Harvard, Yale defy Trump guidelines continue to use race in admissions


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Some Ivy League schools are doubling down on race-based admissions policies, defying the Trump administration's action to rescind Obama-era affirmative action guidelines.
Harvard, Yale Defy Trump Guidelines, Continue to Use Race in Admissions

That way they can keep all you pathetic dumb ass whites out of college while impowering those who aren't American and idiots like you slowly give up your nation and the nation of freedom for your kids and or future kids forget grandkids you've fkd this nation up so severely, this entire country would have to tank fully for years before we can rebuild what America really was.

Oh and most of you white dumbasses are the Trump haters that's why they are doing this because society knows how pathetically easy it is to manipulate a bunch of anti american communist just like the guy who used race just to get his free coffee at startbucks. Thats what a push over you weak minded Trump haters are. Your just to dumb to realize it all.
These ivy league schools used to really mean something. Now they are just failures like Evergreen and University of Missouri.
At the higher levels of collegiate & post grad 'indoctrination' institutions the Asian's are perhaps the most disenfranchised when it comes to affirmative action. Our society would be far better off if meritorious considerations were the only requisite criterion, especially in elected office.
At the higher levels of collegiate & post grad 'indoctrination' institutions the Asian's are perhaps the most disenfranchised when it comes to affirmative action. Our society would be far better off if meritorious considerations were the only requisite criterion, especially in elected office.
Yet, at the corporate level, those same Asians who excelled academically are woefully underrepresented in top executive and CEO positions
At the higher levels of collegiate & post grad 'indoctrination' institutions the Asian's are perhaps the most disenfranchised when it comes to affirmative action. Our society would be far better off if meritorious considerations were the only requisite criterion, especially in elected office.
Yet, at the corporate level, those same Asians who excelled academically are woefully underrepresented in top executive and CEO positions
U do realize that you're proving my point, not yours... lol
Some Ivy League schools are doubling down on race-based admissions policies, defying the Trump administration's action to rescind Obama-era affirmative action guidelines.
Harvard, Yale Defy Trump Guidelines, Continue to Use Race in Admissions

That way they can keep all you pathetic dumb ass whites out of college while impowering those who aren't American and idiots like you slowly give up your nation and the nation of freedom for your kids and or future kids forget grandkids you've fkd this nation up so severely, this entire country would have to tank fully for years before we can rebuild what America really was.

Oh and most of you white dumbasses are the Trump haters that's why they are doing this because society knows how pathetically easy it is to manipulate a bunch of anti american communist just like the guy who used race just to get his free coffee at startbucks. Thats what a push over you weak minded Trump haters are. Your just to dumb to realize it all.

The Left needs to bridge their yuge credibility cap and embrace Equal Civil Rights in education and employment.
Harvard and Yale want fewer Asians because they've got way too many already and won't make the money from them that they make from the real movers and shakers in America --- white males. It's white males who have given the elite colleges the HUGE endowments of millions and billions. And white women, for the equally overwhelmed women's colleges, the few that are left.

As to what they are up to with the blacks, God knows --- they behave so very badly and they do so poorly, and they have to be let in with no sort of claim to meritocracy. The standards now are just in chaos. I think the blacks are mainly responsible for so many young men not going to college or dropping out, as the most successful have. Why waste time on all those PC courses? Waste of life and money. Better just get on with things.
But ----------- why can't we go back to colleges being free to decide? However they want to decide?

Right now it's a chaos of rules, of government control, of SAT scores ignored for blacks (too low) and ignored for Asians (too high) ------------- SATs only came in during the middle of the 20th century anyway. Why do that? In fact, colleges are backing off SATs and high time. Just decide! They are businesses! I sure would like to see ALLLLLLLLL businesses free to serve whomever they want to and not serve whomever they don't want to.

No more meritocracy, and no more government control. Just let colleges be businesses and let the market decide.
A private university can use any criteria they please
That is untrue. Can you imagine any educational institution denying admission on the bases of color, religion etc.
Yet they unequivocally do just that, they explain it away in much more fantastical circular reasoning though, lol. (my apologies if you were being facetious... wasn't quite sure)
There is nothing wrong with wanting a diverse student body. As noted, race is one of many criteria used so it is not entirely race based.
There is nothing wrong with wanting a diverse student body. As noted, race is one of many criteria used so it is not entirely race based.
So what you're saying is that blacks and Hispanics could not provide the diversity you seek through merit but only by given preference. If an elite university accepts second-tier students instead of only those who merit admission, does it also not become a second-tier school?
A private university can use any criteria they please
That is untrue. Can you imagine any educational institution denying admission on the basis of color, religion etc.

Ummmm, yeah, allllllll the black colleges!! All the women's colleges. All the religious colleges. Used to be, all the MEN's colleges, though I don't think there are any anymore, and not so many men going, either.

We need to go back to limits on admission solely decided by the business people in the college administration.
If an elite university accepts second-tier students instead of only those who merit admission, does it also not become a second-tier school?

OOops, too late, that already happened. And then their very smartest and most able drop out.

The richest man in the world and the third richest man in the world as of this month, both dropped out of Harvard and never graduated. (Gates and Zuckerberg) If all these colleges have left now is Black Studies, why bother to waste four years going? Better just get on with making money.
On the other hand, the second richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos, did graduate from college: Princeton.

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