Hamas: 'If you have a rifle either kill a Jew or give it us'

If the Jew hides behind the Dumpster the Skateboard will tell you where the Jew is , use the Skateboard to kill the Jew ( The Koran)
The leftist sludge like to differentiate between Hamas and “Palestinians”. In reality, such distinction is merely academic. They all want dead Jews and the eradication of the Jewish state.
That's OK if they do... this Jew owns rifles too... and I shoot back.

And that’s how it should have been 80 years ago.

Maybe these present events are a fast forward of those unjust times. Rewriting past wrongs. The equaliser.
Why? I'm not marching around waving a torch and a pitchfork chanting "Jews will not replace us".

That's you guys.

Um, no. It is those on the Democratic side of the fence that support that sentiment in mass. Yes, there are a few outliers on the Republican side, but they are just that, outliers. The Democrats actually ELECTED many of these to Congress. At least some wealthy Jewish donors are starting to catch on. They have been lied to and are on the wrong side of the politicial spectrum if they wish to protect Israel and their people.

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