Happy Sarah Palin Thanksgiving

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Daisy Mae Mooseburger isn't the dumbest white woman I've ever seen - but she is the dumbest white woman that I've ever seen elected to higher office.
Bet she know how many states are in the USA

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Yet she has no power.

However, Dims did empower an even bigger goofball when they gave us the never ending joke Joey Biden as a real VP..
not a day goes by without at least on thread on the libs favorite woman, Sarah Palin.

Is it because there is not a single attractive female liberal?

You fools are making her richer every day by obsessing over her, I am sure she thanks you.
It is interesting you think she is made fun of because of her looks and not because she is a fucking idiot. It is pretty obvious you are the one who is obsessed with her looks, and that you overlook a woman's idiocy as long as she is good looking.

She's making money off people like you.

Is that what you do? Make fun of idiots? Sounds pretty Christian to me.

Did you notice, by any chance, that the video is 6 years old? Probably not, huh?
The OP plainly states the video is a golden oldie.

Are you sure you want to set a benchmark that we shouldn't play old videos of politicians making fools or liars of themselves? Are you reaeaaaaaally sure you want to do that?

Frankly, I couldn't care less one way or the other ... I enjoy watching liberals trying to make up some new insult. Their paranoia is hilarious.
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