Has anyone asked parking garages if they will be able to handle EVs?

Nah, just like there is no fueling station at each spot.

One thing about the supposed “car of the future” is that the cars would park themselves. You drive up to your place of business and the car finds a space in the lot on its own. When you leave, you summon the car on your cell phone and it’s waiting for you in a space in front of the building.

The thing is the time required to change them currently makes comparison to fueling via gas or diesel not work.

Until they can get a battery to charge as fast as you fill a gas tank, things like mandating charging stations at parking spots and garages would probably be needed if the whole "Stop selling ICE vehicles by date X thing" is to work.
The thing is the time required to change them currently makes comparison to fueling via gas or diesel not work.
True. They have it down to less than 1/2 an hour in some of the new KIAs. The design is flawed. We need the swap-out model that they have in China. Five minutes; you need leave your car.
True. They have it down to less than 1/2 an hour in some of the new KIAs. The design is flawed. We need the swap-out model that they have in China. Five minutes; you need leave your car.

Still need the mechanism to do it, so still not as good as an ICE vehicle.
Nah, just like there is no fueling station at each spot.

One thing about the supposed “car of the future” is that the cars would park themselves. You drive up to your place of business and the car finds a space in the lot on its own. When you leave, you summon the car on your cell phone and it’s waiting for you in a space in front of the building.
That can really happen. I wonder how the car will pay for the parking spot?
You know your comment illustrates your perception deficiency.
You perceive that I'm against EVs. I'm NOT!
I want logical market driven migration to EVs not forced by the government through regulations, financial donations by the government. I want like the gas engines became the mode, i.e. market
driven. But when idiots evidently like you support an even bigger idiot like Biden who says:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

What a tool to raise gas prices. Oil companies love that to justify raising prices...remember Biden guarantees to put them out of business!
Why would this idiot also encourage people to break the law?
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

That is the problem with Biden... just plain stupid!
I believe if Biden had said this cooperating with fossil fuels:
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!

As a result fulfilling what Biden ran his original campaign on "Unifying America"!
But no... he's destroying America!

yer fav spamulicious moment, do you need a towel?
And when those EVs suddenly light up for no reason, they burn like sons of bitches.

I’m wondering if they are too close to each other, will they all go off like falling dominoes?
One of the costs that EV advocates do NOT calculate when we hear them brag..."but EVs cost less to operate"!
Well here is one cost among many frankly EV advocates haven't considered.

Civil and environmental engineering professor Kevin Heaslip, director of the University of Tennessee's Center for Transportation Research, said EVs often weigh 30% more than gas-powered vehicles.
To my knowledge, the problem with EV's and multi-story and underground car parks is that the intense heat from an EV fire will compromise the concrete structure. Guidance has been issued because equipment cannot manoeuvre in low headroom car parks to lift and takeaway a burning vehicle. Trying to extinguish an EV fire with water ain't easy.

Another problem is, their weight causes greater tyre wear, thus increasing fine partical pollution. And all this is to save 17% to 30% co2. And the toxins off EV fires are immense.
Would they actually require garages to have a power hookup for each spot?

Nevermind the power plant, just the conduit and cable required for that many cars charging at the same time for max capacity would be daunting.

Then you worry about the number of feeders required to power it.
In Harris Ranch, CA Tesla has a huge charging lot (98 supercharge stations). They had to install a diesel plant.

To my knowledge, the problem with EV's and multi-story and underground car parks is that the intense heat from an EV fire will compromise the concrete structure. Guidance has been issued because equipment cannot manoeuvre in low headroom car parks to lift and takeaway a burning vehicle. Trying to extinguish an EV fire with water ain't easy.

Another problem is, their weight causes greater tyre wear, thus increasing fine partical pollution. And all this is to save 17% to 30% co2. And the toxins off EV fires are immense.
I appreciate your comments and agree 100% with them. The issue is that the US current administration doesn't think that capitalism would solve the problem BECAUSE Capitalism depends on market forces, not rules and regulations. I totally agree that reducing emissions is a goal...but not through government rules and regulations. Let's cooperate with the market to come up with better solutions. For example why is it not a goal to make each EV generate it's own electricity or maybe there is another form of energy transfer... but let's not attack current methods as this classic idiot statement does... truly an old fashion out of touch mentality!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
I appreciate your comments and agree 100% with them. The issue is that the US current administration doesn't think that capitalism would solve the problem BECAUSE Capitalism depends on market forces, not rules and regulations. I totally agree that reducing emissions is a goal...but not through government rules and regulations. Let's cooperate with the market to come up with better solutions. For example why is it not a goal to make each EV generate it's own electricity or maybe there is another form of energy transfer... but let's not attack current methods as this classic idiot statement does... truly an old fashion out of touch mentality!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

For example why is it not a goal to make each EV generate it's own electricity

Because that's a stupid, expensive, unworkable idea?
Call it what you will. 7 trillion in financial advantage to oil companies is 7 million in financial advantage to oil companies.

2020, 2021 and 2022 are not only fake numbers, they're fake projections. LOL!


Looks like about 80% of the "subsidy" is "You weren't charged for the CO2 you emitted".

Any luck finding the real "massive grants and tax breaks given to the oil companies"?
I appreciate your comments and agree 100% with them. The issue is that the US current administration doesn't think that capitalism would solve the problem BECAUSE Capitalism depends on market forces, not rules and regulations. I totally agree that reducing emissions is a goal...but not through government rules and regulations. Let's cooperate with the market to come up with better solutions. For example why is it not a goal to make each EV generate it's own electricity or maybe there is another form of energy transfer... but let's not attack current methods as this classic idiot statement does... truly an old fashion out of touch mentality!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Can you name any energy source that was developed strictly by market forces, and with no government involvement?

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