Harvard law professor wants to ban home schooling "it's dangerous to society and children".

During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
I dont know if thats true or not

But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school

Most of the time it is because of the demons that infest the schools, making learning impossible.
Lib public schools, lib demons

Not lib schools, but any school. I had a great high school in Florida, but my youngest would ask me every day, "How many got arrested today, Daddy?"

The problem was the state's attorney that refused to prosecute the little bastards.
I concede thers are some good teachers in public schools

but the system is broken as well as being slanted to the left

charter schools were are a little better

my cousin’s husband taught in the Duncanville public schools

he was ready to walk away because some days he had to retreat to a janitors closet to calm down and regain his composer

but then he was transferred to a charter school where it was just enough better for him to stand it till he retired

there are many stories like that all over America

So why shouldn't the converse be true? I taught in a rural school here in KY that never had a student fight all year! Not one!
Neither of us can sit here and judge every individual school in America

thats why I support school choice where the education dollars follow the students where they and their parents decide to go

Why should the parents get to decide? Most of them are morons anyway.
Yeah sure

the kids belong to you and the other public teachers not the parents

Where did I say anything of the sort? I believe home schooling has its place and usage, but this bullshit that "everyone can do it" is a crock of shit!
Home schooling is not so different from distance learning over the internet that students are doing right now be ause the school buildings are closed

we can do much more of it in the future although brick and mortar still have their place also

But I prefer private schools over the public schools because of the liberal brainwashing

The problem is that this "liberal brainwashing" has only occurred in your head. Very few schools are anything like you conservatards think they are. Of course you would not know that since the last time you were in a school was probably when they handed you your diploma or walking papers.
no need to be insulting

except that public teacher do feel entitled to their job and to hell with the parents
Yeah, and I am sure you know literally hundreds if not thousands of teachers.
Are you a typical public school teacher?

I was typical, but I retired from teaching two years ago.
So I dont have to know them all since you represent them
The left hates home schooling, it drives them nuts that parents are doing the job they believe is the job of the state. They don't want parents having influence over their own kids. They want to program the kids to be what they deem is acceptable to the state.

So, I want you all to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell: ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take the American left any longer !!!!!!
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
I dont know if thats true or not

But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school

Most of the time it is because of the demons that infest the schools, making learning impossible.
Lib public schools, lib demons

Not lib schools, but any school. I had a great high school in Florida, but my youngest would ask me every day, "How many got arrested today, Daddy?"

The problem was the state's attorney that refused to prosecute the little bastards.
I concede thers are some good teachers in public schools

but the system is broken as well as being slanted to the left

charter schools were are a little better

my cousin’s husband taught in the Duncanville public schools

he was ready to walk away because some days he had to retreat to a janitors closet to calm down and regain his composer

but then he was transferred to a charter school where it was just enough better for him to stand it till he retired

there are many stories like that all over America

So why shouldn't the converse be true? I taught in a rural school here in KY that never had a student fight all year! Not one!
Neither of us can sit here and judge every individual school in America

thats why I support school choice where the education dollars follow the students where they and their parents decide to go

Why should the parents get to decide? Most of them are morons anyway.
Yeah sure

the kids belong to you and the other public teachers not the parents

Where did I say anything of the sort? I believe home schooling has its place and usage, but this bullshit that "everyone can do it" is a crock of shit!
Home schooling is not so different from distance learning over the internet that students are doing right now be ause the school buildings are closed

we can do much more of it in the future although brick and mortar still have their place also

But I prefer private schools over the public schools because of the liberal brainwashing

The problem is that this "liberal brainwashing" has only occurred in your head. Very few schools are anything like you conservatards think they are. Of course you would not know that since the last time you were in a school was probably when they handed you your diploma or walking papers.
no need to be insulting

except that public teacher do feel entitled to their job and to hell with the parents
Yeah, and I am sure you know literally hundreds if not thousands of teachers.
Are you a typical public school teacher?

I was typical, but I retired from teaching two years ago.
So I dont have to know them all since you represent them
If you think I am a liberal, you have the wrong number.

Why don't you admit that, most of you who have not worked in the field the education, are completely clueless except to your own educational experience?
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
I dont know if thats true or not

But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school

Most of the time it is because of the demons that infest the schools, making learning impossible.
Lib public schools, lib demons

Not lib schools, but any school. I had a great high school in Florida, but my youngest would ask me every day, "How many got arrested today, Daddy?"

The problem was the state's attorney that refused to prosecute the little bastards.
I concede thers are some good teachers in public schools

but the system is broken as well as being slanted to the left

charter schools were are a little better

my cousin’s husband taught in the Duncanville public schools

he was ready to walk away because some days he had to retreat to a janitors closet to calm down and regain his composer

but then he was transferred to a charter school where it was just enough better for him to stand it till he retired

there are many stories like that all over America

So why shouldn't the converse be true? I taught in a rural school here in KY that never had a student fight all year! Not one!
Neither of us can sit here and judge every individual school in America

thats why I support school choice where the education dollars follow the students where they and their parents decide to go

Why should the parents get to decide? Most of them are morons anyway.
Yeah sure

the kids belong to you and the other public teachers not the parents

Where did I say anything of the sort? I believe home schooling has its place and usage, but this bullshit that "everyone can do it" is a crock of shit!
Home schooling is not so different from distance learning over the internet that students are doing right now be ause the school buildings are closed

we can do much more of it in the future although brick and mortar still have their place also

But I prefer private schools over the public schools because of the liberal brainwashing

The problem is that this "liberal brainwashing" has only occurred in your head. Very few schools are anything like you conservatards think they are. Of course you would not know that since the last time you were in a school was probably when they handed you your diploma or walking papers.
no need to be insulting

except that public teacher do feel entitled to their job and to hell with the parents
Yeah, and I am sure you know literally hundreds if not thousands of teachers.
90% of the teachers I know are Rs but make believe they're Ds to avoid being spat at by the D teachers.
The Ds are useless pieces of shit.
I don't know why free market people are upset with teachers having a powerful union.
If they don't like it, make a town without public schools.
I don't know why free market people are upset with teachers having a powerful union.
Because a powerful union protects bad teachers

the rubber room in NYC for instance where bad teachers who cannot be fired spends their days
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
I dont know if thats true or not

But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school

Most of the time it is because of the demons that infest the schools, making learning impossible.
Lib public schools, lib demons

Not lib schools, but any school. I had a great high school in Florida, but my youngest would ask me every day, "How many got arrested today, Daddy?"

The problem was the state's attorney that refused to prosecute the little bastards.
I concede thers are some good teachers in public schools

but the system is broken as well as being slanted to the left

charter schools were are a little better

my cousin’s husband taught in the Duncanville public schools

he was ready to walk away because some days he had to retreat to a janitors closet to calm down and regain his composer

but then he was transferred to a charter school where it was just enough better for him to stand it till he retired

there are many stories like that all over America

So why shouldn't the converse be true? I taught in a rural school here in KY that never had a student fight all year! Not one!
Neither of us can sit here and judge every individual school in America

thats why I support school choice where the education dollars follow the students where they and their parents decide to go

Why should the parents get to decide? Most of them are morons anyway.
Yeah sure

the kids belong to you and the other public teachers not the parents

Where did I say anything of the sort? I believe home schooling has its place and usage, but this bullshit that "everyone can do it" is a crock of shit!
Home schooling is not so different from distance learning over the internet that students are doing right now be ause the school buildings are closed

we can do much more of it in the future although brick and mortar still have their place also

But I prefer private schools over the public schools because of the liberal brainwashing

The problem is that this "liberal brainwashing" has only occurred in your head. Very few schools are anything like you conservatards think they are. Of course you would not know that since the last time you were in a school was probably when they handed you your diploma or walking papers.
no need to be insulting

except that public teacher do feel entitled to their job and to hell with the parents
Yeah, and I am sure you know literally hundreds if not thousands of teachers.
Are you a typical public school teacher?

I was typical, but I retired from teaching two years ago.
So I dont have to know them all since you represent them
If you think I am a liberal, you have the wrong number.

Why don't you admit that, most of you who have not worked in the field the education, are completely clueless except to your own educational experience?
I think you have flashes of conservatism

it not when it comes to the public schools

maybe you have the Stockholm Syndrome
I don't know why free market people are upset with teachers having a powerful union.
Because a powerful union protects bad teachers

the rubber room in NYC for instance where bad teachers who cannot be fired spends their days

Have you ever asked why these teachers are in the "rubber room"? The answer is incompetent administrators, not the teachers.
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
I dont know if thats true or not

But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school

Most of the time it is because of the demons that infest the schools, making learning impossible.
Lib public schools, lib demons

Not lib schools, but any school. I had a great high school in Florida, but my youngest would ask me every day, "How many got arrested today, Daddy?"

The problem was the state's attorney that refused to prosecute the little bastards.
I concede thers are some good teachers in public schools

but the system is broken as well as being slanted to the left

charter schools were are a little better

my cousin’s husband taught in the Duncanville public schools

he was ready to walk away because some days he had to retreat to a janitors closet to calm down and regain his composer

but then he was transferred to a charter school where it was just enough better for him to stand it till he retired

there are many stories like that all over America

So why shouldn't the converse be true? I taught in a rural school here in KY that never had a student fight all year! Not one!
Neither of us can sit here and judge every individual school in America

thats why I support school choice where the education dollars follow the students where they and their parents decide to go

Why should the parents get to decide? Most of them are morons anyway.
Yeah sure

the kids belong to you and the other public teachers not the parents

Where did I say anything of the sort? I believe home schooling has its place and usage, but this bullshit that "everyone can do it" is a crock of shit!
Home schooling is not so different from distance learning over the internet that students are doing right now be ause the school buildings are closed

we can do much more of it in the future although brick and mortar still have their place also

But I prefer private schools over the public schools because of the liberal brainwashing

The problem is that this "liberal brainwashing" has only occurred in your head. Very few schools are anything like you conservatards think they are. Of course you would not know that since the last time you were in a school was probably when they handed you your diploma or walking papers.
no need to be insulting

except that public teacher do feel entitled to their job and to hell with the parents
Yeah, and I am sure you know literally hundreds if not thousands of teachers.
Are you a typical public school teacher?

I was typical, but I retired from teaching two years ago.
So I dont have to know them all since you represent them
If you think I am a liberal, you have the wrong number.

Why don't you admit that, most of you who have not worked in the field the education, are completely clueless except to your own educational experience?
I think you have flashes of conservatism

it not when it comes to the public schools

maybe you have the Stockholm Syndrome

Perhaps it is because I have over 20 years experience dealing with lies from people like you?
Homeschooling is the best education program for children to learn that the only valid union is a man with a woman.
I believe we see the effects of home schooling in this message board. It's not a pretty sight.
I don't know why free market people are upset with teachers having a powerful union.
Because a powerful union protects bad teachers

the rubber room in NYC for instance where bad teachers who cannot be fired spends their days
"Because a powerful union protects bad teachers"
No question about it,

Professions with no union allowed an unfettered number of Business Visas to put millions of professionals into permanent unemployment.
I hope you and those you care about never have Bill Gates state that you don't have the skillset (without specifying the skillset) and then no employer will ever hire you for anything.

It's a mixed bag, but in a Post-Reagan era where nothing matters but more, not having protection is not good.

Show me a doctor or lawyer who doesn't belong to at least one association that has to bribe their Congress critters to overturn legislation.
My wife is an audiologist and her two associations do what Bill Gates does but they do it to prevent a flood of audiologists from India or the Phillipines.
Of course my wife wouldn't know her associations do if I didn't tell her to inquire about it.
I don't know why free market people are upset with teachers having a powerful union.
Because a powerful union protects bad teachers

the rubber room in NYC for instance where bad teachers who cannot be fired spends their days

Have you ever asked why these teachers are in the "rubber room"? The answer is incompetent administrators, not the teachers.
I think its because of the teachers union and ambulance chasing lawyers

adminstrators do tend to be overpaid blood sucking leeches

I‘m sure there are innocent teachers who are falsely accused by students

but there are also very bad teachers who have a home where incompetence is not a handicap to longevity
Professions with no union allowed an unfettered number of Business Visas to put millions of professionals into permanent unemployment.
I think either extreme should be avoided

But the Boomer Generation which has been running things for 25 years tends to do everything to excess
Professions with no union allowed an unfettered number of Business Visas to put millions of professionals into permanent unemployment.
I think either extreme should be avoided

But the Boomer Generation which has been running things for 25 years tends to do everything to excess
That's the danger of abusing all the comforts of life that technology has brought us.
"But it’s also important that children grow up exposed to community values, social values, democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints."
Children naturally learn among themselves values of community, society, and getting along with others. Children do not hate those of other races unless they are taught to or harmed by those of other races.

The Democratic Party's system of political boiler-room "values" is inherently dishonest and dishonorable and leaves some people out.
Professions with no union allowed an unfettered number of Business Visas to put millions of professionals into permanent unemployment.
I think either extreme should be avoided

But the Boomer Generation which has been running things for 25 years tends to do everything to excess
That's the danger of abusing all the comforts of life that technology has brought us.
And having been spoiled rotten by the Greatest Generation
"But it’s also important that children grow up exposed to community values, social values, democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints."
Children naturally learn among themselves values of community, society, and getting along with others. Children do not hate those of other races unless they are taught to or harmed by those of other races.

The Democratic Party's system of political boiler-room "values" is inherently dishonest and dishonorable and leaves some people out.

(That is no quote of mine. Make sure the source is readily apparent.)
I don't know why free market people are upset with teachers having a powerful union.
Because a powerful union protects bad teachers

the rubber room in NYC for instance where bad teachers who cannot be fired spends their days

Have you ever asked why these teachers are in the "rubber room"? The answer is incompetent administrators, not the teachers.
I think its because of the teachers union and ambulance chasing lawyers

adminstrators do tend to be overpaid blood sucking leeches

I‘m sure there are innocent teachers who are falsely accused by students

but there are also very bad teachers who have a home where incompetence is not a handicap to longevity

There you go thinking again! The teachers have never had their hearings required to discipline them. Whose fault is that?

I am sure there re some incompetent teachers there, but that does not excuse the administrators from doing what needs to be done according to the contract. Their main problem is thy have no evidence.We are also talking about NYC which is not any shining example of any educational system.

If you only knew how teacher evaluations have changed over the past 20 years, you would be amazed at how difficult it is to keep your job if you are not doing the job.

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