Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

NV Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, handles herself spectacularly against this trained and practiced lying Liberal asshole, MSNBC's Chris Hayes.

She is smart, can think on her feet, has her facts straight and won't back down.

Go to the link and watch the video!

MSNBC host Chris Hayes clashed with a Republican state assemblywoman over the Nevada ranch standoff on his program Friday night, as supporters of Cliven Bundy celebrated with a barbecue after forcing the Bureau of Land Management to abort their mission last week.

Nevada Republican Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who repeatedly rejected the federal government using arms to collect an “unpaid bill” and alleged there is “very suspicious activity” that Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “has imposed on Nevadans,” refused to concede to Hayes that Bundy is in fact in violation of the law.

?Chris, Don?t Put Words in My Mouth!?: MSNBC Host, GOP Assemblywoman Clash Over Bundy Ranch | Video | TheBlaze.com
Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Nuts like you on the internet are not the rightful arbiters of what is or isn't abuse. Nor are crackpot criminal ranchers motivated by greed to steal.

Nor are the crazy militias who think they can summarily declare the rightful authority of the federal government null and void.
Harry Reid is a scumbag with a vendetta. It's clear he is taking this personally. Stupid emotional libs

Absolutely right, Grampa!

Reid sounds like he thinks HE'S the boss and WE are the subjects.

He must be shown he is but our servant.

The nerve of that prick!
Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Is it your opinion the, "Tortoise was never endangered to begin with" or do you have a legitimate authority on the subject to evidence your statement?

I see them all over the place out here where I live and I have been here for 30 years.
Ask anybody who lives in the Southwest and they will say the same thing.
If they actually were endangered the Feds would have set up sanctuaries all though out the Southwestern States, but they didn't.
They also would not have killed 700 or 800 of them if they really were endangered just because they ran out of money.
Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Let me just remind everyone that when it came to the Occupy Wallstreeters, when the partisan shoe was on the other foot,

YOU supported the pepper spraying of the protestors by law enforcement, and your rationale was...

...the OWSers were BREAKING THE LAW.

Funny how you changed since then.
Harry Reid is a scumbag with a vendetta. It's clear he is taking this personally. Stupid emotional libs

Absolutely right, Grampa!

Reid sounds like he thinks HE'S the boss and WE are the subjects.

He must be shown he is but our servant.

The nerve of that prick!
Prick? That's too nice. He's an arrogant TYRANT. Cut of the SAME Mold as Obama and the rest of the Progressives in charge.
Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Nuts like you on the internet are not the rightful arbiters of what is or isn't abuse. Nor are crackpot criminal ranchers motivated by greed to steal.

Nor are the crazy militias who think they can summarily declare the rightful authority of the federal government null and void.

Telling actual facts and the truth :lol:
The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Is it your opinion the, "Tortoise was never endangered to begin with" or do you have a legitimate authority on the subject to evidence your statement?

as they say here's the rest of the story....Las Vegas developers beat out the ranchers...

from an article back in 1993...Washington Post
Three years ago, with tortoise populations crashing largely because of habitat destruction across its range in Nevada, California, Arizona and Utah, the federal government added the tortoise to its list of threatened species. The designation immediately imperiled tens of millions of dollars worth of construction projects in this development-crazed city.

But it also triggered a novel experiment in the peaceful resolution of endangered species conflicts that is similar, in many respects, to the process Babbitt would like to try nationwide to defuse explosive development-versus-environment fights.

Employing a rarely used mechanism approved by Congress a decade ago, environmentalists, developers, government officials, cattlemen, miners and off-road vehicle enthusiasts began negotiating a “habitat conservation plan.” The hope was it would satisfy both the needs of the tortoise and the Las Vegas area’s rapacious appetite for development.

The result was a plan to protect the tortoise by providing vast tracts of federal land as a refuge while sacrificing other tortoise areas to development....

By mid-1991, the Fish and Wildlife Service had approved a short-term conservation plan that allows for development of about 22,000 acres of tortoise habitat in and around Las Vegas in exchange for strict conservation measures on 400,000 acres of federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land south of the city. The plan is funded by development fees of between $ 250 and $ 550 an acre paid by builders. Almost $ 10 million has been raised so far.

Among the conservation measures required are the elimination of livestock grazing and strict limits on off-road vehicle use in the protected tortoise habitat. Two weeks ago, the managers of the plan completed the task of purchasing grazing privileges from cattle ranchers who formerly used BLM land....

Cattlemen are particularly irate, and have gone to court to prevent grazing restrictions on BLM land now outside the tortoise management area, where the federal agency has tried to keep cattle from competing with tortoises for forage for three months in the spring. Ranchers like Cliven Bundy, whose family homesteaded his ranch in 1877 and who accuses the government of a “land grab,” are digging in for a fight and say they will not willingly sell their grazing privileges to create another preserve.

The Post article was written more than 21 years ago, before Bundy had been assessed even one dime in fees, and validates his claim that his grievance is about the intrusiveness of federal rules aimed at protecting the desert tortoise, and how the government has used the rules as yet another tool to pick economic winners and losers.

It’s background and context that the networks could have provided as they picked up on the story of a rancher fighting the feds — but, sadly, was omitted from the broadcast coverage this past week.

Read more: What the Networks Aren't Telling You About the Nevada Cattle Battle | NewsBusters

Was Bundy ignored for 21 years or was there an on going dialogue between he and several administrations?

Is the Obama Administration enforcing the law or not? Isn't that the essential question?
Last edited:
Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Nuts like you on the internet are not the rightful arbiters of what is or isn't abuse. Nor are crackpot criminal ranchers motivated by greed to steal.

Nor are the crazy militias who think they can summarily declare the rightful authority of the federal government null and void.

YOU just remember this when YOU look in the mirror next time hoss. :eusa_hand:
Why don't those who hate government in general, and those who hate the Obama Administration but support the Reagan Administration, and have thrown under the bus the Bushes and Clinton Administrations, get together and form a new political party? It seems there are plenty of current Republicans, Libertarians, Independents, iconoclasts and curmudgeons who seem to fit this profile and would come together to support a new and fresh political Party.

If anyone fits this mold, a big tent indeed, tell us what would be the popular planks in their platform.

I think I can guess, but I will not presume to do so.
Is it your opinion the, "Tortoise was never endangered to begin with" or do you have a legitimate authority on the subject to evidence your statement?

as they say here's the rest of the story....Las Vegas developers beat out the ranchers...

from an article back in 1993...Washington Post
Three years ago, with tortoise populations crashing largely because of habitat destruction across its range in Nevada, California, Arizona and Utah, the federal government added the tortoise to its list of threatened species. The designation immediately imperiled tens of millions of dollars worth of construction projects in this development-crazed city.

But it also triggered a novel experiment in the peaceful resolution of endangered species conflicts that is similar, in many respects, to the process Babbitt would like to try nationwide to defuse explosive development-versus-environment fights.

Employing a rarely used mechanism approved by Congress a decade ago, environmentalists, developers, government officials, cattlemen, miners and off-road vehicle enthusiasts began negotiating a “habitat conservation plan.” The hope was it would satisfy both the needs of the tortoise and the Las Vegas area’s rapacious appetite for development.

The result was a plan to protect the tortoise by providing vast tracts of federal land as a refuge while sacrificing other tortoise areas to development....

By mid-1991, the Fish and Wildlife Service had approved a short-term conservation plan that allows for development of about 22,000 acres of tortoise habitat in and around Las Vegas in exchange for strict conservation measures on 400,000 acres of federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land south of the city. The plan is funded by development fees of between $ 250 and $ 550 an acre paid by builders. Almost $ 10 million has been raised so far.

Among the conservation measures required are the elimination of livestock grazing and strict limits on off-road vehicle use in the protected tortoise habitat. Two weeks ago, the managers of the plan completed the task of purchasing grazing privileges from cattle ranchers who formerly used BLM land....

Cattlemen are particularly irate, and have gone to court to prevent grazing restrictions on BLM land now outside the tortoise management area, where the federal agency has tried to keep cattle from competing with tortoises for forage for three months in the spring. Ranchers like Cliven Bundy, whose family homesteaded his ranch in 1877 and who accuses the government of a “land grab,” are digging in for a fight and say they will not willingly sell their grazing privileges to create another preserve.

The Post article was written more than 21 years ago, before Bundy had been assessed even one dime in fees, and validates his claim that his grievance is about the intrusiveness of federal rules aimed at protecting the desert tortoise, and how the government has used the rules as yet another tool to pick economic winners and losers.

It’s background and context that the networks could have provided as they picked up on the story of a rancher fighting the feds — but, sadly, was omitted from the broadcast coverage this past week.

Read more: What the Networks Aren't Telling You About the Nevada Cattle Battle | NewsBusters

Was Bundy ignored for 21 years or was there an on going dialogue between he and several administrations?

Is the Obama Administration enforcing the law or not? Isn't that the essential question?


All the sudden we're interested in how precisely Barak's Administration enforces Laws?

The Obama Administration subjectively administers the law.

In Colorado they turn a blind-eye to "legal" marijuana.

In Nevada they gotta protect the Tortoise.
as they say here's the rest of the story....Las Vegas developers beat out the ranchers...

from an article back in 1993...Washington Post

The Post article was written more than 21 years ago, before Bundy had been assessed even one dime in fees, and validates his claim that his grievance is about the intrusiveness of federal rules aimed at protecting the desert tortoise, and how the government has used the rules as yet another tool to pick economic winners and losers.

It’s background and context that the networks could have provided as they picked up on the story of a rancher fighting the feds — but, sadly, was omitted from the broadcast coverage this past week.

Read more: What the Networks Aren't Telling You About the Nevada Cattle Battle | NewsBusters

Was Bundy ignored for 21 years or was there an on going dialogue between he and several administrations?

Is the Obama Administration enforcing the law or not? Isn't that the essential question?


All the sudden we're interested in how precisely Barak's Administration enforces Laws?

The Obama Administration subjectively administers the law.

In Colorado they turn a blind-eye to "legal" marijuana.

In Nevada they gotta protect the Tortoise.

And ONE they ran out of money for and had to kill...:eusa_whistle:

It's all fake justification for politicians to make a deal.
The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Nuts like you on the internet are not the rightful arbiters of what is or isn't abuse. Nor are crackpot criminal ranchers motivated by greed to steal.

Nor are the crazy militias who think they can summarily declare the rightful authority of the federal government null and void.

YOU just remember this when YOU look in the mirror next time hoss. :eusa_hand:

I'm not arbitrating anything. I'm saying the federal government has the right to enforce the law,

and those who would defy or obstruct that right do not have the law on their side.

Those are simply the facts of the case.
And here everyone was thinking it was the wortless civil servants currently in power were the domestic terrorists....go figure.
Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Let me just remind everyone that when it came to the Occupy Wallstreeters, when the partisan shoe was on the other foot,

YOU supported the pepper spraying of the protestors by law enforcement, and your rationale was...

...the OWSers were BREAKING THE LAW.

Funny how you changed since then.

For the record, I was in favor of OWS, and I was against the pepper spraying.

Unlike some here, I'm not partisan bound. I am an independent and think for myself.
as they say here's the rest of the story....Las Vegas developers beat out the ranchers...

from an article back in 1993...Washington Post

The Post article was written more than 21 years ago, before Bundy had been assessed even one dime in fees, and validates his claim that his grievance is about the intrusiveness of federal rules aimed at protecting the desert tortoise, and how the government has used the rules as yet another tool to pick economic winners and losers.

It’s background and context that the networks could have provided as they picked up on the story of a rancher fighting the feds — but, sadly, was omitted from the broadcast coverage this past week.

Read more: What the Networks Aren't Telling You About the Nevada Cattle Battle | NewsBusters

Was Bundy ignored for 21 years or was there an on going dialogue between he and several administrations?

Is the Obama Administration enforcing the law or not? Isn't that the essential question?


All the sudden we're interested in how precisely Barak's Administration enforces Laws?

The Obama Administration subjectively administers the law.

In Colorado they turn a blind-eye to "legal" marijuana.

In Nevada they gotta protect the Tortoise.

The manner in which any governmental authority enforces unrelated laws is not a defense.

If you rob a post office, try defending yourself by claiming that the federal government is not properly enforcing marijuana laws.

Good luck.
Nuts like you on the internet are not the rightful arbiters of what is or isn't abuse. Nor are crackpot criminal ranchers motivated by greed to steal.

Nor are the crazy militias who think they can summarily declare the rightful authority of the federal government null and void.

YOU just remember this when YOU look in the mirror next time hoss. :eusa_hand:

I'm not arbitrating anything. I'm saying the federal government has the right to enforce the law,

and those who would defy or obstruct that right do not have the law on their side.

Those are simply the facts of the case.

And may I add- the facts are indeed the case for why having the law on your side, no longer means having the rights and liberties that once came with it

Nuts like you on the internet are not the rightful arbiters of what is or isn't abuse. Nor are crackpot criminal ranchers motivated by greed to steal.

Nor are the crazy militias who think they can summarily declare the rightful authority of the federal government null and void.

YOU just remember this when YOU look in the mirror next time hoss. :eusa_hand:

I'm not arbitrating anything. I'm saying the federal government has the right to enforce the law,

and those who would defy or obstruct that right do not have the law on their side.

Those are simply the facts of the case.
Then STATE so...stop MASKING your intent.:eusa_hand:

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