Hamas terrorists raped and mutilated Israeli women and girls. Where are #MeToo warriors?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And some of them are on these very boards. No matter how bad it gets, these people will not denounce Hamas.

Appalling. That’s the only word that describes the response by progressive women and women’s rights groups to the clear evidence of what Hamas terrorists did to women and girls in their brutal attack on Israel Oct. 7.

When they started in force a few years ago, the Women’s March and #MeToo movement centered on the idea that we must “believe women” when they say what’s happened to them. No proof or due process needed. Just their word.

Irrelevant. Their silence, like yours, is telling.
I can't help but feel like conservatives that think most or all Democrats support the rape and murder of Jews are just projecting their horrible ugliness onto other people. Most normal people, left right or center, are not going to be okay with people being murdered and raped.
We're here....you think the movement has power to sue rapists overseas....in a war?
When a foreign power does something the usual American suspects don't like, what do they do? They organize marches to protest, they carry signs, they demand that American companies divest themselves of anything to do with the country. Take what's going on in Israel right now, for instance. Israel is doing something that a bunch of Americans don't like, so what do they do? They organize marches to protest, they carry signs, they demand that American companies divest themselves of anything to do with Israel, EVEN THOUGH THEY DO NOT HAVE POWER TO SUE ANYONE OVERSEAS.

Is all this correct?

Now, women are seriously mistreated in many Muslim nations. They are treated like second-class citizens, many cannot legally drive, get an education, or leave the house without a male relative, and in many cases, must be covered head to toe when they do. They can be legally raped and stoned when they complain because it's their fault. American feminist groups could, as outlined above, organize marches to protest, carry signs, demand that American companies divest themselves of anything to do with Muslim countries. IOW, they could keep the plight of women around the world front and center in the American consciousness and pressure the American government to act as well. But no, they are silent. Women are brutalized around the world, but American women are silent. You're not supporting them at all.

Tell us truthfully, are you afraid that opposing Muslim treatment of women appears rightwing?
Most on the left don't view Jews as human beings. Act accordingly.
there is a logical reason which has also been adopted into SHARIAH. Watch for it---
"PICK THE WINNING SIDE" <<<< another islamic limerick. The concept is
"DEMOCRACY" -----the goal is NUMBERS----vote kaffirin out of existence
I can't help but feel like conservatives that think most or all Democrats support the rape and murder of Jews are just projecting their horrible ugliness onto other people. Most normal people, left right or center, are not going to be okay with people being murdered and raped.
Of course, no one is "okay" with murder and rape. What is telling, however, is that the "feminist" groups in America scream loud and long about any perceived slight a Western woman might experience but say nothing when women are seriously mistreated around the world. You would think that organizations supposedly devoted to supporting and championing women would be concerned about women ALL over the world, not just where it's safe to protest.
Of course, no one is "okay" with murder and rape. What is telling, however, is that the "feminist" groups in America scream loud and long about any perceived slight a Western woman might experience but say nothing when women are seriously mistreated around the world. You would think that organizations supposedly devoted to supporting and championing women would be concerned about women ALL over the world, not just where it's safe to protest.
Yeah, well, I'm not going to defend first world feminist groups. Any more they are hate fueled radicals.

I think Bill Burr said it best, when it comes to first world feminist women and privilege. "Bitch what are you talking about? You're sitting in the jacuzzi with me!"
Of course, no one is "okay" with murder and rape. What is telling, however, is that the "feminist" groups in America scream loud and long about any perceived slight a Western woman might experience but say nothing when women are seriously mistreated around the world. You would think that organizations supposedly devoted to supporting and championing women would be concerned about women ALL over the world, not just where it's safe to protest.

Won’t get anymore votes for democrats by doing so. And that’s why they don’t.
100% pure Zionist Fascist BULLSHIT and treason against America, trying to lie America into a war America has no stake in....



You could always go to Gaza and fight along side HAMAS.

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