Hamas Kills Palestinians

Arabs slaughtering Arabs, is hardly worth mentioning. If it weren't for half the worlds insects eating the other half the worlds insect we'd be over run with insects.

The middle east is a dessert for a reason. Lack of land stewardship and overpopulation, but look at Israel.


You can't miss Gaza or the disputed territories, although the disputed territories are fast becoming Israel proper.

All Israel needs do is employ the Geneva Conventions to the letter and they'll have peace.

Let the rest of the Arab Muslims kill one another to their harts content, its not my problem, although I feel a lot of sympathy for those innocents stuck within the dogma that leads to them killing each other off right and left.


Where would you rather live ?

The Arab Muslims are living in the dark ages, the Israeli's are taking the modern world by storm. Its a no brainer. We can support the civilized society and reject the barbarism that is the Arab Muslim way or we can be engulfed in that same horror they force on one another.

I say we fully support the native people and reject the colonists violence at every turn

"Arabs slaughtering Arabs, is hardly worth mentioning..."

". . . Let the rest of the Arab Muslims kill one another to their hEarts content,
its not my problem..."

it's.....everyone's problem....

you are from this galaxy right ...?

Planet EARTH ??

If you're from EARTH......it's your problem too.

"Arabs slaughtering Arabs, is hardly worth mentioning and is not my problem..."

so long, get home safe !


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