Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

A man disobeys the law. The man is prosecuted. The Supreme court says that Robert Lawrence shouldn't have been prosecuted under an unjust law.

A woman disobeys the law. The woman is prosecuted. The Supreme Court says that Rosa Parks shouldn't have been prosecuted under an unjust law.

Every German who helped Jews escape Germany were breaking the law. Every American that helped slaves escape the plantations were breaking the law.

How many times do pot smokers break the law? Kaitlyn Hunt broke the law by raping a 14 year old girl. Liberals gave her a lot of support claiming the law under which she was prosecuted was an unjust law.

Some laws need to be broken. When the law benefits ONLY the friends of political cronies, it needs to be smashed.
So you accuse the BLM of land theft one moment and then come back the next and say you support it?

You people are losing it.

Again you state statements that I didn't State.....................Get your head out of your ass much.............

You either support drilling on federal lands or you don't. Pick one.

Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.
A man disobeys the law. The man is prosecuted. The Supreme court says that Robert Lawrence shouldn't have been prosecuted under an unjust law.

A woman disobeys the law. The woman is prosecuted. The Supreme Court says that Rosa Parks shouldn't have been prosecuted under an unjust law.

Every German who helped Jews escape Germany were breaking the law. Every American that helped slaves escape the plantations were breaking the law.

How many times do pot smokers break the law? Kaitlyn Hunt broke the law by raping a 14 year old girl. Liberals gave her a lot of support claiming the law under which she was prosecuted was an unjust law.

Some laws need to be broken. When the law benefits ONLY the friends of political cronies, it needs to be smashed.

LOL, now stealing grass for your cows from the federal government is comparable to hiding Jews from the Nazis.

See what I mean about derangement? Insanity?
Again you state statements that I didn't State.....................Get your head out of your ass much.............

You either support drilling on federal lands or you don't. Pick one.

Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

How can you support something that so devastates the environment and is known to cause earthquakes?
You either support drilling on federal lands or you don't. Pick one.

Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

How can you support something that so devastates the environment and is known to cause earthquakes?

It is a process that injects water to force pours into the ground to allow oil to escape to the surface to be used for power.

Does it cause earth quakes............For another thread I believe.
Again you state statements that I didn't State.....................Get your head out of your ass much.............

You either support drilling on federal lands or you don't. Pick one.

Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.
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I used to think that. Now I think nothing short of a bloody revolution will fix things.

Well then I guess we'll be seeing you in the front lines once a month. You people need check yourselves out or check yourselves in;

you are really beginning to sound even more demented than normal.

Start by trying to understand this: Just because your idiot pals wholeheartedly agree with something idiotic you say doesn't automatically make it any less idiotic.

The movement in the country is against you, shit stain, you bubble headed, bend over for the government, never question authority, do as you're told, good little subjects, obamabots. I know this may be hard for you to hear, BUT THERE ARE MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF AMERICANS THAT HATE YOU AND WHAT YOU STAND FOR. So run your fucking wormy little mouth now pencil neck, because the time may just be at hand soon where you're going to get SHUT UP with your COMMIE, ANTI AMERICAN BULL SHIT.

Got that? Good.

Ignorant nonsense.

Americans challenge government authority at the ballot box and in the courts – not with guns, as do criminal terrorists. We see gay Americans, for example, challenging the authority of their respective state governments, governments that seek to deny them their civil liberties in violation of the Constitution.

Bundy was afforded comprehensive due process, the courts lawfully and appropriately ruled against him, and Federal officials were acting lawfully in accordance with the court’s determination.

Those defying the lawful and Constitutional authority of the courts and Federal officials with armed violence are in fact terrorists and criminals who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." -- MLK reminding us about Harry Reid's ideological Father
You either support drilling on federal lands or you don't. Pick one.

Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

Funny thing with your post is you think the Federal Gov't is paying for it when it's actually We The People paying for it. aka the Taxpayers of this country.

And are they really paying for it, or sending the debt down the road for our children's future.

They have no reason to have over 81.1% of the land in Nevada, so the State has to ask permission to use any land there to begin with.

You are a Statist thug. Thinks the Gov't should be in control of every thing from the cradle to grave. And that State's rights aren't a necessary thing................

You and your kind are the problem, and you are the poster child of why we need birth control in this country. aka So people like you can't breed.
A man disobeys the law. An element of anti social, anti government, armed men come to the law breaker's defense. An element of anti Obama self defined conservatives conflate a simple issue into an hysterical rant based on flawed logic, prejudice and hypocrisy.

That about sums up the current crisis exploited by FOX, Limbaugh and the rest of AM radio 'philosophers'.

What's wrong in America today? A minority of people who wrap themselves in our flag, carrying guns and a cross interpreting law to suit their personal needs.

Ya... and this wraps up your thinking... jerk off...

Which part of my post do you find untrue?

'This" does not wrap up my thinking, though in fact you go some of it correct, I do think. Your response, "jerk off" is all emotion sans thought. That of course is my opinion, you might prove it wrong, if you can, by posting an argument (that does not mean a fight) to disprove MY opinion or at least put my opinion in doubt.
You either support drilling on federal lands or you don't. Pick one.

Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

where are the grazing pastures in New York.......right next to the free speech zones...? :lol:

Bundy WAS paying his dues until 1993 when they declared the tortoise endangered and wanted him to cut down on his cattle thus stealing his livelihood (and many others).....who's the real thief here...?

Bundy refused to sign the agreement and thus could not pay his fees....but he still grazed his cattle.....and the tortoise survived....in fact the Feds have been euthanizing hundreds of them....so who's deranged here...? (besides Dingy Harry)
You either support drilling on federal lands or you don't. Pick one.

Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.


Fortunately those on the deranged right constitute a tiny political minority.

But however small their numbers, those on the deranged right pose a serious criminal threat, a threat of terrorism – this incident being evidence of that.
A man disobeys the law. An element of anti social, anti government, armed men come to the law breaker's defense. An element of anti Obama self defined conservatives conflate a simple issue into an hysterical rant based on flawed logic, prejudice and hypocrisy.

That about sums up the current crisis exploited by FOX, Limbaugh and the rest of AM radio 'philosophers'.

What's wrong in America today? A minority of people who wrap themselves in our flag, carrying guns and a cross interpreting law to suit their personal needs.

So did the men at the Boston Tea Party! Yes, morality, and ethics, the very essence of what let us win WW II is almost snuffed out by the likes of you!

The Revolution, which we hold so dear as the very beginning of a ONCE GREAT REPUBLIC was only fought by 15% of the population.... Chew on that for awhile, subversive! :eusa_clap:

I enlisted and served on AD in the US Navy (1967 - 1969), and you? I swore to support and defend the COTUS on three occasion, did you? I supported the Commander-in-Chief under two Presidents I did not support because I did not agree with their foreign policies; yet, I did my duty and rationally discussed my reasons for my lack of support with senior officers, respectfully.

You're an asshole and too concerned with your rep, which suggests you're a weak person who needs approval from others, and lack the self esteem to hold views which are not popular. Here you've found fan audience, the echo chamber, who support even the dumbest of the dumb simply because they too drink the same kool-ade.

I support honest and sincere iconoclasts, you don't meet the standard and seem to be nothing more and much less than the typical charlatan.
You either support drilling on federal lands or you don't. Pick one.

Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.
BLM fracking racket exposed! Armed siege and cattle theft from Bundy ranch really about fracking leases

What's also clear is that oil has been found in nearby areas and possibly even within the Gold Butte area itself.

It is, of course, customary for the U.S. government to bring armed soldiers to an oil dispute. (Operation "Iraqi Freedom" for starters...) Heavily armed snipers, helicopters and militarized soldiers have never been invoked over tortoises. (Anyone who thinks this siege is about reptiles is kidding themselves.)

LM collects $1.27 million in shale fracking leases

The Bureau of Land Management has just cashed in with $1.27 million in oil and gas leases in Nevada. This was just reported two weeks ago in ShaleReporter.com, which states:

U.S. Bureau of Land Management geologist Lorenzo Trimble tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal the Elko County oil and gas leases sold Tuesday for $1.27 million to six different companies. The auction took place in Reno. The leases are near where Houston-based Noble Energy Inc. wants to drill for oil and natural gas on 40,000 acres of public and private land near the town of Wells. The Review-Journal reports the project would be the first in Nevada to use hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract oil and gas from shale deposits.

The way this works, of course, is that BLM runs land theft operations by claiming they are "managing" the land and thereby kicking everyone else off it. They then invoke a reptile, an owl, a bird, a snake or some other animal which they claim to be "saving," even while they are stealing and destroying hundreds of cattle belonging to a private rancher trying to make an honest living in a nation where productive Americans are increasingly branded "enemies of the state."

Once control of the land is established via court order or by bringing armed men with automatic weapons, BLM then turns around and leases the land to fracking companies who proceed to exploit the land using hydraulic fracturing techniques that inject toxic chemicals into groundwater supplies (and have been linked to earthquakes). The money collected by the BLM is then used to increase BLM salaries and bonuses.

So are you representative of a new conservative movement...

...to oppose drilling on federal lands??

lolol, this story gets better by the hour.
Yeah, now all of a sudden the wing-nuts are against fracking!!! :lol:
A man disobeys the law. An element of anti social, anti government, armed men come to the law breaker's defense. An element of anti Obama self defined conservatives conflate a simple issue into an hysterical rant based on flawed logic, prejudice and hypocrisy.

That about sums up the current crisis exploited by FOX, Limbaugh and the rest of AM radio 'philosophers'.

What's wrong in America today? A minority of people who wrap themselves in our flag, carrying guns and a cross interpreting law to suit their personal needs.

The below quote is from [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0451529294/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0451529294&linkCode=as2&tag=technoccult-20"]It Can’t Happen Here[/ame] (1935) which Sinclair Lewis wrote before WWII while President Roosevelt was dealing with the Great Depression in the aftermath of the stock market crash of 1929 and the economic collapse that followed on the heels of unbridled and unregulatated capitalism. Does that ring any bells for anyone? As an aside, I read the book about 3 years ago.

“But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.”

The truth of the matter is that at almost any time, political extremists on either end of the political spectrum are essentially people who live in a reality that exists more in their own mind than it does in the real world. Alas, in our day and time, they're being egged on over the airwaves by a constant onslaught of incitement by people who get paid a lot of money to stir up controversy.

While America has a long history of kooks who exploit the constitutional right of freedom of speech in order to make waves for a variety of reasons, America also has a long history of rejecting extremists in favor of a more moderate form of political governance. With that said, I can't remember a time in modern history when the right wing fringe of the conservative movement has had so much influence over the Republican Party as a whole.
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Now your defense to the current BS is changing the subject to whether or not I support fracking or not.

Again you attempt to divert the subject as I post articles looking to see what the whole issue is about.

On Fracking. Yes I support it, but under the understanding that it uses LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER TO DO SO...........If this area can't support the water usage then I have technical difficulties approving of it.........In most areas it is being done there isn't water shortages to deal with on the subject.

Either way, the Feds are up to some BS here, and it isn't about turtles or cows..........

Yet you continue to support the Nanny State in whatever it does because you are a good little Liberal Brigade Member.

I had heard you had surgery lately. Are you OK........................

Seems Obama stopped suddenly and your head had to be surgically removed from his ass.

Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Is it your opinion the, "Tortoise was never endangered to begin with" or do you have a legitimate authority on the subject to evidence your statement?
A man disobeys the law. An element of anti social, anti government, armed men come to the law breaker's defense. An element of anti Obama self defined conservatives conflate a simple issue into an hysterical rant based on flawed logic, prejudice and hypocrisy.

That about sums up the current crisis exploited by FOX, Limbaugh and the rest of AM radio 'philosophers'.

What's wrong in America today? A minority of people who wrap themselves in our flag, carrying guns and a cross interpreting law to suit their personal needs.

The below quote is from [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0451529294/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0451529294&linkCode=as2&tag=technoccult-20"]It Can’t Happen Here[/ame] (1935) which Sinclair Lewis wrote before WWII while President Roosevelt was dealing with the Great Depression in the aftermath of the stock market crash of 1929 and the economic collapse that followed on the heels of unbridled and unregulatated capitalism. Does that ring any bells for anyone? As an aside, I read the book about 3 years ago.

“But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.”

The truth of the matter is that at almost any time, political extremists on either end of the political spectrum are essentially people who live in a reality that exists more in their own mind than it does in the real world. Alas, in our day and time, they're being egged on over the airwaves by a constant onslaught of incitement by people who get paid a lot of money to stir up controversy.

While America has a long history of kooks who exploit the constitutional right of freedom of speech in order to make waves for a variety of reasons, America also has a long history of rejecting extremists in favor of a more moderate form of political governance. With that said, I can't remember a time in modern history when the right wing fringe of the conservative movement has had so much influence over the Republican Party as a whole.

Clear, concise and spot on. Thanks.
Isn't just POSSIBLE that all this is really about is a thief taking something and not paying for it?

Did that EVER occur to you in any of this? From the day it became news?

We have federal grazing lands near where I live, yes in New York of all places. Livestock owners join a grazing association and pay dues to get access to the pastures.

If some guy came along and put his cattle in there, and he wasn't in the association, and he wasn't paying dues, I'm sure he'd get kicked out, and possibly face legal action,

and no sane person around here would think twice about it. That's how the normal world works.

You people are deranged. Period.

The Feds stopped the grazing of the land 20 years ago and made it into a Desert Tortoise sanctuary because they declared it an endangered species, of which said Tortoise was never endangered to begin with.
This is about Federal abuse and wanting to get all of the ranchers out of there, of which one is not cooperating.
This is not the only Rancher who has been fighting this type of Federal abuse. It is happening in all of the western states.
It's has been a twenty year war with EPA. BLM and Environmentalists.

Is it your opinion the, "Tortoise was never endangered to begin with" or do you have a legitimate authority on the subject to evidence your statement?

as they say here's the rest of the story....Las Vegas developers beat out the ranchers...

from an article back in 1993...Washington Post
Three years ago, with tortoise populations crashing largely because of habitat destruction across its range in Nevada, California, Arizona and Utah, the federal government added the tortoise to its list of threatened species. The designation immediately imperiled tens of millions of dollars worth of construction projects in this development-crazed city.

But it also triggered a novel experiment in the peaceful resolution of endangered species conflicts that is similar, in many respects, to the process Babbitt would like to try nationwide to defuse explosive development-versus-environment fights.

Employing a rarely used mechanism approved by Congress a decade ago, environmentalists, developers, government officials, cattlemen, miners and off-road vehicle enthusiasts began negotiating a “habitat conservation plan.” The hope was it would satisfy both the needs of the tortoise and the Las Vegas area’s rapacious appetite for development.

The result was a plan to protect the tortoise by providing vast tracts of federal land as a refuge while sacrificing other tortoise areas to development....

By mid-1991, the Fish and Wildlife Service had approved a short-term conservation plan that allows for development of about 22,000 acres of tortoise habitat in and around Las Vegas in exchange for strict conservation measures on 400,000 acres of federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land south of the city. The plan is funded by development fees of between $ 250 and $ 550 an acre paid by builders. Almost $ 10 million has been raised so far.

Among the conservation measures required are the elimination of livestock grazing and strict limits on off-road vehicle use in the protected tortoise habitat. Two weeks ago, the managers of the plan completed the task of purchasing grazing privileges from cattle ranchers who formerly used BLM land....

Cattlemen are particularly irate, and have gone to court to prevent grazing restrictions on BLM land now outside the tortoise management area, where the federal agency has tried to keep cattle from competing with tortoises for forage for three months in the spring. Ranchers like Cliven Bundy, whose family homesteaded his ranch in 1877 and who accuses the government of a “land grab,” are digging in for a fight and say they will not willingly sell their grazing privileges to create another preserve.

The Post article was written more than 21 years ago, before Bundy had been assessed even one dime in fees, and validates his claim that his grievance is about the intrusiveness of federal rules aimed at protecting the desert tortoise, and how the government has used the rules as yet another tool to pick economic winners and losers.

It’s background and context that the networks could have provided as they picked up on the story of a rancher fighting the feds — but, sadly, was omitted from the broadcast coverage this past week.

Read more: What the Networks Aren't Telling You About the Nevada Cattle Battle | NewsBusters
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