Hamas Leader: We Will Never Recognize Israel


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by War News Updates Editor @ War News Updates: Hamas Leader: We Will Never Recognize Israel

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XNZc__Oo2m0]Hamas leader vows never to recognise Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal Says Group Will Never Recognize Israel -- Washington Post
JERUSALEM — In a fiery speech Saturday before a mammoth rally in Gaza City marking the 25th anniversary of the founding of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, the political leader of the militant Islamist group, pledged that it would never recognize Israel and called for an Islamic Palestinian state on the territory of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Meshal spoke during his first visit to Gaza, a triumphant tour after a recent eight-day war between Hamas and Israel, and 15 years after he survived an Israeli assassination attempt in Jordan.

Read more .... http://www.washingtonpost.com/world...11c70c-4179-11e2-a2d9-822f58ac9fd5_story.html

Does anyone beside me notice that it's a CHILD carrying that rocket used against Israeli civilians? And some idiots claim there will be peace in the region? Hah!

But they still won't recognize Israel...
Hamas Agrees To Palestinian State On ’67 Lines
February 26, 2013, Senior official Moussa Abu-Marzouq says his movement still won’t recognize Israel, wishes to resume attacks in the West Bank
Hamas is prepared to accept a Palestinian state demarcated by the pre-1967 lines, with Jerusalem as its capital and without any Jewish settlements within its borders, an official in Hamas’s political bureau said, noting that the sole difference in outlook between his organization and Fatah on the matter concerns recognition of Israel. Moussa Abu-Marzouq, the deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau and the top candidate to replace the organization’s chief, Khaled Mashaal, after his expected retirement, said in an interview published on Hamas’s website that Hamas and Fatah had agreed to statehood based on the pre-1967 ceasefire lines as part of a national reconciliation agreement signed in Cairo on May 4, 2011.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly asserted that Hamas agreed to the principle of Palestinian statehood along the pre-1967 lines, but never has a Hamas official so explicitly confirmed those remarks. Hamas was engaged last week in indirect talks with Israeli officials in Cairo, through Egyptian mediators, to finalize the terms of a ceasefire reached with Israel following Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012. But Abu-Marzouq denied that Hamas has decided to forgo military confrontation with Israel. “Claiming that Hamas abandoned the resistance for a long period of time is strange. How can that be argued, when Hamas waged three wars in five years and everything in between was periods of preparation?” he said.

The reason for the lull in attacks in the West Bank is Israeli and PA operations against Hamas operatives, Abu-Marzouq admitted — not a lack of intention on Hamas’s part. He accused the PA of neglecting the Gaza Strip, claiming that it had paid Fatah civil servants $100 million while ordering them to stay at home, following Hamas’s takeover of the coastal territory in July 2007. He noted that tariffs collected by Hamas from products smuggled in underground tunnels from Egypt were insufficient even to cover the cost of importing fuel.

The impasse in reconciliation talks with Fatah was the product of Fatah intransigence, Abu-Marzouq concluded. Hamas had magnanimously agreed to share power with Fatah, even allowing Abbas to serve as prime minister in a future unity government, despite his party’s defeat in the previous parliamentary elections held in 2006, he said.

'Hamas agrees to Palestinian state on '67 lines' | The Times of Israel
longknife, waltky, Lipush, et al,

So, if I get this correctly: (Do I have this right?)

  • Fatah "might" recognize Israel, and wants pre-1967 borders. Jerusalem as Capital.
  • Hamas "will not" recognize Israel; making the borders question moot.


  • So, what are considered the pre-1967 borders; which Map are we using?
  • Who is going to takeout Hamas?

Most Respectfully,
by War News Updates Editor @ War News Updates: Hamas Leader: We Will Never Recognize Israel

Hamas leader vows never to recognise Israel - YouTube

Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal Says Group Will Never Recognize Israel -- Washington Post
JERUSALEM — In a fiery speech Saturday before a mammoth rally in Gaza City marking the 25th anniversary of the founding of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, the political leader of the militant Islamist group, pledged that it would never recognize Israel and called for an Islamic Palestinian state on the territory of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Meshal spoke during his first visit to Gaza, a triumphant tour after a recent eight-day war between Hamas and Israel, and 15 years after he survived an Israeli assassination attempt in Jordan.

Read more .... Hamas leader Khaled Meshal denounces Israel at anniversary rally in Gaza - The Washington Post

Does anyone beside me notice that it's a CHILD carrying that rocket used against Israeli civilians? And some idiots claim there will be peace in the region? Hah!


Which is why there won't be any "peace" agreement

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