Has any Presidential or Judicial Impeachment been like this?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The Pelosi/Schiff show trial would have to smarten up in order to be stupid. Is it simply a distraction to, hopefully, avoid their own non impeachment trial
Since they have not followed the PRECEDENT of both the Nixon and Blow Job impeachments. It is entirely legal for ALL REPUBLICANS, and people employed in the executive branch to disregard any subpoenas (or a letter making believe it is a subpoena) issued by the House committees....now who does the House have that can go out and try to arrest people for not cooperating with them....answer....the FBI or DoJ are the only ones authorized and both are controlled by their boss....TA DA!!....the PRESIDENT!
Trump will be impeached. Now whether they find him guilty is another story. However, I think the state will work twice as hard to do so and send him packing. They want him gone (both sides).
Trump will be impeached. Now whether they find him guilty is another story. However, I think the state will work twice as hard to do so and send him packing. They want him gone (both sides).
How do you impeach a man who has brought the economy to the state it is in....WITHOUT having the electorate revolt against the DemonRATS for subverting Constitutional law.....They better get impeachment to SCOTUS FAST for resolution or we will be happy to see all the ex. DemonRATVrepresentatives and Senators after the 2020 election....THIS IS ONE of the reasons they can't go to much more forward...and the real possibility that a PUBLIC TRIAL which there would have to be will allow Republicans to question all these supposed witnesses and even call the WHISTLEBLOWER before the Senate as SCHITT KNOWS who he is after meeting with him to start this impeachment inquirery....THAT I will like watching and find out how he wrote that letter that sounds like a lawyer wrote it....
From what I've seen, people are betting their money for at least a House Impeachment. I still don't believe that many Democrats want to lose their cushy Congressional jobs, but we'll see.
The Pelosi/Schiff show trial would have to smarten up in order to be stupid. Is it simply a distraction to, hopefully, avoid their own non impeachment trial

Was there any kind of "point" coming with this thread?

Also, pretty sure there is no such thing as a "non impeachment trial".
How do you impeach a man who has brought the economy to the state it is in....WITHOUT having the electorate revolt against the DemonRATS for subverting Constitutional law.....They better get impeachment to SCOTUS FAST for resolution or we will be happy to see all the ex.

Well...one would hope that the electorate would be intelligent enough to see through the bipartisan lie..finally.
If Trump goes away...which I feel he will...it will take the intentional acquiescence of his own side.
As for revolt...bellies are full. People never risk revolt when their bellies are full.

THIS IS ONE of the reasons they can't go to much more forward...and the real possibility that a PUBLIC TRIAL which there would have to be will allow Republicans to question all these supposed witnesses and even call the WHISTLEBLOWER before the Senate as SCHITT KNOWS who he is after meeting with him to start this impeachment inquirery....THAT I will like watching and find out how he wrote that letter that sounds like a lawyer wrote it....

Au contraire! They DO want a public trial. They want a big fat public trial to parade Trump and his in front of the American people...to show them and any other potential change agent just how the goose is cooked.
They are going to make it known in no uncertain terms that this is THEIR district and unvetted, unwashed participants are not welcome.

And with that...all possible peaceful...traditional...Constitutional options are closed to the general public.

Your slavery will be confirmed.
How do you impeach a man who has brought the economy to the state it is in....WITHOUT having the electorate revolt against the DemonRATS for subverting Constitutional law.....They better get impeachment to SCOTUS FAST for resolution or we will be happy to see all the ex.

Well...one would hope that the electorate would be intelligent enough to see through the bipartisan lie..finally.
If Trump goes away...which I feel he will...it will take the intentional acquiescence of his own side.
As for revolt...bellies are full. People never risk revolt when their bellies are full.

THIS IS ONE of the reasons they can't go to much more forward...and the real possibility that a PUBLIC TRIAL which there would have to be will allow Republicans to question all these supposed witnesses and even call the WHISTLEBLOWER before the Senate as SCHITT KNOWS who he is after meeting with him to start this impeachment inquirery....THAT I will like watching and find out how he wrote that letter that sounds like a lawyer wrote it....

Au contraire! They DO want a public trial. They want a big fat public trial to parade Trump and his in front of the American people...to show them and any other potential change agent just how the goose is cooked.
They are going to make it known in no uncertain terms that this is THEIR district and unvetted, unwashed participants are not welcome.

And with that...all possible peaceful...traditional...Constitutional options are closed to the general public.

Your slavery will be confirmed.
Only problem with that is AG Barr coming out with his report and more than a few CRIMINAL REFERRALS of top DemonRATS and people like Come . Et al!.....The DemonRATS had a better shot at winning than they do with all this bullshit.....If not for a few, very few real journalists, we would know very little about how corrupt and lying pieces of shit the party of INFANTICIDE really is!
Sunday, Nov. 20; still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote. You would think given all the horrors Trump supposedly inflicted on the world the mighty Democrats would be hard at work 24/7 to get that done, but apparently they're just not serious about it.
Actually "generations" by Strauss and Howe predicted a revolt/civil war in 2020 back in 1991
How do you impeach a man who has brought the economy to the state it is in....WITHOUT having the electorate revolt against the DemonRATS for subverting Constitutional law.....They better get impeachment to SCOTUS FAST for resolution or we will be happy to see all the ex.

Well...one would hope that the electorate would be intelligent enough to see through the bipartisan lie..finally.
If Trump goes away...which I feel he will...it will take the intentional acquiescence of his own side.
As for revolt...bellies are full. People never risk revolt when their bellies are full.

THIS IS ONE of the reasons they can't go to much more forward...and the real possibility that a PUBLIC TRIAL which there would have to be will allow Republicans to question all these supposed witnesses and even call the WHISTLEBLOWER before the Senate as SCHITT KNOWS who he is after meeting with him to start this impeachment inquirery....THAT I will like watching and find out how he wrote that letter that sounds like a lawyer wrote it....

Au contraire! They DO want a public trial. They want a big fat public trial to parade Trump and his in front of the American people...to show them and any other potential change agent just how the goose is cooked.
They are going to make it known in no uncertain terms that this is THEIR district and unvetted, unwashed participants are not welcome.

And with that...all possible peaceful...traditional...Constitutional options are closed to the general public.

Your slavery will be confirmed.
Only problem with that is AG Barr coming out with his report and more than a few CRIMINAL REFERRALS of top DemonRATS and people like Come . Et al!.....The DemonRATS had a better shot at winning than they do with all this bullshit.....If not for a few, very few real journalists, we would know very little about how corrupt and lying pieces of shit the party of INFANTICIDE really is!
That's all well and good from the Dem's point of view. If they get what they want a couple mid level leaders sacrificed to Baphomet are of little to no worry.
The goal is Trump. His removal is desired by ALL in the power structure. R & D. .
How do you impeach a man who has brought the economy to the state it is in....WITHOUT having the electorate revolt against the DemonRATS for subverting Constitutional law.....They better get impeachment to SCOTUS FAST for resolution or we will be happy to see all the ex.

Well...one would hope that the electorate would be intelligent enough to see through the bipartisan lie..finally.
If Trump goes away...which I feel he will...it will take the intentional acquiescence of his own side.
As for revolt...bellies are full. People never risk revolt when their bellies are full.

THIS IS ONE of the reasons they can't go to much more forward...and the real possibility that a PUBLIC TRIAL which there would have to be will allow Republicans to question all these supposed witnesses and even call the WHISTLEBLOWER before the Senate as SCHITT KNOWS who he is after meeting with him to start this impeachment inquirery....THAT I will like watching and find out how he wrote that letter that sounds like a lawyer wrote it....

Au contraire! They DO want a public trial. They want a big fat public trial to parade Trump and his in front of the American people...to show them and any other potential change agent just how the goose is cooked.
They are going to make it known in no uncertain terms that this is THEIR district and unvetted, unwashed participants are not welcome.

And with that...all possible peaceful...traditional...Constitutional options are closed to the general public.

Your slavery will be confirmed.
Only problem with that is AG Barr coming out with his report and more than a few CRIMINAL REFERRALS of top DemonRATS and people like Come . Et al!.....The DemonRATS had a better shot at winning than they do with all this bullshit.....If not for a few, very few real journalists, we would know very little about how corrupt and lying pieces of shit the party of INFANTICIDE really is!
That's all well and good from the Dem's point of view. If they get what they want a couple mid level leaders sacrificed to Baphomet are of little to no worry.
The goal is Trump. His removal is desired by ALL in the power structure. R & D. .
Certainly NOT ALL!....How, as a Dipshit do you win an election against a man that gets 50,000 supporters to stand in the rain for hours and many for over a day just to see and hear him IN PERSON, and not only in Dallas! Many a Republican politician stands with him and would more than welcome his endorsement for office......
It's not like Nixon or Clinton because they both had independent counsel's investigating them and gathering evidence, in private, with no republicans or Dems privileged to sit in on their investigations.

once the investigations were over by the independent counsels they turned over the evidence to the Judicial committee, then the Judicial Committee decided whether to impeach with articles of wrong doing or not, if yes...this then went to the full house for a vote.

So what is different this time is Congress is having to do all the investigations and gathering of evidence themselves... these committees are acting as their own grand juries of sorts, with BOTH Republicans and democrats that are members of these investigative committees....

They are the Independent Counsel replacements, investigating in private...

When they are done gathering the evidence and information...

THEN these committees will all give their evidence to the Judiciary Committee, who then get to decide if the evidence the respective investigative committees turned over to them is worthy of impeachment and the Judiciary committee gets to vote on these grievances.... if the Judicial committee votes to impeach, THEN it all becomes Public, the R's would get additional subpoena power, with hearings and finally the FULL HOUSE gets to vote to impeach or in other terms, indict the president with specific articles of impeachment, the articles that pass the House goes over to the Senate.

The Senate has a trial, chief justice residing over it, the prosecution is presented by the House, the Defense is the President's lawyers, the Senators are the jury.... I think 2/3's of the senators have to convict him on the articles, then he can be removed, with no other punishment but minor things, like not being able to hold a public office of trust again...

If a president has committed any Crimes, prosecutors would have to indict him for them, then he would have a criminal trial, which gives him many more protections, like due process, discovery.... also, presidents can cop a deal, like all other criminals, so they don't have to go to trial, and settle with other punishments....
It's not like Nixon or Clinton because they both had independent counsel's investigating them and gathering evidence, in private, with no republicans or Dems privileged to sit in on their investigations.

once the investigations were over by the independent counsels they turned over the evidence to the Judicial committee, then the Judicial Committee decided whether to impeach with articles of wrong doing or not, if yes...this then went to the full house for a vote.

So what is different this time is Congress is having to do all the investigations and gathering of evidence themselves... these committees are acting as their own grand juries of sorts, with BOTH Republicans and democrats that are members of these investigative committees....

They are the Independent Counsel replacements, investigating in private...

When they are done gathering the evidence and information...

THEN these committees will all give their evidence to the Judiciary Committee, who then get to decide if the evidence the respective investigative committees turned over to them is worthy of impeachment and the Judiciary committee gets to vote on these grievances.... if the Judicial committee votes to impeach, THEN it all becomes Public, the R's would get additional subpoena power, with hearings and finally the FULL HOUSE gets to vote to impeach or in other terms, indict the president with specific articles of impeachment, the articles that pass the House goes over to the Senate.

The Senate has a trial, chief justice residing over it, the prosecution is presented by the House, the Defense is the President's lawyers, the Senators are the jury.... I think 2/3's of the senators have to convict him on the articles, then he can be removed, with no other punishment but minor things, like not being able to hold a public office of trust again...

If a president has committed any Crimes, prosecutors would have to indict him for them, then he would have a criminal trial, which gives him many more protections, like due process, discovery.... also, presidents can cop a deal, like all other criminals, so they don't have to go to trial, and settle with other punishments....

lol that's a lot of typing just to say 'Trump won't be impeached, it's just fake news'.
Since they have not followed the PRECEDENT of both the Nixon and Blow Job impeachments. It is entirely legal for ALL REPUBLICANS, and people employed in the executive branch to disregard any subpoenas (or a letter making believe it is a subpoena) issued by the House committees....now who does the House have that can go out and try to arrest people for not cooperating with them....answer....the FBI or DoJ are the only ones authorized and both are controlled by their boss....TA DA!!....the PRESIDENT!

Previous impeachments had a house vote to gain access to subpoena authority. The last time Republicans were in the majority in the house, they gave committee chairmen standing subpoena authority, so it is no longer necessary to have a vote before having subpoena authority. You can thank the republicans for that change. No, it is not legal to ignore subpoenas. The house sergeant-at -arms would be tasked with making arrests. He has the authority to do that.
Since they have not followed the PRECEDENT of both the Nixon and Blow Job impeachments. It is entirely legal for ALL REPUBLICANS, and people employed in the executive branch to disregard any subpoenas (or a letter making believe it is a subpoena) issued by the House committees....now who does the House have that can go out and try to arrest people for not cooperating with them....answer....the FBI or DoJ are the only ones authorized and both are controlled by their boss....TA DA!!....the PRESIDENT!

Previous impeachments had a house vote to gain access to subpoena authority. The last time Republicans were in the majority in the house, they gave committee chairmen standing subpoena authority, so it is no longer necessary to have a vote before having subpoena authority. You can thank the republicans for that change. No, it is not legal to ignore subpoenas. The house sergeant-at -arms would be tasked with making arrests. He has the authority to do that.

LOL!! Eric Holder has a chest full of "Contempt of Congress" medals for ignoring subpoenas. Chaffetz in his book whines incessantly that Congress has no enforcement capability. If the Sgt. at Arms attempts to arrest one of the Trump admin folks, he will be sent packing with his handcuffs shoved up his ass. Like Barr said to Nancy with a grin "bring your handcuffs?"
Barr jokes with Pelosi: 'Did you bring your handcuffs?'
Nov. 21, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote. What's the holdup? Having trouble forging emails and finding better actors than that one they hired to claim Kavanaugh was a mad rapist? You would think that with all those hacks in Hollywood and the bucks at their disposal they would have done a lot better, but you can't fix stupid and dope addled lunacy with mere money.
lol y
Since they have not followed the PRECEDENT of both the Nixon and Blow Job impeachments. It is entirely legal for ALL REPUBLICANS, and people employed in the executive branch to disregard any subpoenas (or a letter making believe it is a subpoena) issued by the House committees....now who does the House have that can go out and try to arrest people for not cooperating with them....answer....the FBI or DoJ are the only ones authorized and both are controlled by their boss....TA DA!!....the PRESIDENT!

Previous impeachments had a house vote to gain access to subpoena authority. The last time Republicans were in the majority in the house, they gave committee chairmen standing subpoena authority, so it is no longer necessary to have a vote before having subpoena authority. You can thank the republicans for that change. No, it is not legal to ignore subpoenas. The house sergeant-at -arms would be tasked with making arrests. He has the authority to do that.

lol you know exactly zero about impeachment trials. You're just a parrot, and a dumb one at that.
lol y
Since they have not followed the PRECEDENT of both the Nixon and Blow Job impeachments. It is entirely legal for ALL REPUBLICANS, and people employed in the executive branch to disregard any subpoenas (or a letter making believe it is a subpoena) issued by the House committees....now who does the House have that can go out and try to arrest people for not cooperating with them....answer....the FBI or DoJ are the only ones authorized and both are controlled by their boss....TA DA!!....the PRESIDENT!

Previous impeachments had a house vote to gain access to subpoena authority. The last time Republicans were in the majority in the house, they gave committee chairmen standing subpoena authority, so it is no longer necessary to have a vote before having subpoena authority. You can thank the republicans for that change. No, it is not legal to ignore subpoenas. The house sergeant-at -arms would be tasked with making arrests. He has the authority to do that.

lol you know exactly zero about impeachment trials. You're just a parrot, and a dumb one at that.

So which part do you think I got wrong?

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