Happy New Year From Israel's Capital

Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of these amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!
Blease do! Aren't you beasful Belestinians always telling us that Jerusalem shed be the cabital of Belestine? I don't ek-no vat-is your sbecific broblem?!

Oh dear...

Well, it is that time of year I suppose...

"A child is born" and all that...
Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of the amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!

Now with Jerusalem off the table for negotiations don't you believe the Palestinians now have a golden opportunity to want peace with Israel before they lose even more?

Only in your rather deranged mind is "Jerusalem off the table for negotiations".

Even your beloved leader didn't say that when declaring his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Jerusalem off the table. There is not a single way the Jews will give up a centimeter of Jerusalem. Game over, deal with it, you guys lost.
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Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of these amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!
Blease do! Aren't you beasful Belestinians always telling us that Jerusalem shed be the cabital of Belestine? I don't ek-no vat-is your sbecific broblem?!

Oh dear...

Well, it is that time of year I suppose...

"A child is born" and all that...
Blease stay on tobic and stob the bersonal insults! The tobic is: Habby New year from the Belestinian cubital! Can you blease tell us a single instance in history that there was a Belestinian cabital?! Much abbreciated.
Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of the amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!

Now with Jerusalem off the table for negotiations don't you believe the Palestinians now have a golden opportunity to want peace with Israel before they lose even more?

Only in your rather deranged mind is "Jerusalem off the table for negotiations".

Even your beloved leader didn't say that when declaring his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Jerusalem off the table. There is not a single way the Jews will give up a centimeter of Jerusalem. Game over, deal with it, you guys lost.

Jerusalem was removed from the table when the Arab Palestinians rejected Olmert's offer -- which included a part of Jerusalem and all the Old City -- in 2008. It wasn't even so much that they lost. But that they continue to refuse to take what the world appears to be convinced they want -- a State of their own based on the Green Line, the Old City and East Jerusalem. It is increasingly apparent that they do NOT actually want those things, else they would have accepted any one of a number of offers over the years.

Israel is perfectly willing to trade land for peace. Israel actually wants to do that. They don't want millions of hostiles within her borders. What Israel is NOT willing to do is dismantle itself, piece by piece, in exchange for more conflict and war. So, without a drastic and sustained change of behaviour -- Jerusalem is off the table.

Meantime, happy New Year to all those who celebrate the new year at this time.
Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of the amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!

Now with Jerusalem off the table for negotiations don't you believe the Palestinians now have a golden opportunity to want peace with Israel before they lose even more?

Only in your rather deranged mind is "Jerusalem off the table for negotiations".

Even your beloved leader didn't say that when declaring his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
You pal supporters better wise up or the Al Aqsa mosque will likely be next to lose.
You pal supporters better wise up or the Al Aqsa mosque will likely be next to lose.

Since when has Al-Aqsa been Palestinian? Its jointly controlled by Jordan and Israel. Jordan isn't likely to give that up to the Palestinians any more than Israel is.
Israel is perfectly willing to trade land for peace. Israel actually wants to do that.
Can you support it?

Its a good question. I can support it right up to 2008 with two words: Gaza and Olmert. BUT, in the past ten years, it is much harder to support the idea that Israel will trade land for peace. Why? Because peace isn't likely at this point, no matter what Israel does. Things have changed. In particular, Syria and Iran and Qatar and ISIS and Hamas and Hezbollah have changed. And the Arab Palestinians appear to be choosing the wrong side of that little showdown.
Unless & until the Pali's ever change their thinking, Israel wins every time. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.
Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of the amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!

Now with Jerusalem off the table for negotiations don't you believe the Palestinians now have a golden opportunity to want peace with Israel before they lose even more?
That is and always been Zionist Thinking as we all know....How about the world taking on the ambilivant Zionist Terrorists Worldwide....They don't mind a fight to ELIMINATE OTHERS,SO THEY CANNONT COMPLAIN WHEN IT HAPPENS TO THEM,,,I AM TALKING ZIONISTS ONLY THE SYNTHETICS....OTHER JEWS ARE FINE and must be protected and respected......SO NO TO ZIONISM......SOON FORWARD I SAY...theliquidator
Wishing Israel and the world the chance to have more peace in this coming Gregorian year, 2018.

Wishing the Palestinian leaders will lose their thirst for ALL of Palestine and will become content with what they eventually sit down with Israel and negotiate in good faith.

That is what the peaceful Arab leaders wanted 100 years ago, but the non moderates won.

Let this coming year be the beginning of more moderate thinking and more peace with Israel, not only from the Palestinians but from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.

Shalom Le Holam
The longer the Pali's resist making peace with Israel, the longer they continue to lose even more.
Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of the amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!

Now with Jerusalem off the table for negotiations don't you believe the Palestinians now have a golden opportunity to want peace with Israel before they lose even more?
That is and always been Zionist Thinking as we all know....How about the world taking on the ambilivant Zionist Terrorists Worldwide....They don't mind a fight to ELIMINATE OTHERS,SO THEY CANNONT COMPLAIN WHEN IT HAPPENS TO THEM,,,I AM TALKING ZIONISTS ONLY THE SYNTHETICS....OTHER JEWS ARE FINE and must be protected and respected......SO NO TO ZIONISM......SOON FORWARD I SAY...theliquidator

The Zionists are to blame for this endless conflict. Peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians so they can remain where they are instead of helping to free them back to their indigenous homelands or at least treating them with the love, justice & respect given the Palestinians by their own Arab brothers. Don't you agree.
Wishing Israel and the world the chance to have more peace in this coming Gregorian year, 2018.

Wishing the Palestinian leaders will lose their thirst for ALL of Palestine and will become content with what they eventually sit down with Israel and negotiate in good faith.

That is what the peaceful Arab leaders wanted 100 years ago, but the non moderates won.

Let this coming year be the beginning of more moderate thinking and more peace with Israel, not only from the Palestinians but from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.

Shalom Le Holam
No Israel only want Peace ON THEIR TERMS who are not in the least moderate......So your plea for Peace can never happen because Zionael 100 years ago decided to become A Terrorists Nation
Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of the amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!

Now with Jerusalem off the table for negotiations don't you believe the Palestinians now have a golden opportunity to want peace with Israel before they lose even more?
That is and always been Zionist Thinking as we all know....How about the world taking on the ambilivant Zionist Terrorists Worldwide....They don't mind a fight to ELIMINATE OTHERS,SO THEY CANNONT COMPLAIN WHEN IT HAPPENS TO THEM,,,I AM TALKING ZIONISTS ONLY THE SYNTHETICS....OTHER JEWS ARE FINE and must be protected and respected......SO NO TO ZIONISM......SOON FORWARD I SAY...theliquidator

The Zionists are to blame for this endless conflict. Peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians so they can remain where they are instead of helping to free them back to their indigenous homelands or at least treating them with the love, justice & respect given the Palestinians by their own Arab brothers. Don't you agree.
You are Fuxin Mad,considering Jews/Zionists have Murdered 100,000's of Innocents....Zionists are the New Nazis
Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of the amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!

Now with Jerusalem off the table for negotiations don't you believe the Palestinians now have a golden opportunity to want peace with Israel before they lose even more?
That is and always been Zionist Thinking as we all know....How about the world taking on the ambilivant Zionist Terrorists Worldwide....They don't mind a fight to ELIMINATE OTHERS,SO THEY CANNONT COMPLAIN WHEN IT HAPPENS TO THEM,,,I AM TALKING ZIONISTS ONLY THE SYNTHETICS....OTHER JEWS ARE FINE and must be protected and respected......SO NO TO ZIONISM......SOON FORWARD I SAY...theliquidator

The Zionists are to blame for this endless conflict. Peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians so they can remain where they are instead of helping to free them back to their indigenous homelands or at least treating them with the love, justice & respect given the Palestinians by their own Arab brothers. Don't you agree.
Mute Point
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Didn't you ek-no? Jerusalem is the cabital of balestine, where you will find the bery beasful belestinian beoble.

Oh I just love the way adults seem to have the unbelievable capacity to make themselves look like complete idiots.

I hope you aren't American Roodboy. I will have to start throwing some of the amazing(?) words that y'all use, destroying the English language!

Now with Jerusalem off the table for negotiations don't you believe the Palestinians now have a golden opportunity to want peace with Israel before they lose even more?
That is and always been Zionist Thinking as we all know....How about the world taking on the ambilivant Zionist Terrorists Worldwide....They don't mind a fight to ELIMINATE OTHERS,SO THEY CANNONT COMPLAIN WHEN IT HAPPENS TO THEM,,,I AM TALKING ZIONISTS ONLY THE SYNTHETICS....OTHER JEWS ARE FINE and must be protected and respected......SO NO TO ZIONISM......SOON FORWARD I SAY...theliquidator

The Zionists are to blame for this endless conflict. Peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians so they can remain where they are instead of helping to free them back to their indigenous homelands or at least treating them with the love, justice & respect given the Palestinians by their own Arab brothers. Don't you agree.
You continue not to get a clue about what the new forum rules are.

Stay on topic of the thread or get lost........ :)

Happy 2018 Gregorian New Year from around the world.

More Peace, less Bellyaching....

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