Hard Rightwinger, Elon Musk, Says that Israel Isn't Helping Themselves


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
If even a rabid hard rightwinger like Elon Musk understands that what Israel is doing is not only wrong, but not helping themselves or anyone else, that tells you all you need to know.

He quoted: "If you create more [Hamas members] than you kill you've not succeeded. It's safe to say that if you kill somebody's child in Gaza, you've made at least a few Hamas members."

Read the article to get the details: Elon Musk finally speaks on Israel-Hamas war, says if you kill children in Gaza thenâ¦

Or just get the Cliff notes from this YT video...

If even a rabid hard rightwinger like Elon Musk understands that what Israel is doing is not only wrong, but not helping themselves or anyone else, that tells you all you need to know.

He quoted: "If you create more [Hamas members] than you kill you've not succeeded. It's safe to say that if you kill somebody's child in Gaza, you've made at least a few Hamas members."

Read the article to get the details: Elon Musk finally speaks on Israel-Hamas war, says if you kill children in Gaza thenâ¦

Or just get the Cliff notes from this YT video...

Rabid hard rightwinger, eh?


Even if he were- that doesn't mean it tells us all we need to know, dork.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, even when they're wrong.
I wish I had a solution ... but I don't ... Mr Netty's ideas are worth a try ... hopefully, the Palestinians themselves will see violence and death are not the way forward ... maybe this time they'll care what happens to Gaza City ...

Someone needs to get them to quit breeding ... half them people were born after Hurricane Katrina ...
Rabid hard rightwinger, eh?


Even if he were- that doesn't mean it tells us all we need to know, dork.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, even when they're wrong.
Do you disagree w/what he said?
LOL, these DemBots sure are a fickle bunch, ain't they? Elon was their Green Energy darling and then in a millisecond he was the devil when he bought Twitter. :laughing0301:
Elon is an opportunist. I don't think he has a natural lean to the right or to the left or even toward libertarianism unless there is money to be had.
11,000 killed and counting ... while Hamas keeps fighting, Palestinians will keep dying ... not what Allah wants at all ...
Allah does not care how many die as long as Islam survives. You need to be clear about that.
If even a rabid hard rightwinger like Elon Musk understands that what Israel is doing is not only wrong, but not helping themselves or anyone else, that tells you all you need to know.

He quoted: "If you create more [Hamas members] than you kill you've not succeeded. It's safe to say that if you kill somebody's child in Gaza, you've made at least a few Hamas members."

Read the article to get the details: Elon Musk finally speaks on Israel-Hamas war, says if you kill children in Gaza thenâ¦

Or just get the Cliff notes from this YT video...

I stated something to the effect that if you kill someones family members or children you are just creating further rage that will express itself in the future. There was a Palestenian doctor who lost 22 family.members,.including his wife in another Israeli attack years.ago. He was on Piers Morgan with 22 photos. It is also contrary to G-ds laws.which true followers of.Judaism do their best to uphold.. Now, I said from the beginning that I did not envy the task the IDF have to face and of course I support ourJewish brothers and sisters, there was always going to be collateral damage and Hamas are purposely hiding among civilians. However, some reports from Europe say that the bombing has been indiscriminate, even bombings to the south. America hurt their global reputation with all the killings of civilians in Iraq. The scenario that the IDF are facing is even worse, the.casualties.of the innocent much higher on a relative basis.

Hard Rightwinger, Elon Musk, Says that Israel Isn't Helping Themselves​

Hahaha. I'm a “hard right-winger” and Musk doesn't even come close. He's left of center on social issues and right of center on economic/fiscal policy. But he's right that Israel is making Israel look really bad.
Elon makes sense. The IDF must make sure it eliminates Hamas root and branch. Sad for any innocents but that falls on Hamas. Been watching the attempted evacuation of the Hospital with Hamas under it. Hamas is stopping it from what I can gather. I say to the IDF do NOT let Hamas get out of it. I would suggest cyanide gas in the air intakes for their tunnels but that's just me.

I pray for the IDF and all innocents.

If even a rabid hard rightwinger like Elon Musk understands that what Israel is doing is not only wrong, but not helping themselves or anyone else, that tells you all you need to know.

He quoted: "If you create more [Hamas members] than you kill you've not succeeded. It's safe to say that if you kill somebody's child in Gaza, you've made at least a few Hamas members."

Read the article to get the details: Elon Musk finally speaks on Israel-Hamas war, says if you kill children in Gaza thenâ¦

Or just get the Cliff notes from this YT video...

When did Elon Musk magically become a " hard right winger" you stooopid establishment ass lickin monkey
Define" hard right winger"
Elon Musk is currently running around Red China sucking of every Cadre will drop trousers for him in an attempt to save his market over there. He's has to slash prices below costs, but luckily he has all those welfare bennies for wealthy buyers here in the U.S. to make possible for him to hang on a little longer in his beloved Red China, Hero of multi-national corps everywhere.
If even a rabid hard rightwinger like Elon Musk understands that what Israel is doing is not only wrong, but not helping themselves or anyone else, that tells you all you need to know.

He quoted: "If you create more [Hamas members] than you kill you've not succeeded. It's safe to say that if you kill somebody's child in Gaza, you've made at least a few Hamas members."

Read the article to get the details: Elon Musk finally speaks on Israel-Hamas war, says if you kill children in Gaza thenâ¦

Or just get the Cliff notes from this YT video...

Now...Jewish extremists vs. Muslim extremists

#### No doubt about it. More and more people will die. Gaza will finally turn into rubbles and graveyards. And do not expect any negotiation or peaceful things in the Middle East! No way! 🔫🔪💣

#### According to a survey conducted in Israel, Netanyahu has a favorable opinion among Israeli Jews, with 63% expressing a positive view of him. However, among Israeli Arabs, only 20% have a favorable opinion of Netanyahu, while 76% have a negative view.

Netanyahu's policies and actions have been criticized by Palestinians and some members of the international community. Critics argue that his government's settlement expansion in the occupied territories and the lack of progress in the peace process have hindered the prospects for a two-state solution.

Netanyahu's return to power in 2022 and his coalition government's dependence on the support of once-fringe EXTREMIST PARTIES and politicians have raised concerns about the potential implications for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

#### Understanding the Extremist Mindset within Israeli Society

1. Historical Context: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with its complex history and ongoing tensions, has contributed to the emergence of extremist ideologies on both sides. Extremist groups often exploit grievances, historical narratives, and perceived threats to advance their agendas.

2. Political Factors: Political factors, such as the lack of progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, can create a sense of frustration, disillusionment, and despair among certain segments of Israeli society. This environment can provide fertile ground for extremist ideologies to take hold.

3. Religious and Nationalistic Identity: Some extremist groups in Israel emphasize religious and nationalistic identity, often intertwining them. These groups may advocate for policies that prioritize Jewish identity and the expansion of Israeli territory, sometimes at the expense of other communities.

4. Radicalization and Violence: Extremist ideologies can lead to radicalization, where individuals or groups adopt increasingly extreme beliefs and may resort to violence to achieve their goals. Factors such as social alienation, perceived injustices, and exposure to extremist propaganda can contribute to the radicalization process.

5. Psychological Factors: The psychological factors underlying extremism are complex and multifaceted. They can include a sense of victimhood, a desire for belonging and purpose, a need for identity affirmation, and a distorted worldview that justifies violence as a means to achieve ideological objectives.

Extremist ideologies do not represent the views of the entire Israeli population. Israeli society is diverse, and there are many individuals and groups who actively work towards peace, coexistence, and dialogue with Palestinians and other communities.

Sources :

1. Despite Their Wide Differences, Many Israelis and Palestinians Want Bigger Role for Obama in Resolving Conflict

2. What Does Israel’s New Government Mean for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

3. Detailing Extremist Violence on Both Sides of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Senior Official Tells Security Council Political Horizon Must Be Re-Established | UN Press

4. https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/208552.pdf

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