Harvard Keynoter Said Jews, Christians Should Be ‘Locked Up’ For Their Views

So because I don't follow the bible, I can't be a good person?
No. You seem to be a terrible person because you choose to support the views of someone who says people of faith should be locked away in jail. And you consider yourself a "moral" person?

That's quite amusing and ironic.
If a Christian or Jewish keynote speaker were to say that atheists should be locked up in jail, the regressives here would be apoplectic with rage, calling the speaker a Nazi and attacking all of Christianity and Judaism for his views.

Few people here have any principles -- only tribes.
Tim Wise has been a big fat white Uncle Tom for many years.
I would love to see this guy die in a firery car crash but not before the car goes off a cliff and plunges hundreds of feet onto concrete on a hot August day.
Thank you for your opinion, Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot.
I don't adhere to any one of their teachings, but I understand that you don't have any better arguments. Poor you.
Your opinions of morality are just as valid as Pol Pots.
So because I don't follow the bible, I can't be a good person?
Topic is apples, not oranges.

Your version of morality is just as moral as Stalins if there is no God.
So is it moral for god to drown nearly all of humanity?

God took out the trash
Tim Wise has been a big fat white Uncle Tom for many years.
I would love to see this guy die in a firery car crash but not before the car goes off a cliff and plunges hundreds of feet onto concrete on a hot August day.
He's made a decent living as the left's favorite white anti Caucasian zealot. He actually makes a living peddling his bullshit on college campuses and this latest comment shows just how poisonous his brain is.

Hopefully before hitting the pavement he would be ping-ponged around inside his own vehicle suffering many broken bones and internal injuries so his last moments are spent in excruciating pain.
To be consistent, if he thinks Jews and Christians should be locked up then he must expect Muslims be executed.
It is irrational to base your morality on what goes on in the bible/torah.
Thank you for your opinion, Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot.
I don't adhere to any one of their teachings, but I understand that you don't have any better arguments. Poor you.
You stated an opinion, not an argument. You are entitled to that opinion, I am entitled to point and laugh at you.
Hopefully someone of high moral standing will murder Tim Wise for Jesus....for this I pray....day by day....by day...I pray....
To be consistent, if he thinks Jews and Christians should be locked up then he must expect Muslims be executed.
Odd he had no harsh words for the most regressive violent religion of all. I don't think the people who pay him want
Muslims criticized. Just stick to the script, you putrid piece of crap!
It is irrational to base your morality on what goes on in the bible/torah.
Notice you did not say the Quran as well and neither did the dead head Leftist.

Very telling.
I’m liberal and I hare people like Tim Wise for this.

None of these clowns would have the temerity to say such a thing to a target audience of Muslims/in a Muslim-majority country.

It’s very convenient to rail against people who you don’t have to fear violent retaliation from, eh? Cowards.
I'd say they should lock up anyone at Harvard that had a say in charging $79000 for tuition. Those same people, no doubt, were responsible for booking this Wise nincompoop. Harvard is degrading our world.
Author and speaker Tim Wise went on in that tweet, saying “people basing their beliefs on the fable of Noah and the Ark, or their interpretation of Sodom and Gomorrah … rather than science or logic … If you are basing your morality on a fairy tale written thousands of years ago, you deserve to be locked up … detained for your utter inability to deal with reality … NO, we are not obligated to indulge your irrationality in the name of your religious freedom …”


He wasn’t saying lock people up because they’re Christian or Jewish. He was mocking their mental state for believing in fairytales like Noah’s Ark.
Would we really want a president who believes in Noah’s Ark?

And don’t forget that Donald Trump‘s entire campaign was built on “lock her up“. And it turns out it’s Donald Trump that’s the criminal. The unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies.

Because she might’ve had classified material on her private server. When Trump is just handing over secret and top-secret material to Russians in the oval office after he cleared out Americans so they wouldn’t witness his betrayal of the country.
Author and speaker Tim Wise went on in that tweet, saying “people basing their beliefs on the fable of Noah and the Ark, or their interpretation of Sodom and Gomorrah … rather than science or logic … If you are basing your morality on a fairy tale written thousands of years ago, you deserve to be locked up … detained for your utter inability to deal with reality … NO, we are not obligated to indulge your irrationality in the name of your religious freedom …”


He wasn’t saying lock people up because they’re Christian or Jewish. He was mocking their mental state for believing in fairytales like Noah’s Ark.
Would we really want a president who believes in Noah’s Ark?

And don’t forget that Donald Trump‘s entire campaign was built on “lock her up“. And it turns out it’s Donald Trump that’s the criminal. The unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies.

Because she might’ve had classified material on her private server. When Trump is just handing over secret and top-secret material to Russians in the oval office after he cleared out Americans so they wouldn’t witness his betrayal of the country.
Noah's problem was that he included Democrats on the boat, thinking that would be fair. But all that did was lead to the saying "one bad apple can ruin the whole basket". Todays dysfunctional government is proof of what a big mistake Noah made when he included liberals. Viva Trump.

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