Harry Reid's union thugs illegally paying people to vote with free meals, gift cards.


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
From the Las Vagas Sun (via memeorandum), here is the election law:
Nevada law (NRS 293.700) provides that, “A person who bribes, offers to bribe, or use and other corrupt means, directly or indirectly, to influence any elector in giving his or her vote or to deter the elector from giving it is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.”…

LV Sun article: Angle campaign attorney: Reid “intends to steal this election if he can't win it outright”, and the letter from Angle's counsel:
As Sharron Angle's campaign attorney, I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks, of trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor.

Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided "free food" at "voter turnout events." Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to other reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers' unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.

The Democrats need to change the name of their party. I suggest "STFU, You Stupid Proles, We'll Do Your Thinking For You" Party.

Because they damn sure don't give a shit about democracy.
Oh my, already preparing the excuses for the rejection of the idiocy you numbnuts support?
Shows how sleezy Harry Reid is basicallly 'bribing' people with food in order to get votes, what an asshole. And the stupid brain dead people who will vote for this clown in exchange for a crappy sandwich is even more disturbing.
Hey Reid, I hope they toss you out on your boney ass. :tongue:
you mean he is having a bbq for the people who come to see him.....or serving hot dogs?

much to do about nothing

i would rather see him do this then reward large companies for their support....you know oil companies...military contracts etc
One would think that if you was really upset about capiagn manipulation, Capitalist, you'd really be pissed that FOREIGNORS are buying the US CHAMBER of CONGRESS with hundred of millions of dollars.

No, instead you're whining about the Dems giving a meatloaf dinner to theur rank and file campaign volunteers.

You need to develop a sense of perspective.

You're blinded by partisanship.
Oh, but the people giving the hundreds of millions to the Chamber of Commerce are foriegn corperations, and the Supreme Court has decided that they are the real people.
I didn't know that was a class d felony. It doesn't seem as morally corrupt considering that all politicians basically do the same thing promising people shit they know they can't give them when they get elected. Either way it's a slimeball way of winning elections if it's true.
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Seems like the GOP is setting up an excuse for why Sharron Angle lost.

I guess as long as you don't have ACORN to blame, the unions are the next logical culprits
Oh my, already preparing the excuses for the rejection of the idiocy you numbnuts support?

Teabaggers like Joe Smith and Whitman and O'Donnel are going down in the polls, so in typical fashion, the wingnuts are trying to blame someone else for their constant failure
a. This is a fundraising letter from Angle's campaign begging for $80k. From Cleta Mitchell of all people. :lol: Uh-huh.

b. Do you know what a get out the vote event is?

Assuming the "allegations" are even true, these are offers to attract campaign volunteers, not paying average people for votes. And it's standard practice on every campaign I've ever worked that had the cash to roast a few weenies for the vols on the phone banks. Which apparently Angle does not have?

Jeebus, get a clue. :cuckoo:
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It's OK when a Republican does it

More allegations about voting influence surface | argusleader.com | Argus Leader

The latest accusation, filed Tuesday by the South Dakota Democratic Party, accuses Republicans of offering hotdogs and chips at an early vote rally in Rapid City.

Democratic Party lawyer Jim Leach asked Jackley to start a criminal probe into that event and another instance by Rep. Jamie Boomgarden, R-Chancellor. Boomgarden handed out his literature and $1-off coupons for the concession stand at the Oct. 8 high school football game between Viborg-Hurley and Centerville.
Handing out free hamburgers and hotdogs at political rallies?

Wake me up when you guys find some real corruption.
Handing out free hamburgers and hotdogs at political rallies?

Wake me up when you guys find some real corruption.

Wingnut Logic 101

Free hamburgers and hot dog = OK
Free food = Not OK


Hey fucktard, I wasn't talking about your example alone. I was talking about the OP and your example. Which is why I didn't quote you.

I don't give a shit if chips and a sandwich are given to Reid supporters in Nevada or SD Republicans at a rally.

Only wingnuts view everything as an attack on their political ideology. That would include you sugar-britches.
Handing out free hamburgers and hotdogs at political rallies?

Wake me up when you guys find some real corruption.

Wingnut Logic 101

Free hamburgers and hot dog = OK
Free food = Not OK


Hey fucktard, I wasn't talking about your example alone. I was talking about the OP and your example. Which is why I didn't quote you.

I don't give a shit if chips and a sandwich are given to Reid supporters in Nevada or SD Republicans at a rally.

Only wingnuts view everything as an attack on their political ideology. That would include you sugar-britches.

Sure you were!! :eusa_whistle:

I'm sure your response was not a weak attempt to CYA after being exposed as a partisan hypocrit. :lol:

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