Has anyone asked parking garages if they will be able to handle EVs?

I appreciate your comments and agree 100% with them. The issue is that the US current administration doesn't think that capitalism would solve the problem BECAUSE Capitalism depends on market forces, not rules and regulations. I totally agree that reducing emissions is a goal...but not through government rules and regulations. Let's cooperate with the market to come up with better solutions. For example why is it not a goal to make each EV generate it's own electricity or maybe there is another form of energy transfer... but let's not attack current methods as this classic idiot statement does... truly an old fashion out of touch mentality!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

The heavy trucks means less payload and have short ranges, so more journeys. More journeys means more cost that gets added to the cost of goods.

When you get hot air statements as, "I guarantee we are going to get rid of fossil fuels", it's aimed at the gullibles that don't understand what items are derived from oil that they rely on and there's simply no current viable alternative. Society is being pushed back into the steam engine days.
One of the costs that EV advocates do NOT calculate when we hear them brag..."but EVs cost less to operate"!
Well here is one cost among many frankly EV advocates haven't considered.

Civil and environmental engineering professor Kevin Heaslip, director of the University of Tennessee's Center for Transportation Research, said EVs often weigh 30% more than gas-powered vehicles.
Yeah totally. Last time I spoke to parking garages they told me how excited they were about the Tesla Cybertruck
One good EV fire will weaken the structure costing millions in repairs. I look for insurance companies to nix them.

Good luck with fighting the insurance companies.
Anti-fire technology of the battery itself is evolving and vending stations of the future may operate in an oxygen-free environment with robots. The technology should evolve to be quite capable of targeting a single cell gone rogue and almost instantly react before runaway occurs.
No and I have no plans to do so. Big Government dictating markets seems backwards to me and full of predictable surprises.
If that’s your reasoning then you are letting big gov dictate your purchases. Try being a bit more independent minded
If that’s your reasoning then you are letting big gov dictate your purchases. Try being a bit more independent minded
Not sure how you made that leap in logic. Managed markets are a BFI because they are not organic. They do not arise naturally. They arise artificially. If you can't understand why that is a bad idea, I probably can't convince you. If only there was a recent example that we could learn from... you know like the USSR?
Not sure how you made that leap in logic. Managed markets are a BFI because they are not organic. They do not arise naturally. They arise artificially. If you can't understand why that is a bad idea, I probably can't convince you. If only there was a recent example that we could learn from... you know like the USSR?
I understand that side of it… but the other side is you not buying a product that because gov is trying to push it. That’s you letting gov influence your decisions. Especially given Musk isn’t exactly a big gov puppet
True. They have it down to less than 1/2 an hour in some of the new KIAs.

Meanwhile, it only takes a few minutes to fully refuel any real car. I do not have a very high level of confidence, at my age, that I will live to see EVs come anywhere close to that.
I understand that side of it… but the other side is you not buying a product that because gov is trying to push it. That’s you letting gov influence your decisions. Especially given Musk isn’t exactly a big gov puppet
That's not what's going on though. They are a niche product that I don't need. Battery operated lawn and power tools are great. I don't need a battery operated golf cart. I'm in the cart plan at my club.

I don't believe a proper vision for them has been established, I don't think implementation has been well thought through and I don't think they fully understand their market. All the things that happen when government is making decisions instead of letting markets make them organically.
Can you name any energy source that was developed strictly by market forces, and with no government involvement?
According to Congressional Budget Office testimony in 2016, an estimated $10.9 billion in tax preferences was directed toward renewable energy, $4.6 billion went to fossil fuels, and $2.7 billion went to energy efficiency or electricity transmission.

Federal support for renewable energy of all types more than doubled, from $7.4 billion in FY 2016 to $15.6 billion in FY 2022

Nearly 2 times for renewables versus fossil fuels.
That's not what's going on though. They are a niche product that I don't need. Battery operated lawn and power tools are great. I don't need a battery operated golf cart. I'm in the cart plan at my club.

I don't believe a proper vision for them has been established, I don't think implementation has been well thought through and I don't think they fully understand their market. All the things that happen when government is making decisions instead of letting markets make them organically.
If you don’t need it or like it then great. That’s the valid reason. If you’re just not buying because of politics then you’re letting yourself be controlled by the gov
That's not what's going on though. They are a niche product that I don't need. Battery operated lawn and power tools are great. I don't need a battery operated golf cart. I'm in the cart plan at my club.

I don't believe a proper vision for them has been established, I don't think implementation has been well thought through and I don't think they fully understand their market. All the things that happen when government is making decisions instead of letting markets make them organically.
What are your thoughts about solar panels? You down?
If you don’t need it or like it then great. That’s the valid reason. If you’re just not buying because of politics then you’re letting yourself be controlled by the gov
You mean like people who are buying it because of "politics?" Why would I want to be an unthinking drone?
More importantly, has anyone considered the impact on the po' carjacking industry, they are operating on a thin profit margin as is. They may need an infusion of free money, sos not to lose those skills.
I was talkin' to parkin' garages just the other day and they say to me they sez "EVs? Oh good golly Miss Molly I don't mind dem in the leastest. Has you ever had a gasoline leak on the third deck of five? Oh doo dat taste BAD!! And den doaz firemen, nice fellas ebree one, but dey dang near drowned me wit all da water to wash dat down. Dem EVs is clean as clean can BE. I lubs 'em!
You mean like people who are buying it because of "politics?" Why would I want to be an unthinking drone?
Some are influenced to buy and other influenced to not buy. It’s the same thing, goes both ways

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