Happy Tax Day...at least for the 47%

:eusa_whistle:Thank you for not disappointing me.
It was guess as to how long it would take before you started an attack on me.
Ad hominem never fails you.
You poised a question and I answered it and your response was typical when you don't agree.

First, over turn the Citizens United Supreme Court decision and work from there with the amount of money anyone one citizen can donate.
Then limit the number of PAC money to some proportional amount that one citizen can donate.
Get Trans National Corporations and Banks out of politics.
Work from there.

so what would you suggest...?

i see....i suppose you're a fan of burning books as well....
:eusa_whistle:Thank you for not disappointing me.
It was guess as to how long it would take before you started an attack on me.
Ad hominem never fails you.
You poised a question and I answered it and your response was typical when you don't agree.

First, over turn the Citizens United Supreme Court decision and work from there with the amount of money anyone one citizen can donate.
Then limit the number of PAC money to some proportional amount that one citizen can donate.
Get Trans National Corporations and Banks out of politics.
Work from there.

i see....i suppose you're a fan of burning books as well....

what you really mean is you didn't like that i disagreed with you....got any other bright ideas....?
i see....i suppose you're a fan of burning books as well....

Actually, it's sort of an interesting issue. First, Roberts is pretty machievellian in tossing out money limits, but not disclosure on money donated under those prior money limits. He can say, "oh we aren't anti-disclosure," when in fact the outcome is exactly that.

And NEITHER the dems nor the gop is actually pushing disclosure ... unless it's Soros's kid.

But, really, no one should have a complaint if there were no limits and total disclosure. Who cares who the Kochs, or Soros, push? We're smart enough to see the issue if we know who's greasing the goose. But the only way to get there is through the scotus, and currently ROberts has no desire to go there.

ever since McCain Feingold this crap has been a royal pain...agreed that there should be no limits be it money or when the ads occur.....free speech and all that.....and disclosure simply identifies the party which is a reasonable requirement in order for citizens to make an informed opinion....the very fact both parties have a problem with that proves it should become a requirement...

imo, McCain fiengold had a good intent. But, there's no way to "keep money out of politics." In a sense, that's why we rebelled against the King in the first place, LOL
Actually, it's sort of an interesting issue. First, Roberts is pretty machievellian in tossing out money limits, but not disclosure on money donated under those prior money limits. He can say, "oh we aren't anti-disclosure," when in fact the outcome is exactly that.

And NEITHER the dems nor the gop is actually pushing disclosure ... unless it's Soros's kid.

But, really, no one should have a complaint if there were no limits and total disclosure. Who cares who the Kochs, or Soros, push? We're smart enough to see the issue if we know who's greasing the goose. But the only way to get there is through the scotus, and currently ROberts has no desire to go there.

ever since McCain Feingold this crap has been a royal pain...agreed that there should be no limits be it money or when the ads occur.....free speech and all that.....and disclosure simply identifies the party which is a reasonable requirement in order for citizens to make an informed opinion....the very fact both parties have a problem with that proves it should become a requirement...

imo, McCain fiengold had a good intent. But, there's no way to "keep money out of politics." In a sense, that's why we rebelled against the King in the first place, LOL

and that was for a paltry what...2% tax...? the founders would have a collective heart attack if they knew what we are paying today...

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