Hank Williams Jr, oops

Is that a scottish fold? Oh man that kitty is adorable.
that's a Scottish fold all right. An' it's got a clean bitchslapper all warmed up for No Nuts.

Bring it on. That kitten would do more damage.
Wow, you think you're actually worth more attention than that kitteh?

You have an overinflated sense of your own entertainment value and debate capability.

Get back to me when you actually make it to Junior High.

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And...here are the exact words of the challange:

I self-banned for 30 days....check

We are now in the 30 days with the sig of your choice...check.

So....why are you still whining? :eusa_boohoo:

um, because it's not the sig of his choice? and please don't waste my time with the bullshit you've posted upthread- i know the difference between rain and piss, otay?

you're either painfully stupid or willfully dishonest, either way, you've succeeded in doing something i thought was impossible- you make bigreb look good.

pretty fucking sad


Thank you.

Go get your cookie now.

Your 30 days don't start until you put the signature back the way I gave it too you that signature you have is not the signature of my choice

We are now in the 30 days with the sig of your choice...check.
um, because it's not the sig of his choice? and please don't waste my time with the bullshit you've posted upthread- i know the difference between rain and piss, otay?

you're either painfully stupid or willfully dishonest, either way, you've succeeded in doing something i thought was impossible- you make bigreb look good.

pretty fucking sad


Gotta disagree. No where in the "bet" did it say ONLY the signature given by bigreb must be displayed.

Maybe you didn't read her whole reply

That signature is not my choice.

This is the signature of my choice

Bigrebnc1775 was right I was wrong, I lied and he was smart enough to realize what I said was a lie. Vote obama and his socialist polices out of office in 2012, because he has failed America. Freddie and Fannie caused the economical collapse. Obama is anti America. I‘m an idiot for supporting him.

Not this added bullshit.

Here is my new signature crafted by Littlerebnc1775. Can you believe he's still whining about it?:
Poster is not responsible for accuracy of above statement. For inquiries, please check with Littlerebnc1775. Said signature will expire on 11NOV11.
Where in our bet did it say that I couldn't add stuff? Linkie.
Gotta disagree. No where in the "bet" did it say ONLY the signature given by bigreb must be displayed.

Maybe you didn't read her whole reply

That signature is not my choice.

This is the signature of my choice

Not this added bullshit.

Here is my new signature crafted by Littlerebnc1775. Can you believe he's still whining about it?:
Poster is not responsible for accuracy of above statement. For inquiries, please check with Littlerebnc1775. Said signature will expire on 11NOV11.
Where in our bet did it say that I couldn't add stuff? Linkie.

In one of your post here it is. The signature you have is not my choice. Welsher tell another lie. Your 30 's does not start until you fix the signature the way I gave it to you.
Can I ask what purpose is served by putting in a certain siggy for 30 days if the one with the sig added isn't posting for 30 days?

It wouldn't be seen

She made a challenge, I took her up on her bet she lost now she wants to welch on the bet.

And...here are the exact words of the challange:

I am perfectly willing to run the same challenge with you. What do you say? Prove what you say about "proving me wrong" about whatever you say you proved me wrong about....with direct and clear links.

Then I will self-ban for 30 days with a further 30 days with sig of your choice. If you cannot prove what you say about proving me wrong....whatever that is...YOU self-ban for 30 days with a 30 day sig of my choice.

What do you say?

I self-banned for 30 days....check

We are now in the 30 days with the sig of your choice...check.

So....why are you still whining? :eusa_boohoo:
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um, because it's not the sig of his choice? and please don't waste my time with the bullshit you've posted upthread- i know the difference between rain and piss, otay?

you're either painfully stupid or willfully dishonest, either way, you've succeeded in doing something i thought was impossible- you make bigreb look good.

pretty fucking sad


Thank you.

Go get your cookie now.

Your 30 days don't start until you put the signature back the way I gave it too you that signature you have is not the signature of my choice

We are now in the 30 days with the sig of your choice...check.
Wow...you are STILL whining about this.

How have I ALTERED your signature? What have I changed? Answer: Nothing.

But, feel free to continue whining like a bitch. After all, it's what you do so well.
Thank you.

Go get your cookie now.

Your 30 days don't start until you put the signature back the way I gave it too you that signature you have is not the signature of my choice

We are now in the 30 days with the sig of your choice...check.
Wow...you are STILL whining about this.

How have I ALTERED your signature? What have I changed? Answer: Nothing.

But, feel free to continue whining like a bitch. After all, it's what you do so well.

And you have proven me right by being a lying welshing bitch. Are you an example of what it means to be a liberal?
Your 30 days don't start until you put the signature back the way I gave it too you that signature you have is not the signature of my choice
Wow...you are STILL whining about this.

How have I ALTERED your signature? What have I changed? Answer: Nothing.

But, feel free to continue whining like a bitch. After all, it's what you do so well.

And you have proven me right by being a lying welshing bitch. Are you an example of what it means to be a liberal?

I AM NOT WELSH!!!.......I'm Scot-Irish. :lol:
Wow...you are STILL whining about this.

How have I ALTERED your signature? What have I changed? Answer: Nothing.

But, feel free to continue whining like a bitch. After all, it's what you do so well.

And you have proven me right by being a lying welshing bitch. Are you an example of what it means to be a liberal?

I AM NOT WELSH!!!.......I'm Scot-Irish. :lol:

No you're a lying sack of shit.
What a whiny little bitch...


Because he's pissed off that everyone lied about him? Truly curious on this.

...because he writes and records a song in an effort to make some kind of a grandiose point that what he perceives as a personal injustice against him is somehow in some way connected in a fundamental way to his belief that the USA is becoming a socialist country.

Suck it up, Hank!

Writing and singing songs is what he gets paid the big bucks for.

I've read the lyrics. I have not heard the song. From the lyrics, I would have to say this won't be one of his greatest hits.

How odd how you seem to be unable to prove where I lied. But feel free to continue with your eloquence.

you are a welsher a fraud a swindler
. You lost the bet now you lied.

That is not the signature I gave you to use.

In what way have I altered your words you gave me. Please demonstrate.

Here in your own words
Can I ask what purpose is served by putting in a certain siggy for 30 days if the one with the sig added isn't posting for 30 days?

It wouldn't be seen

She made a challenge, I took her up on her bet she lost now she wants to welch on the bet.

And...here are the exact words of the challange:

I am perfectly willing to run the same challenge with you. What do you say? Prove what you say about "proving me wrong" about whatever you say you proved me wrong about....with direct and clear links.

Then I will self-ban for 30 days with a further 30 days with sig of your choice. If you cannot prove what you say about proving me wrong....whatever that is...YOU self-ban for 30 days with a 30 day sig of my choice.

What do you say?

I self-banned for 30 days....check

We are now in the 30 days with the sig of your choice...check.

So....why are you still whining? :eusa_boohoo:
The signature you have is not the signature of my choice you altered what I gave you. and one more time your 30 days do not begin until you fix your signature like I sent it to you.
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you are a welsher a fraud a swindler
. You lost the bet now you lied.

That is not the signature I gave you to use.

In what way have I altered your words you gave me. Please demonstrate.

Here in your own words
And...here are the exact words of the challange:

I am perfectly willing to run the same challenge with you. What do you say? Prove what you say about "proving me wrong" about whatever you say you proved me wrong about....with direct and clear links.

Then I will self-ban for 30 days with a further 30 days with sig of your choice. If you cannot prove what you say about proving me wrong....whatever that is...YOU self-ban for 30 days with a 30 day sig of my choice.

What do you say?

I self-banned for 30 days....check

We are now in the 30 days with the sig of your choice...check.

So....why are you still whining? :eusa_boohoo:
The signature you have is not the signature of my choice you altered what I gave you.

Exactly. Is not the words you gave me for my sig up there....in my sig?

Yes or no.

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