Harry Reid's union thugs illegally paying people to vote with free meals, gift cards.

A ham sandwich could have taken Reid down this time around and I would have cheered, but Angle is struggling. Go figure.

Republicans are going to look back on this shit and say "Yeah, we took the house...but how much more could we have won if these morons hadn't fucked things up all over the place".

They have only themselves to blame. Or rather, their primary voters. I don't have a lot of sympathy I'm afraid. Not when there were sane candidates to choose from.
What I want to know is, am I the only one who find it ironic that the campaign attorney with a history of making false allegations against opponents would sign a fundraising letter begging for $80k immediately....so they can pay for lawyers?

Ironic? No

Rightwingers have a long history of fleecing wingnuts. Just look at Sarah Palin

Meh, both sides make outrageous claims to raise cash.

The "both sides do it" meme is one of the most intellectually lazy excuses for an argument that exists.

Rightwing christians like McClurkin, Robinson, etc go around the country raising millions of dollars to enrich themselves. The "other side" (ie atheists) do no such thing.
Ironic? No

Rightwingers have a long history of fleecing wingnuts. Just look at Sarah Palin

Meh, both sides make outrageous claims to raise cash.

The "both sides do it" meme is one of the most intellectually lazy excuses for an argument that exists.

Rightwing christians like McClurkin, Robinson, etc go around the country raising millions of dollars to enrich themselves. The "other side" (ie atheists) do no such thing.

No, they simply find other ways. I understand the frothing intensity of emotions running up to midterms here, but reality does exist.
Meh, both sides make outrageous claims to raise cash.

The "both sides do it" meme is one of the most intellectually lazy excuses for an argument that exists.

Rightwing christians like McClurkin, Robinson, etc go around the country raising millions of dollars to enrich themselves. The "other side" (ie atheists) do no such thing.

No, they simply find other ways. I understand the frothing intensity of emotions running up to midterms here, but reality does exist.

Absurd logic. The other side does the "same thing" in "other ways"

Either the atheists are raising cash by making outrageous claims or they aren't.

In the reality that exist (not the one you've dreamed up in your mind) atheists aren't making outrageous claims to raise cash which is why you can't provide any examples of it happening in the real world
The "both sides do it" meme is one of the most intellectually lazy excuses for an argument that exists.

Rightwing christians like McClurkin, Robinson, etc go around the country raising millions of dollars to enrich themselves. The "other side" (ie atheists) do no such thing.

No, they simply find other ways. I understand the frothing intensity of emotions running up to midterms here, but reality does exist.

Absurd logic. The other side does the "same thing" in "other ways"

Either the atheists are raising cash by making outrageous claims or they aren't.

In the reality that exist (not the one you've dreamed up in your mind) atheists aren't making outrageous claims to raise cash which is why you can't provide any examples of it happening in the real world

So in your world Democrats are all perfect, pristine creatures who never embroider the truth, leave out facts to make themselves look good or their opponents look bad, or use fear tactics to scare up cash? What planet are you living on? Granted, part of their problem competing has been that they're not as organized about it as the GOP....but it's a time honored tradition all the same.

Vote Democrat or the Nazis will impose a Christian Theocracy! Vote GOP or the commie atheists will bring down god's wrath and cause the end of the world! Vote Democrat or your kids will all be shot and blown up by right wing extremists! Vote GOP or the pinko heathens will bust down your door and take away your arsenal! Vote Democrat or you'll be stripped, locked up in a cage and forced to be a brood mare! Vote GOP or those satanic leftists will be ripping your unborn baby out of your abdomen with a meat hook! Vote Democrat or the Fascist pigs will be systematically butchering homosexuals in the streets! Vote GOP or the godless socialists will be teaching all of our kids to be queers!

Need I continue? Duh. :cuckoo:

Now for the fun part - sit back and watch certain posters try to claim some of these things are actually true....:lol:
No, they simply find other ways. I understand the frothing intensity of emotions running up to midterms here, but reality does exist.

Absurd logic. The other side does the "same thing" in "other ways"

Either the atheists are raising cash by making outrageous claims or they aren't.

In the reality that exist (not the one you've dreamed up in your mind) atheists aren't making outrageous claims to raise cash which is why you can't provide any examples of it happening in the real world

So in your world Democrats are all perfect, pristine creatures who never embroider the truth, leave out facts to make themselves look good or their opponents look bad, or use fear tactics to scare up cash? What planet are you living on? Granted, part of their problem competing has been that they're not as organized about it as the GOP....but it's a time honored tradition all the same.

Vote Democrat or the Nazis will impose a Christian Theocracy! Vote GOP or the commie atheists will bring down god's wrath and cause the end of the world! Vote Democrat or your kids will all be shot and blown up by right wing extremists! Vote GOP or the pinko heathens will bust down your door and take away your arsenal! Vote Democrat or you'll be stripped, locked up in a cage and forced to be a brood mare! Vote GOP or those satanic leftists will be ripping your unborn baby out of your abdomen with a meat hook! Vote Democrat or the Fascist pigs will be systematically butchering homosexuals in the streets! Vote GOP or the godless socialists will be teaching all of our kids to be queers!

Need I continue? Duh. :cuckoo:

Now for the fun part - sit back and watch certain posters try to claim some of these things are actually true....:lol:

I believe you are conversing with one of them.
Absurd logic. The other side does the "same thing" in "other ways"

Either the atheists are raising cash by making outrageous claims or they aren't.

In the reality that exist (not the one you've dreamed up in your mind) atheists aren't making outrageous claims to raise cash which is why you can't provide any examples of it happening in the real world

So in your world Democrats are all perfect, pristine creatures who never embroider the truth, leave out facts to make themselves look good or their opponents look bad, or use fear tactics to scare up cash? What planet are you living on? Granted, part of their problem competing has been that they're not as organized about it as the GOP....but it's a time honored tradition all the same.

Vote Democrat or the Nazis will impose a Christian Theocracy! Vote GOP or the commie atheists will bring down god's wrath and cause the end of the world! Vote Democrat or your kids will all be shot and blown up by right wing extremists! Vote GOP or the pinko heathens will bust down your door and take away your arsenal! Vote Democrat or you'll be stripped, locked up in a cage and forced to be a brood mare! Vote GOP or those satanic leftists will be ripping your unborn baby out of your abdomen with a meat hook! Vote Democrat or the Fascist pigs will be systematically butchering homosexuals in the streets! Vote GOP or the godless socialists will be teaching all of our kids to be queers!

Need I continue? Duh. :cuckoo:

Now for the fun part - sit back and watch certain posters try to claim some of these things are actually true....:lol:

I believe you are conversing with one of them.


Now ya gone and spoiled my fun.
So in your world Democrats are all perfect, pristine creatures who never embroider the truth, leave out facts to make themselves look good or their opponents look bad, or use fear tactics to scare up cash? What planet are you living on? Granted, part of their problem competing has been that they're not as organized about it as the GOP....but it's a time honored tradition all the same.

Vote Democrat or the Nazis will impose a Christian Theocracy! Vote GOP or the commie atheists will bring down god's wrath and cause the end of the world! Vote Democrat or your kids will all be shot and blown up by right wing extremists! Vote GOP or the pinko heathens will bust down your door and take away your arsenal! Vote Democrat or you'll be stripped, locked up in a cage and forced to be a brood mare! Vote GOP or those satanic leftists will be ripping your unborn baby out of your abdomen with a meat hook! Vote Democrat or the Fascist pigs will be systematically butchering homosexuals in the streets! Vote GOP or the godless socialists will be teaching all of our kids to be queers!

Need I continue? Duh. :cuckoo:

Now for the fun part - sit back and watch certain posters try to claim some of these things are actually true....:lol:

I believe you are conversing with one of them.


Now ya gone and spoiled my fun.

I've been a professional election worker for the last 5 years.

Every single campaign I've ever worked on has had free food for volunteers.

This is yet another non-story.
No, they simply find other ways. I understand the frothing intensity of emotions running up to midterms here, but reality does exist.

Absurd logic. The other side does the "same thing" in "other ways"

Either the atheists are raising cash by making outrageous claims or they aren't.

In the reality that exist (not the one you've dreamed up in your mind) atheists aren't making outrageous claims to raise cash which is why you can't provide any examples of it happening in the real world

So in your world Democrats are all perfect, pristine creatures who never embroider the truth, leave out facts to make themselves look good or their opponents look bad, or use fear tactics to scare up cash? What planet are you living on? Granted, part of their problem competing has been that they're not as organized about it as the GOP....but it's a time honored tradition all the same.

Vote Democrat or the Nazis will impose a Christian Theocracy! Vote GOP or the commie atheists will bring down god's wrath and cause the end of the world! Vote Democrat or your kids will all be shot and blown up by right wing extremists! Vote GOP or the pinko heathens will bust down your door and take away your arsenal! Vote Democrat or you'll be stripped, locked up in a cage and forced to be a brood mare! Vote GOP or those satanic leftists will be ripping your unborn baby out of your abdomen with a meat hook! Vote Democrat or the Fascist pigs will be systematically butchering homosexuals in the streets! Vote GOP or the godless socialists will be teaching all of our kids to be queers!

Need I continue? Duh. :cuckoo:

Now for the fun part - sit back and watch certain posters try to claim some of these things are actually true....:lol:

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

While some Republicans are running on the outrageous claim that Obama and the Dems are turning the US into a socialist/fascist/atheist nation, no elected democrat has ever claimed the republicans want to create a theocracy

SO next time, instead of making stuff up, why don't you give an example of a democrat making an outrageous claim to raise money? One that actually happened and wasn't relayed to you by one of the many voices in your head. Then we can compare the dems outrageousness to the claims republicans have made to raise money (Obama is a Muslim, death panels, etc)

Unless you're incapable of posting facts. That would explain your reliance on fictions
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While some Republicans are running on the outrageous claim that Obama and the Dems are turning the US into a socialist/fascist/atheist nation, no elected democrat has ever claimed the republicans want to create a theocracy

Except for Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida (D-FL).

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

Greyson never said that his opponent wants to create a theocracy

Try again

Flat denial doesn't change the truth. Calling someone "Taliban Dan" and comparing him to religious fanatics in Afghanistan and Iran certainly does imply that he wants to impose a theocracy in the United States.

You're not even a good troll. Go get some lessons and come back to visit us.

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

Greyson never said that his opponent wants to create a theocracy

Try again

Flat denial doesn't change the truth. Calling someone "Taliban Dan" and comparing him to religious fanatics in Afghanistan and Iran certainly does imply that he wants to impose a theocracy in the United States.

You're not even a good troll. Go get some lessons and come back to visit us.

Your lie was so transparent that even you have been forced to back away from it.

First it was "Grayson said it". Now it's "Grayson IMPLIED it"

Soon, it will be "Grayson was thinking it. I could tell by the look on his face":cuckoo:
Now for the fun part - sit back and watch certain posters try to claim some of these things are actually true....:lol:

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

While some Republicans are running on the outrageous claim that Obama and the Dems are turning the US into a socialist/fascist/atheist nation, no elected democrat has ever claimed the republicans want to create a theocracy

SO next time, instead of making stuff up, why don't you give an example of a democrat making an outrageous claim to raise money? One that actually happened and wasn't relayed to you by one of the many voices in your head. Then we can compare the dems outrageousness to the claims republicans have made to raise money (Obama is a Muslim, death panels, etc)

Unless you're incapable of posting facts. That would explain your reliance on fictions

Oh Radioooo! You called it. Brew for you!


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