Hamas-organized mass wedding of adult men and little girls

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There is another hoax about Saudi Arabia going around for years now too, it's always reported as if it just happened. That was about a woman who was going to be executed for adultery, and the fact is she never was.ANd she was freed.

I think hoaxes should be exposed with facts but it doesn't seem to do much good because people WANT to believe it, so they will. Another one that keeps popping up is the dancing Israeli's at 911. There are a lot of hoaxes related to 911.

the HOAX of the DANCING ISRAELIS ------is really very understandable---
In the wake of 9-11-----more than a 1000 people were arrested-----something
like a sweep of "the usual suspects" The overwhelming majority were
muslims-------being such a common commodity NONE MADE NEWS-----the single
case of JOOOOOS ARRESTED went viral ------it was a 'man bites dog' phenomenon---
cooked up in the mosques of jersey city and brooklyn just as was---
the JOOOS DID NOT SHOW UP FOR WORK in manhattan that day......

----anyone who reads the news should do so with some level of discernment
and an ability to evaluate credibility

as to adulterers in saudi arabia------talk to a saudi. My guess based on
a bit of insight is that adultery HAPPENS----most undetected. Fact is --
the penalty for female adulterers is death over there and there have been
documented cases-------mostl likely not a whole lot------people tend to
do those things UNDER COVER. As to friday afternoon beheadings-----
according to my saudi informants-----not infrequent and a public event---
well attended
Here, we debunk another MEMRI story, exposing MEMRI for the propaganda rag it is.

And notice there are now two lies, that the original events took place and that her family subsequently killed her.

"Is 11-year-old 'escaped child bride' who took the internet by storm telling the whole truth? Doubts emerge about Yemeni girl's story
•Nada al-Ahdal claimed she was only saved after her uncle intervened
•Yemeni girl produced YouTube clip threatening to kill herself if married
•Children's rights group Seyaj says parents did not try to marry her off

•Parents also deny wanting to do so - but Nada still stands by her story
•Crunch meeting results in deal for Nada to live with parents and uncle"

Nada al-Ahdal: Doubts raised over whether 11-year-old 'escaped child bride' was telling the whole truth | Mail Online

11 Year Old Child Bride Speaks Out Before Being Killed - YouTube

Another child bride before she was killed.

This is why assuming the girls were brides of soon to be warriors willing to die for Hamas can be understood.

Too many children are sexually abuse, physically abused and forced to become brides. Too many are maimed and killed. Some willing just to escape have killed themselves.

Real or not, hamas staged and event that in islam can be understood as Mohammed wedding Aisha.

Real, mock or proxy, the implication is there. It is the promise in the gardens of Allah of virgins for the martyrs

You obviously don't read articles before you post them, do you?

First off, read the title: Is 11-year-old 'escaped child bride' who took the internet by storm telling the whole truth? Doubts emerge about Yemeni girl's story

Notice the word DOUBTS in the title. Either way, I read the article, and there is nothing at all that proves her statement to be untrue. In fact, she still stands by her story: "Parents also deny wanting to do so - but Nada still stands by her story

So Sherri, considering all this, your comment: "Here, we debunk another MEMRI story, exposing MEMRI for the propaganda rag it is. , is just another bullshit lie. NOTHING is debunked in the article. Unless I missed something and you can show me???

Also written in the article:

Whether Nada's claims are true or not, the practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen

The only thing that was debunked, was you claim that the original story was debunked

Chalk up another fail for Sherri !
So, why do you keep pimping the lie?

It's a hoax and you keep pushing it as true.

Certainly, you expose Zionist morality for us all to see so very clearly.

And this is not the first thread started on this hoax, and the hoax was debunked then too.
What lie is that? Hamas stages an event to honor it's terrorists with pedophilic fantasies, and Israel is to be blamed for the behavior of these animals?

No. They didn't. The only "pedophilic fantasies" are the spin you are attempting to put on an ordinary wedding. Many weddings include child relatives in the festivities. Every heard of Flower Girls and Ring Bearers? Usually young children do those honors and I've never heard anyone trying to cast pedophilic aspersions on those.
Nah, the clip didn't look like an actual wedding at all. It was a staged mock wedding event by Hamas, to honor these men.

The girls made to look like brides. Even makeup was used. Makes you think of the psycho parents that would approve of this child abuse in the first place.

What kind of sick people do this? Have they nothing better to do but engage in these Satanic rituals? This is the ultimate lack of morality, chauvinism and pedophilic culture.
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Her story is in doubt but MEMRI reports it as if it is solid fact.

They do not tell the full story, like the fact the human rights group even does not believe the story told.

And the Zionist poster just posted it claiming her family subsequently killed her, a flat out untruth.

You obviously don't read articles before you post them, do you?

First off, read the title: Is 11-year-old 'escaped child bride' who took the internet by storm telling the whole truth? Doubts emerge about Yemeni girl's story

Notice the word DOUBTS in the title. Either way, I read the article, and there is nothing at all that proves her statement to be untrue. In fact, she still stands by her story: "Parents also deny wanting to do so - but Nada still stands by her story

So Sherri, considering all this, your comment: "Here, we debunk another MEMRI story, exposing MEMRI for the propaganda rag it is. , is just another bullshit lie. NOTHING is debunked in the article. Unless I missed something and you can show me???

Also written in the article:

Whether Nada's claims are true or not, the practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen

The only thing that was debunked, was you claim that the original story was debunked

Chalk up another fail for Sherri !
MEMRI lies and distorts and misstates.

They have no credibility.

They are nothing but a hate site.

AND HOAXES like this say nothing about child marriage practices of anyone.
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The only true coerced child marriage I am reading of here is the forced marriage of the 13 year old Haredi child ; in Israel, a child marriage of a JEWISH child.
The video speaks for itself. Hamas psychos staged a mass fake wedding to little girls as a publicity stunt to honor these men. There are no other "brides" in this event other than the 7 to 10 year olds. What kind of sick animals abuse their own kids like this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CDgjogUYFY]Hamas Shocking Mass Wedding For 450 Little Girls - YouTube[/ame]
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Hamas did no such thing, Zionist Roudy just refuses to accept the hoax has been exposed as the hoax it is, and he just keeps on pimping those Zionist lies.
"Photographs and video from the latter event were quickly circulated via e-mail, accompanied by commentary asserting that most (or all) of the brides at the wedding were actually "pre-pubescent girls" who, despite being under ten years of age, were being married off to men in their mid- to late-twenties (in large part because the older women who were the real brides were not visibly evident in those images). Although the photographs and video footage did originate with the July 2009 mass wedding event, and they do show pre-pubescent girls dressed in clothing resembling bridal garb holding hands with older men, the young girls in these pictures were not being married off to adult males; they were relatives of the brides and grooms (typically nieces and cousins ranging in age from three to eight years old) who were merely ancillary participants in the ceremony, performing a function similar to that of flower girls in western-style weddings. Even though news accounts document that they were undeniably present, the older women who did get married that day weren't apparent in the recorded images because, unlike the style of weddings most westerners are accustomed to, brides don't take center stage at this type of event"

Read more at snopes.com: Hamas Mass Wedding for 450 Little Girls
Thank you for proving my point once again, I appreciate it.. You couldn't even comment on the topic, or the link posted by aris, for that matter (Forced Underage Marriages Continue in Gaza - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East) Your obsession with trashing Jews is absolutely pathetic, 'dreolin'. You need help. Or a life maybe. And remember, denial is always the hardest step to get past.

Oh, and you're in no position to accuse me of posting inconsequential statements. It's kind of like you calling me a bigot..
And if you don't like me responding to your posts, then put me on ignore, bigot

LOL...actually you are not only a bigot, you are a stupid person. You have no control over your stupidity so I really cannot blame you for that, but you might try to rein in your bigotry.

I very sincerely believe that my putting you on ignore will not result in your ceasing to respond to my posts. It will only result in my not being able to see your inane responses...unless someone else copies them in their posts.

(Is that too complicated for you to understand?)

Of course when you have no argument, just bring out the name calling :D

Pathetic post (yet another one lol !!)

Speaking of stupid, you might want to look up the word bigot, before you use it. Words like that are a bit out of your vocabulary, bigot.

Like I said, if you don't like me responding to your bigoted, idiotic, useless, bullshit posts, then put me on ignore.

This whole thread does nothing but confuse me. I have just read and reread it and I am really no wiser than I was before.
This post is just one example of why I am confused, Dreolin predicts what will happen if he puts that stupid little bugger Toast on ignore and then when it is obvious that Dreolin has put toast on ignore, Toast does exactly what Dreolin predicted, not only proving that Toast is stupid but also that he is a liar as his own words in this post indicate,
Here, we debunk another MEMRI story, exposing MEMRI for the propaganda rag it is.

And notice there are now two lies, that the original events took place and that her family subsequently killed her.

"Is 11-year-old 'escaped child bride' who took the internet by storm telling the whole truth? Doubts emerge about Yemeni girl's story
•Nada al-Ahdal claimed she was only saved after her uncle intervened
•Yemeni girl produced YouTube clip threatening to kill herself if married
•Children's rights group Seyaj says parents did not try to marry her off

•Parents also deny wanting to do so - but Nada still stands by her story
•Crunch meeting results in deal for Nada to live with parents and uncle"

Nada al-Ahdal: Doubts raised over whether 11-year-old 'escaped child bride' was telling the whole truth | Mail Online

11 Year Old Child Bride Speaks Out Before Being Killed - YouTube

Another child bride before she was killed.

This is why assuming the girls were brides of soon to be warriors willing to die for Hamas can be understood.

Too many children are sexually abuse, physically abused and forced to become brides. Too many are maimed and killed. Some willing just to escape have killed themselves.

Real or not, hamas staged and event that in islam can be understood as Mohammed wedding Aisha.

Real, mock or proxy, the implication is there. It is the promise in the gardens of Allah of virgins for the martyrs

The parents were approached and agreed to marry her off as a child, and were paid $2000. Her sisters were married off at 12 and 14 soon after.

Child Runaway Bride Speaks Out: 'I Fled Ignorance' - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Coyote I have a complaint about this thread so I thought I would bring it to your attention and see if you have anything you can do to correct it. First of all the opening post is excellemt, it is an idea that is worth discussing not only for it's relavance to the Middleeast but for it's wider implications that I am sure some people have seen. Being able to trust the press is fundemental. My complaint is that you have allowed people to turn what could have been a great thread into a forum where most of the Zionist poster only use it to express their hatred on Islam and Arabs. Now I know that was not your intention but others have come along and derailed this post from the few serious posters who wanted to discuss the topic Dreolin, Sunni Man and maybe a few others. I would suggest shutting down the whole thread before it gets completely out of control, but maybe it is to late for that !!!
Of course when you have no argument, just bring out the name calling :D

Pathetic post (yet another one lol !!)

Speaking of stupid, you might want to look up the word bigot, before you use it. Words like that are a bit out of your vocabulary, bigot.

Like I said, if you don't like me responding to your bigoted, idiotic, useless, bullshit posts, then put me on ignore.

This whole thread does nothing but confuse me. I have just read and reread it and I am really no wiser than I was before.
This post is just one example of why I am confused, Dreolin predicts what will happen if he puts that stupid little bugger Toast on ignore and then when it is obvious that Dreolin has put toast on ignore, Toast does exactly what Dreolin predicted, not only proving that Toast is stupid but also that he is a liar as his own words in this post indicate,

While I think toastman has shown himself to be a liar many times over, I do not think this is such a case. I think it instead demonstrates what a truly incredibly stupid person he is.

I explained to him more than once that my putting him on ignore would have effect at all on his ceasing to respond to my posts.

Here is what I said exactly, and again, more than once, and in reponse to his ridiculous statement below...

He says:
"Like I said, if you don't like me responding to your bigoted, idiotic, useless, bullshit posts, then put me on ignore.

I respnd:
"And like I said, you are stupid. My putting you on ignore will not stop you from responding to my posts. It will only stop me from seeing your response.

Apparently, you cannot understand that very simple concept. Tell ya what. Stop responding to my posts. It is as simple as that. Stop stalking me. Stop PMing me. Leave me the fuck alone. I will put you on ignore if that is what it takes. If I see that you have responded to me, all bets are off."


He probably still can't figure it out.

I will now take him off ignore. I pretty much ignore the little pissant anyway but I am not going to work with my hands tied behind my back and give the fool an unlimited supply of free shots.
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Coyote I have a complaint about this thread so I thought I would bring it to your attention and see if you have anything you can do to correct it. First of all the opening post is excellemt, it is an idea that is worth discussing not only for it's relavance to the Middleeast but for it's wider implications that I am sure some people have seen. Being able to trust the press is fundemental. My complaint is that you have allowed people to turn what could have been a great thread into a forum where most of the Zionist poster only use it to express their hatred on Islam and Arabs. Now I know that was not your intention but others have come along and derailed this post from the few serious posters who wanted to discuss the topic Dreolin, Sunni Man and maybe a few others. I would suggest shutting down the whole thread before it gets completely out of control, but maybe it is to late for that !!!
Jaysus, Patrick, you blasphemer, you!

This whole thread does nothing but confuse me. I have just read and reread it and I am really no wiser than I was before.
This post is just one example of why I am confused, Dreolin predicts what will happen if he puts that stupid little bugger Toast on ignore and then when it is obvious that Dreolin has put toast on ignore, Toast does exactly what Dreolin predicted, not only proving that Toast is stupid but also that he is a liar as his own words in this post indicate,

While I think toastman has shown himself to be a liar many times over, I do not think this is such a case. I think it instead demonstrates what a truly incredibly stupid person he is.

I explained to him more than once that my putting him on ignore would have effect at all on his ceasing to respond to my posts.

Here is what I said exactly, and again, more than once, and in reponse to his ridiculous statement below...

He says:
"Like I said, if you don't like me responding to your bigoted, idiotic, useless, bullshit posts, then put me on ignore.

I respnd:
"And like I said, you are stupid. My putting you on ignore will not stop you from responding to my posts. It will only stop me from seeing your response.

Apparently, you cannot understand that very simple concept. Tell ya what. Stop responding to my posts. It is as simple as that. Stop stalking me. Stop PMing me. Leave me the fuck alone. I will put you on ignore if that is what it takes. If I see that you have responded to me, all bets are off."


He probably still can't figure it out.

I will now take him off ignore. I pretty much ignore the little pissant anyway but I am not going to work with my hands tied behind my back and give the fool an unlimited supply of free shots.
Why don't you two bogtrotters take your conversation to the girls bathroom.
Hamas did no such thing, Zionist Roudy just refuses to accept the hoax has been exposed as the hoax it is, and he just keeps on pimping those Zionist lies.
So not only are you stupid,ignorant and crazy, and crazy, but deaf and blind as well. :clap:

Quote of the year by Jihad Sherri:

:cuckoo: Hamas resembles Jesus! :cuckoo:
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