Hillary did not concede immediately

Was the Main Reason Trump HAD TO WIN.

It is also why the left has lost whats left of their feable minds
The Dems can't muster the votes of the people in congress for their agenda so cramming it through via the courts bypassing the people's representatives was their go-to scam. Now that's off the table hence they are freaking out.
Aww, such adorable half truths.

"tHaT's AlL i nEeD tO kNow"

So you're saying Trump didnt concede? Actually I spoke in WHOLE truths. Trump Conceded. Trump left office. Holding a rally was absolutely legal as well as challenging the results was legal. If one wants to argue that it was petty or distasteful, THATS an argument, but last time I checked, Trump was never charged with holding some illegal protest or insurrection. Given the Resources of the Democrat DOJ and all the efforts they have come up with to take Trump to court on multiple charges, HAD THERE been any evidence of illegality on Trump's part - JAN 6... he would be charged right now. The proof is in the pudding as they say.
Billo_Really said:
BTW, Trump did lose the popular vote.
Oh, okay. FYI, Abraham Lincoln only got 39.9% of the popular vote in the 1860 election (the conservative vote, as it was then considered, was split between three candidates: Breckinridge, Douglas, and Bell). Bill Clinton only got 43% of the popular vote in the 1992 election (the combined vote for Bush Sr. and Ross Perot was 56.3%).

So in both of those elections, well over 50% of voters did not vote for the winner.

I guess they didn't teach you in school that we are a republic and that we do not elect Presidents via popular vote but state-by-state via the Electoral College. And I'm guessing you have no interest in understanding why the founding fathers did not want Presidents elected by popular vote.
Oh, okay. FYI, Abraham Lincoln only got 39.9% of the popular vote in the 1860 election (the conservative vote, as it was then considered, was split between three candidates: Breckinridge, Douglas, and Bell). Bill Clinton only got 43% of the popular vote in the 1992 election (the combined vote for Bush Sr. and Ross Perot was 56.3%).

So in both of those elections, well over 50% of voters did not vote for the winner.

I guess they didn't teach you in school that we are a republic and that we do not elect Presidents via popular vote but state-by-state via the Electoral College. And I'm guessing you have no interest in understanding why the founding fathers did not want Presidents elected by popular vote.
You guess a lot! You got your little bitchy speech already to go and you're just fishing for a way to use it. It has nothing to do with me or any other poster. You're just looking for a trigger.

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