Happiness in Islam

The Humble Prophet

The Prophet
did not behave towards others as if he was better than they were, nor did he spurn manual work.
`Abdullaah bin Abi `Awfa, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet of Allah,
never refrained from going with a slave or a widow to accomplish his or her tasks.
The Prophet
used to tidy up his house, tie the camels, feed the animals, take food with his servants, and help them in kneading dough and bringing provisions from the market.

Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet of Allah
used to visit the sick, attend funerals, ride a donkey and accept a slave's invitation for a meal.

When `Adiyy ibn Haatim, may Allah be pleased with him, came to see the Prophet
he called him inside his house. A maidservant brought a cushion to rest on, but the Prophet
placed it between him and `Adiyy, may Allah be pleased with him, and sat down on the floor. `Adiyy later said that he had then immediately realized that the Prophet
was not a king.
Dude killed everyone in his way, kinda like Hitler.
The Humble Servant of God

Prophet Muhammad
was humble in all matters.
Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet
would accept an invitation even if he was presented barley bread and soup whose taste had changed. He also reported that the Prophet
said: "I am Allah's servant, I eat like a servant and sit like a servant.''

On one of his journeys, the Prophet
asked his companions to roast a goat. One said that he would slaughter the animal; another said that he would skin it, while a third said that he would cook it. The Prophet
then said that he would collect wood for fuel. Their response was: “O Messenger of Allah! We will do everything.” The Prophet
then said: I have no doubt that you will. But I do not like distinctions to be made, nor does Allah like any one of His servants to assert his superiority over his companions.”
The kind Messenger

Abu Tharr Al-Ghifaari, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that one day he was sitting with another companion of black complexion whom he addressed as: “O black man.” When the Prophet
heard of this, he was greatly displeased and cautioned Abu Tharr never to make scornful remarks to anyone, whoever he might be, and to accord equal treatment to all, adding: No white man has any superiority over a black man.

The Prophet
lived like any ordinary person, and did not assume any superior rights. He once had to borrow some money from a Jew called Zayd ibn Sana’a. The Jew came to demand the immediate return of the loan a few days before the expiry of the stipulated period. Tugging at the mantle around the Prophet’s shoulders, he jibed that the progeny of ‘Abd Al-Muttalib were always defaulters.
`Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, not being able to tolerate this misbehavior on the part of the Jew, started berating him, and was on the point of beating him when the Prophet
said to the Jew, smiling: There are still three days to go before the promise has to be fulfilled.” To ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, he
said: “We might have had better treatment from you. You could have advised me to be more careful about the return of loans and you could have advised the Jew to be more courteous in demanding repayment.”
then requested ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, to get some dates so that the loan could be repaid, and to give the Jew an extra forty kilograms for the rebuke he had been given.

We can say that humbleness is seen in every sphere of the Prophet’s life. His way of talking, walking, sitting, eating and every aspect of his life reflected humbleness.
The Prophet’s humbleness
Nothing in This World Lasts Unchanged

All human beings who live beyond 60 grow from childhood to youth to maturity, then to old age.

And each phase has its unique features.

So don't be sad if you lose some strength, health or wealth as you grow older.

C'est la vie, as they say in French, and there are things we simply can't change.

Keep your trust in God, be certain that He wants what is good for us, and that In-Shaa-Allah with patience and faith the next life will be much better In-Shaa-Allah.

If you are searching for peace, don't worry about change in your life...

It is for the best In-Shaa-Allah
Perfecting Good Manners

Anas ibn Malik reports:

"God's Messenger was not given to the use of foul language, cursing or abusive names. .'" (Bukhari)

In answer to a question about the Prophet's manners, Aishah said:

"He never used foul or obscene language. Nor was he quarrelsome in the market place. He did not repay a bad turn with a similarly bad one, but would rather forgive and forebear." (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)

Some people put on an appearance when they are out and meet others. The Prophet, however, did not put any appearance other than his real manners. For example: "Some of his Companions visited Umm Salamah, his wife. They said to her: "Mother of the believers, tell us what is God's Messenger like in the privacy of his home." She said:

"He is always the same in public and in private." (Ahmad)

These ahadith together give us a picture of a person who turns away from whatever is unbecoming and to whom good conduct comes naturally; he realizes that whatever comes from God is good. He is the first to implement it, at home and in public. The Prophet was the same in public and with his own family: he never used abusive or insulting language, cursed or engaged in a verbal quarrel. He was aware of his task of "bringing good manners to perfection."

Compiled From:
"Muhammad: His Character and Conduct" - Adil Salahi
The Prophet Muhammad's Living Tradition

A talk Sheikh Yahya gave in 2015 in Cape Town during a tour in South Africa:

(22 minutes)
The Prophet Muhammad's Living Tradition

A talk Sheikh Yahya gave in 2015 in Cape Town during a tour in South Africa:

(22 minutes)

Did he talk about Mohammed scooping the shit from his asshole with a rock?
22 minutes on a never-never land CAT HOUSE IN THE SKY-----to which one gains
entry ------by blowing the brains out of kids for the PLEASURE of the HOUSE proprietor
The Darkness and Light of Mecca

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, discusses the noble city of Mecca and the darkness it was in, before light entered the city, after the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

(7 minutes)
Mecca was----at one time, a good place-----then islam happened and it
was transformed into the cesspit that it is today------its prominent feature
the filth of racism and exclusion
The Darkness and Light of Mecca

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, discusses the noble city of Mecca and the darkness it was in, before light entered the city, after the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

(7 minutes)

are you salafi wahabi?
The Darkness and Light of Mecca

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, discusses the noble city of Mecca and the darkness it was in, before light entered the city, after the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

(7 minutes)

are you salafi wahabi?

take your fight outside PARSEEEEE!!!!

are you defending your wahabi arabs cousin?

huh, cousin parseee who me he ain't MY cousin------
I can't even get into MECCA------or even Yathrib-----I did have
a few uncles over there long long ago-------now----just a few
in Iran-----and Alexandria. Did I ever tell you that my name is
Persian in orgin I mean real Persian------not that crap that was
imported from Arabia. It was a distant relative-----once queen of
Persia BEFORE -------the scum from Arabia showed up
The Darkness and Light of Mecca

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, discusses the noble city of Mecca and the darkness it was in, before light entered the city, after the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

(7 minutes)

are you salafi wahabi?

take your fight outside PARSEEEEE!!!!

are you defending your wahabi arabs cousin?

huh, cousin parseee who me he ain't MY cousin------
I can't even get into MECCA------or even Yathrib-----I did have
a few uncles over there long long ago-------now----just a few
in Iran-----and Alexandria. Did I ever tell you that my name is
Persian in orgin I mean real Persian------not that crap that was
imported from Arabia. It was a distant relative-----once queen of
Persia BEFORE -------the scum from Arabia showed up

what is your name ?
The Darkness and Light of Mecca

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, discusses the noble city of Mecca and the darkness it was in, before light entered the city, after the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

(7 minutes)

are you salafi wahabi?

take your fight outside PARSEEEEE!!!!

are you defending your wahabi arabs cousin?

huh, cousin parseee who me he ain't MY cousin------
I can't even get into MECCA------or even Yathrib-----I did have
a few uncles over there long long ago-------now----just a few
in Iran-----and Alexandria. Did I ever tell you that my name is
Persian in orgin I mean real Persian------not that crap that was
imported from Arabia. It was a distant relative-----once queen of
Persia BEFORE -------the scum from Arabia showed up

what is your name ?

guess-------you can call me "your majesty" my uncle fixed it up for me
are you salafi wahabi?

take your fight outside PARSEEEEE!!!!
are you defending your wahabi arabs cousin?

huh, cousin parseee who me he ain't MY cousin------
I can't even get into MECCA------or even Yathrib-----I did have
a few uncles over there long long ago-------now----just a few
in Iran-----and Alexandria. Did I ever tell you that my name is
Persian in orgin I mean real Persian------not that crap that was
imported from Arabia. It was a distant relative-----once queen of
Persia BEFORE -------the scum from Arabia showed up
what is your name ?

guess-------you can call me "your majesty" my uncle fixed it up for me
say first letter

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