes Recede

A four-year-old Israeli boy was killed by a mortar fired from the Gaza Strip today, creating another impediment for Egyptian efforts to mediate a new truce in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants.

The child was killed by a shell that landed near a kindergarten in a community close to the Gaza border, the Israeli army said in a text message. He was only the fourth civilian casualty in Israel since the conflict began six weeks ago, with most Gaza rockets landing in open areas or intercepted by the Iron Dome antimissile system.

At least 2,090 Palestinians have died from Israeli fire since the fighting broke out, many of them women and children, according to Gaza health officials. Sixty-four Israeli soldiers have died in the fighting, the most since the 2006 war with Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia.


Israeli Child Killed by Gaza Mortar as Cease-Fire Hopes Recede - Bloomberg

Expecting a cease-fire from islimists is like expecting a cease-fire from the Manson family at the LaBianca house.
The rockets have never fully stopped when Hamas enters a cease fire. The last soldier they killed while attempting to kidnap him from a tunnel attack was during the previous cease fire.

Israel ceases and Hamas fires.
The whole strategy of Hamas is to fire these missiles to indiscriminately kill civilains, including women and children which is a war crime but this fact seems to escape the United Nations and others.

The very nature of their inaccuracy means that Hamas is fully aware that their prime aim of frightening and killing civilians is regretably succesful.

In this case, Hamas knew exactly what they were doing and no doubt are handing out sweets in celebration.

Brutal, terrorists, murdering war criminals!
The rockets have never fully stopped when Hamas enters a cease fire. The last soldier they killed while attempting to kidnap him from a tunnel attack was during the previous cease fire.

Israel ceases and Hamas fires.


Israeli Child Killed by Gaza Mortar as Cease-Fire Hopes Recede

A four-year-old Israeli boy was killed by a mortar fired from the Gaza Strip today, creating another impediment for Egyptian efforts to mediate a new truce in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants.

The child was killed by a shell that landed near a kindergarten in a community close to the Gaza border, the Israeli army said in a text message. He was only the fourth civilian casualty in Israel since the conflict began six weeks ago, with most Gaza rockets landing in open areas or intercepted by the Iron Dome antimissile system.

At least 2,090 Palestinians have died from Israeli fire since the fighting broke out, many of them women and children, according to Gaza health officials. Sixty-four Israeli soldiers have died in the fighting, the most since the 2006 war with Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia.


Israeli Child Killed by Gaza Mortar as Cease-Fire Hopes Recede - Bloomberg

Expecting a cease-fire from islimists is like expecting a cease-fire from the Manson family at the LaBianca house.
Or expecting the "chosen people" to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. When Jews lift their collective punishment of Gaza, children on both sides will be safer.
Somebody better let GeorgePhillip know his Hamas buddies tried to kill a bunch of kidergarden kids.

Oh wait. I forgot. He thinks Hamas is the greatest and could care less how many of those nasty jews they kill. Never mind.
Can you connect these dots?

"JERUSALEM — One day after three top Hamas commanders were killed in an Israeli airstrike, at least 18 Palestinians were executed Friday by firing squads in Gaza City, sentenced to death by a 'resistance court' for collaborating with Israel during a time of war.

"Hours later, a barrage of mortar fire by Palestinian militants landed at an Israeli kibbutz near the Gaza border, killing a 4-year-old boy.

Jews began this terror in 1948 with the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Either Jews will end the terror or their vicious, racist state will go the way of White South Africa.

Gaza militants execute 18 alleged collaborators - The Washington Post
israel was founded on terroristm first and again in 48. the guy who carried milk can into basement of hotel killing a few solders but many women and children was then elected president of the country he murdered for into existance. now they are reaping what they have sown. we too shall get our comupence oops. sorry to say that but we've lived by the sword from the start as all countries have and all shall pay for playing that way. sorry the truth hurts so.
"Since the destruction of Israel appears to be a shared goal of Palestinian and Islamic terrorist groups, an examination of the role Jewish terrorism played in the creation and expansion of the state of Israel as one of the causal explanations for the current use of terrorism by Palestinian and Islamic terrorist groups is also warranted.

"Terrorism was used by adherents of the Jewish religion many centuries before it was ever used by Christians, Muslim and other types of religious extremists.

"Therefore, the focus of this essay will be on literature that analyzes and discusses the case of Jewish terrorist groups,such as the Irgun and the Stern Group, and the role played by Jewish Zionist terrorism in the creation of the state of Israel as well as in expanding Israel¶s borders since 1948.

"The paucity of literature about the history of Jewish Zionist terrorism, as compared to the wealth of recent literature focused on Islamic terrorism, also shows that much more research is needed on all different types of religiously inspired violent terrorism."

Jewish Terrorism and the Creation of the State of Israel Charles Laffiteau - Academia.edu
israel shoots missiles and kills way more innocent people then hamas ever did, yet. but you keep fighting for your personal heavens at the price of others lives and you expect different? nobody has a history book handy?

The difference today though, is Israel tries to target the combatants only, while Hamas fires their rockets knowing innocent civilians are likely to be killed.
Israel lies about who it targets, as the four cousins on the Gaza beach episode should have proved to you. Jews want all the land of Palestine for themselves, and they don't care how many children they kill to get it.

Get it?

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilians. [1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.[2] Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War.

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It is doubtful that Hamas actually targeted the kindergarten. Most of the rockets they are firing lack the guidance equipment to allow a high degree of accuracy. That being said, their munitions are becoming more and more technical and elaborate. The "iron dome" system that the US has provided to Israel has saved many lives. But without a political solution in Gaza, the air strikes and air strikes will continue.

Bullshit, they fire off rockets with the intent of killing whoever they can.

True, they fire off rockets indiscriminately. I doubt they are actually targeting kindergartens. Their target is whoever the crude rockets get to.
Israel existed in history, exists again since 1948, and has added to the tiny bit of land after being attacked & winning against the agressors. That is warfare. Does Israel ever do wrong? Of course, its a nation made up of humans.
lol you r funny rosey too. will do. I got a small tactical nuke, where would you like me to detonate myself? that's what it's gonna come to. you all know this don't you? that some crazy with nothing left to live for but revenge will start letting all the big toys of destruction we keep building. they have to be played with or they are mute.
Let's face it folks, the George Phillip's of the world, along with American liberals, and all Muslims of the world just do not want Jews to have even a tiny homeland to call their own. They simply want the Islamic world to have it all.
Let's face it folks, the George Phillip's of the world, along with American liberals, and all Muslims of the world just do not want Jews to have even a tiny homeland to call their own. They simply want the Islamic world to have it all.

Yes, and when Israel was attacked, Israel fought back, thus the increase in land. Those that attack Israel appear outraged when Israel responds; much like a school yard bully who gets his butt kicked.
Somebody better let GeorgePhillip know his Hamas buddies tried to kill a bunch of kidergarden kids.

Oh wait. I forgot. He thinks Hamas is the greatest and could care less how many of those nasty jews they kill. Never mind.
Can you connect these dots?

"JERUSALEM — One day after three top Hamas commanders were killed in an Israeli airstrike, at least 18 Palestinians were executed Friday by firing squads in Gaza City, sentenced to death by a 'resistance court' for collaborating with Israel during a time of war.

"Hours later, a barrage of mortar fire by Palestinian militants landed at an Israeli kibbutz near the Gaza border, killing a 4-year-old boy.

Jews began this terror in 1948 with the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Either Jews will end the terror or their vicious, racist state will go the way of White South Africa.

Gaza militants execute 18 alleged collaborators - The Washington Post
You have your history wrong as usual. Arab nations DEMANDED that all Arabs flee the Jewish part of Palestine on pain of death. The Jews begged them to stay and fight for a new Country. All this is established facts.
our ancestors gave their lives to save the jews from the misguided hatred of the nazis, which all was an elaborate plan to get back their homeland. rothchilds win again. such nasty childs we are. then we let the jews do to the palestinians what the nazi did to poland etc... lol you silly people don't know what you do yet? o, I think most of you do. that's why our father who art in heaven shall not spare us from the hell to pay soon.

If you are a Muslim, you are wrong. Your ancestors were in bed with Hitler.
The GrandMufti of Jlem had meetings with Hitler.
Entire brigades of yugoslavian soldiers, most all of them muslims, swore allegiance to Hitler.

Let's face it folks, the George Phillip's of the world, along with American liberals, and all Muslims of the world just do not want Jews to have even a tiny homeland to call their own. They simply want the Islamic world to have it all.
We simply don't believe that millions of Arabs who currently reside between the River and the sea should be forced out of their homes, businesses, and farms today the way they were in 1948 and 1967. Why does your side believe Jews are entitled to ALL the land of Palestine?
Somebody better let GeorgePhillip know his Hamas buddies tried to kill a bunch of kidergarden kids.

Oh wait. I forgot. He thinks Hamas is the greatest and could care less how many of those nasty jews they kill. Never mind.
Can you connect these dots?

"JERUSALEM — One day after three top Hamas commanders were killed in an Israeli airstrike, at least 18 Palestinians were executed Friday by firing squads in Gaza City, sentenced to death by a 'resistance court' for collaborating with Israel during a time of war.

"Hours later, a barrage of mortar fire by Palestinian militants landed at an Israeli kibbutz near the Gaza border, killing a 4-year-old boy.

Jews began this terror in 1948 with the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Either Jews will end the terror or their vicious, racist state will go the way of White South Africa.

Gaza militants execute 18 alleged collaborators - The Washington Post
You have your history wrong as usual. Arab nations DEMANDED that all Arabs flee the Jewish part of Palestine on pain of death. The Jews begged them to stay and fight for a new Country. All this is established facts.
It's established how the Jews "begged" the Arabs of Jaffa to stay:

"It was 46 years ago, on May 13, 1948—the day before Israel's creation—that the all-Arab seaside city of Jaffa surrendered to Jewish forces.

"It was the largest Arab city in Palestine and, under the U.N. Partition Plan, was to have been part of a Palestinian state.

"But Menachem Begin's terrorist Irgun group began bombarding civilian sectors of the city on April 25, terrifying the inhabitants into panicky flight.

"At the time, the city's normal population of around 75,000 was already down to 55,000. On the day of surrender less than three weeks later, only about 4,500 remained.

"The rest of Jaffa's citizens had fled their homes in terror, becoming part of the 726,000 Palestinian refugees created by the war."

Zionists have never hidden their intention to rule all the land of Palestine for the benefit of Jews FIRST. When Zionism began there were ten times as many Arabs as Jews living in Palestine; in 1948 there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living there, and today there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea; why do you think Jews deserve ALL the land?

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs - Arab Jaffa Seized Before Israel s Creation in 1948
our ancestors gave their lives to save the jews from the misguided hatred of the nazis, which all was an elaborate plan to get back their homeland. rothchilds win again. such nasty childs we are. then we let the jews do to the palestinians what the nazi did to poland etc... lol you silly people don't know what you do yet? o, I think most of you do. that's why our father who art in heaven shall not spare us from the hell to pay soon.

If you are a Muslim, you are wrong. Your ancestors were in bed with Hitler.
The GrandMufti of Jlem had meetings with Hitler.
Entire brigades of yugoslavian soldiers, most all of them muslims, swore allegiance to Hitler.

why do you assume I am muslim? you can't tell a christian when you see one? lol. neither can I in this so called christian nation, that does everything against the new testament, and we all know it.
Let's face it folks, the George Phillip's of the world, along with American liberals, and all Muslims of the world just do not want Jews to have even a tiny homeland to call their own. They simply want the Islamic world to have it all.
as an christian and an american, I will not lie when I see a nazi like group called zionist or jews whatever, killing in the name of the God as a given right by him for a tiny piece of dusty dirt. That God, telling them to slaughter and or murder, is not my God and as an american i do not believe in racism of any kind. that is what a jewish state is all about.

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