Harris Criticized By Liberal Media By Wasted, Ineffective 'Very Sanitized' Border 'Photo Op'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

NY TIMES: 'Touring the Border, Harris Asked Questions, and Had Few Answers'

NPR: Harris showed up for a very sanitized El Paso photo op

Ft Bliss - Largest Illegal In-Processing Center in US, was only 10nm from El Paso, where VP Harris visited....but she did not visit Ft. Bliss. She visited El Paso. El Paso is not the epicenter of the on-going illegal alien invasion / disaster. She chose not to visit those locations either.

She did not visit the epicenter of where the epic, historic illegal invasion is happening, where illegals can be seen crossing the river / border in the back ground. She did not visit a facility where unaccompanied illegal children are being packed into Biden Kiddie Cages - cages where as many as 80 - 100 children were packed into cages designed to hold 7-10 kids, cages where kids have to sleep in shifts on the floor because there is not enough floor space /beds for all of them, cages in which already physically / sexually abused children were further sexually abused by other illegals due to the US BP not having enough personnel to watch / baby sit the massive numbers of illegal children being held.

She did not visit an actual Border facility that does not have enough food or potable water for the children / people.

She did not visit a facility in which 30 - 40% of the kids have COVID-19, where some of the US BP Agents have continued to work while having COVID-19 (infected by the kids) because there was no one else available to feed / care for the kids.

She did not visit with any of these dedicated US BP officers who worked long hours, through COVID-19 due to a lack of manning due to manning / funding cut by the Democrats and Biden administration.

She did not talk to any of the physically, sexually abused unaccompanied children who had been / were packed into Biden kiddie cages, did not talk to them about being separated from their families, about being physically and sexually abused by criminal Cartels and coyotes along he way.

She did not talk to farmers who have had their properties continuously damaged, vehicles stolen, and who have found dozens of children and adults left for dead in deadly heat on their property.

President Biden and VP Harris have refused to call what they have created at our border with their open border Policy an 'Emergency', let alone a 'disaster' / 'crisis'...despite Calling in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

President Biden and VP Harris have refused to call what they have created at our border a 'National Security Crisis' despite their own Illegal Immigration Chief openly declaring that the Cartels and Coyotes control the border, not the US...that they can not keep up with these criminal organizations...who nw OWN our border and continue to cross any time they want, who continue to engage in the largest drug, human, and child trafficking event in history thanks to the Democrats and Biden administration.

VP Harris did not say why she and Biden are continuing to traffic unaccompanied children all over the US, why they are holding children on buses for up to 3 days while it is decided where they will be trafficked to in the US without informing local and state agencies they are coming.

VP Harris did not say why she, the President, and Democrats have ordered illegals caught crossing the border be released into the US without being given a court date for a later for an Immigration hearing - she did not say why The President and Democrats are violating US immigration law.

VP Harris did not mention about how illegals crossing are from dozens of other nations, how some have been members of the FBI's most wanted terrorist watch list - and that these are just the tones who were caught...

As NPR reported, Harris showed up for a very sanitized El Paso photo op with the pre-determined Propaganda message of how 'things have gotten better' - without having seen the original problems or the inhumane conditions and problems or the conditions and problems now, in an attempt to take the focus off of the scale of this historical illegal 'invasion'. the abandoned enforcement of US immigration laws, and the complete failure of this administration to secure our border, ensure our national security, and to enforce US immigration law.

"Yeah, she got an arguably sanitized view of the situation at the border. She visited El Paso, where things were much more problematic earlier this year with unaccompanied children being held longer than they were supposed to be. But since then, they've sped things up so the kids can move more quickly to shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. And she wanted to highlight that improvement. But she did not visit one of those shelters. And there is one nearby, and there are very real concerns about the conditions there. Outside of the view of the press, she met with several migrant children. And it was part of an overall effort on this trip to focus on the humanitarian aspect of the immigration crisis, rather than on enforcement. And at the end, she stopped to talk to reporters on the tarmac, and she urged people to focus less on - to make it less political."

NPR pointed out that Harris' visit was a completely useless. sanitized photo op and Propaganda-pushing exercise.

What VP Harris did do was to attack former President Trump and attempt to falsely blame him for the border disaster while declaring how the border problem can not be solved 'unless you understand the roots of the border problem'.
- AGAIN, VP Harris demonstrates she and president Biden either have to be the most DEAF and DUMB morons to ever occupy their respective offices or they are the most criminal, lying pieces of fecal matter in US history.

The American people aren't buying their BS because we have all seen illegals by the dozen declaring they are coming to the US because of JOE BIDEN declaring if they make it to the US they won't be sent back, that the current historic border crisis is going on because of JOE BIDEN.

We have all watched and listened to the presidents of Mexico and Guatemala openly, publicly declare that the root cause of the current US border disaster is PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN, VP HARRIS, AND THE DEMOCRATS having cancelled every existing Immigration agreement between the US and South American countries, processes, regulations, and laws President Trump was responsible for - ALL OF WHICH WERE WORKING, ACCORDING TO THESE PRERSIDENTS / LEADERS. The Guatemalan President called Harris' trip there a waste of time because Harris - after the agreement Trump had negotiated with him had been cancelled by the Biden administration - was there to negotiate an agreement that already exists and one she did not really want to begin with. (If Biden/Harris/Democrats really wanted policies/agreements that worked they would have kept the ones already in existence).

Just like her trips to Mexico and South America, just like Biden's trip to the G7 Summit, Harris' trip to El Paso was a complete failure that accomplished NOTHING.

The border is a clusterfuck. A clusterfuck created by a stuttering fuck.

Trump had the border nailed down. Idiot opened it allowing thousands of illegals to pour into our country. Many have the Chinese virus. These illegals cost we tax payers billions each year.

You can bet Americans aren't happy with the clusterfuck at the border and thousands more illegals pouring into our country. Can hardly wait for 2022 and 2024.

NY TIMES: 'Touring the Border, Harris Asked Questions, and Had Few Answers'

NPR: Harris showed up for a very sanitized El Paso photo op

Ft Bliss - Largest Illegal In-Processing Center in US, was only 10nm from El Paso, where VP Harris visited....but she did not visit Ft. Bliss. She visited El Paso. El Paso is not the epicenter of the on-going illegal alien invasion / disaster. She chose not to visit those locations either.

She did not visit the epicenter of where the epic, historic illegal invasion is happening, where illegals can be seen crossing the river / border in the back ground. She did not visit a facility where unaccompanied illegal children are being packed into Biden Kiddie Cages - cages where as many as 80 - 100 children were packed into cages designed to hold 7-10 kids, cages where kids have to sleep in shifts on the floor because there is not enough floor space /beds for all of them, cages in which already physically / sexually abused children were further sexually abused by other illegals due to the US BP not having enough personnel to watch / baby sit the massive numbers of illegal children being held.

She did not visit an actual Border facility that does not have enough food or potable water for the children / people.

She did not visit a facility in which 30 - 40% of the kids have COVID-19, where some of the US BP Agents have continued to work while having COVID-19 (infected by the kids) because there was no one else available to feed / care for the kids.

She did not visit with any of these dedicated US BP officers who worked long hours, through COVID-19 due to a lack of manning due to manning / funding cut by the Democrats and Biden administration.

She did not talk to any of the physically, sexually abused unaccompanied children who had been / were packed into Biden kiddie cages, did not talk to them about being separated from their families, about being physically and sexually abused by criminal Cartels and coyotes along he way.

She did not talk to farmers who have had their properties continuously damaged, vehicles stolen, and who have found dozens of children and adults left for dead in deadly heat on their property.

President Biden and VP Harris have refused to call what they have created at our border with their open border Policy an 'Emergency', let alone a 'disaster' / 'crisis'...despite Calling in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

President Biden and VP Harris have refused to call what they have created at our border a 'National Security Crisis' despite their own Illegal Immigration Chief openly declaring that the Cartels and Coyotes control the border, not the US...that they can not keep up with these criminal organizations...who nw OWN our border and continue to cross any time they want, who continue to engage in the largest drug, human, and child trafficking event in history thanks to the Democrats and Biden administration.

VP Harris did not say why she and Biden are continuing to traffic unaccompanied children all over the US, why they are holding children on buses for up to 3 days while it is decided where they will be trafficked to in the US without informing local and state agencies they are coming.

VP Harris did not say why she, the President, and Democrats have ordered illegals caught crossing the border be released into the US without being given a court date for a later for an Immigration hearing - she did not say why The President and Democrats are violating US immigration law.

VP Harris did not mention about how illegals crossing are from dozens of other nations, how some have been members of the FBI's most wanted terrorist watch list - and that these are just the tones who were caught...

As NPR reported, Harris showed up for a very sanitized El Paso photo op with the pre-determined Propaganda message of how 'things have gotten better' - without having seen the original problems or the inhumane conditions and problems or the conditions and problems now, in an attempt to take the focus off of the scale of this historical illegal 'invasion'. the abandoned enforcement of US immigration laws, and the complete failure of this administration to secure our border, ensure our national security, and to enforce US immigration law.

"Yeah, she got an arguably sanitized view of the situation at the border. She visited El Paso, where things were much more problematic earlier this year with unaccompanied children being held longer than they were supposed to be. But since then, they've sped things up so the kids can move more quickly to shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. And she wanted to highlight that improvement. But she did not visit one of those shelters. And there is one nearby, and there are very real concerns about the conditions there. Outside of the view of the press, she met with several migrant children. And it was part of an overall effort on this trip to focus on the humanitarian aspect of the immigration crisis, rather than on enforcement. And at the end, she stopped to talk to reporters on the tarmac, and she urged people to focus less on - to make it less political."

NPR pointed out that Harris' visit was a completely useless. sanitized photo op and Propaganda-pushing exercise.

What VP Harris did do was to attack former President Trump and attempt to falsely blame him for the border disaster while declaring how the border problem can not be solved 'unless you understand the roots of the border problem'.
- AGAIN, VP Harris demonstrates she and president Biden either have to be the most DEAF and DUMB morons to ever occupy their respective offices or they are the most criminal, lying pieces of fecal matter in US history.

The American people aren't buying their BS because we have all seen illegals by the dozen declaring they are coming to the US because of JOE BIDEN declaring if they make it to the US they won't be sent back, that the current historic border crisis is going on because of JOE BIDEN.

We have all watched and listened to the presidents of Mexico and Guatemala openly, publicly declare that the root cause of the current US border disaster is PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN, VP HARRIS, AND THE DEMOCRATS having cancelled every existing Immigration agreement between the US and South American countries, processes, regulations, and laws President Trump was responsible for - ALL OF WHICH WERE WORKING, ACCORDING TO THESE PRERSIDENTS / LEADERS. The Guatemalan President called Harris' trip there a waste of time because Harris - after the agreement Trump had negotiated with him had been cancelled by the Biden administration - was there to negotiate an agreement that already exists and one she did not really want to begin with. (If Biden/Harris/Democrats really wanted policies/agreements that worked they would have kept the ones already in existence).

Just like her trips to Mexico and South America, just like Biden's trip to the G7 Summit, Harris' trip to El Paso was a complete failure that accomplished NOTHING.

She's literally not capable of anything more than this.
for the record----closure of the border angers lots of persons of "color" who
hope to convince children who speak spanish that they are THEREFORE
persons of "color" thus enhancing the voting base of persons of "color"
The Irish Ram
Expect plane loads of illegals heading for every state in our country for the next 3 and 1/2 years non stop. And we get to pay for them all...
a little recognized factoid-----it ain't nuthin' new-----think something like at least 50 years---
SOS Trump knew that and saw it has harmful to the USA------it got him voted out
A small example how the Marxists will be lining up the useful idiots on a wall. When the Marxists take over they will get rid of those civil rights leaders and college professors who either think power will given to them or are not as Marxist as they are. They will see them as a greater threat.

This is how it works and you see how it is done. She let a good destabilizing moment slip and now they are very angry at one "their own."

Blacks are supposed to know their role and act accordingly. Or else.....

Tale of two Bills.

One white and one black. One is in prison and the other is worshiped as a god.

The white one and black one accused of the same things. As much proof of guilt for each. But one was not really committed to the marxist movement and the other is key for the marxist movement.

One is in prison and the other isn't.

See how it works? No? Open your eyes.
A small example how the Marxists will be lining up the useful idiots on a wall. When the Marxists take over they will get rid of those civil rights leaders and college professors who either think power will given to them or are not as Marxist as they are. They will see them as a greater threat.

This is how it works and you see how it is done. She let a good destabilizing moment slip and now they are very angry at one "their own."

Blacks are supposed to know their role and act accordingly. Or else.....

Tale of two Bills.

One white and one black. One is in prison and the other is worshiped as a god.

The white one and black one accused of the same things. As much proof of guilt for each. But one was not really committed to the marxist movement and the other is key for the marxist movement.

One is in prison and the other isn't.

See how it works? No? Open your eyes.
and for today's assignment ---READ "ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF IVAN DENISOVITCH"
fret not----it's a skinny book ----sorta a novella
..she is undeniably a dumbass and racist = she fell for the Smollet Hoax....her and Biden are typical whimpy, PANDERING, etc politicians
She was the worst Presidential candidate during the primaries, she was the first one out, and then Biden picks her as his VP running mate because she is a Black woman. The whole damn Democrat party is an embarrassment.

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