CDZ Has anyone heard Donald Trump say anything besides what's wrong with everyone else but him?

Now, I hate to tell you this, BUT WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK TRUMP IS SO POPULAR?...... I'll clue you in...HE HAS NOT BEEN A FUCKING POLITICIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, that's just a stupid reason in multiple dimensions.
  • Would you hire a boat captain to sail your ship through the most challenging seas on the planet if the guy/gal had zero experience sailing similar seas?
  • When you are assigning tasks of any sort to your staff, do you assign the most difficult ones to the least experienced personnel specifically because they have no experience performing those or somewhat similar tasks?
The idea of liking and electing a non public politician (because let's be real, being a senior business exec is very much a political job) seems quite novel and cool, but that's about the beginning and end of the value of such an idea. Might a non public politician be successful in the job, just as an inexperienced boat captain might make it through the roughest seas? Sure, it's possible, but putting him/her there is hardly a conservative way of viewing decision making; it's a far riskier approach to trying to obtain a goal other than merely putting them in the role simply for the sake of putting an inexperienced person in it.

Perhaps YOU really believe your own propaganda...others know better!

So answer the questions I asked....
Has anyone heard Hillary Clinton say anything besides what's wrong with everyone else but her?

Okay, now that we've eliminated "B-b-b-but Obama!" and "B-b-b-but Hillary!" let's run through every Democratic candidate ever and then get back to the topic, which is Trump the Inexperienced, whose main asset seems to be "Hey, I've never done this before, but so what? I'm me, and I'm the best ME EVAH!" and why this is so appealing to a certain type of American.

You missed the point. The point is that all politicians do that. Get it yet?

All of them? Really? Every single one since the beginning of time? Remarkable.
Has anyone heard Hillary Clinton say anything besides what's wrong with everyone else but her?

Okay, now that we've eliminated "B-b-b-but Obama!" and "B-b-b-but Hillary!" let's run through every Democratic candidate ever and then get back to the topic, which is Trump the Inexperienced, whose main asset seems to be "Hey, I've never done this before, but so what? I'm me, and I'm the best ME EVAH!" and why this is so appealing to a certain type of American.

You missed the point. The point is that all politicians do that. Get it yet?

All of them? Really? Every single one since the beginning of time? Remarkable.

I guess you don't get it. Oh well, I tried.
Has anyone heard Hillary Clinton say anything besides what's wrong with everyone else but her?

Okay, now that we've eliminated "B-b-b-but Obama!" and "B-b-b-but Hillary!" let's run through every Democratic candidate ever and then get back to the topic, which is Trump the Inexperienced, whose main asset seems to be "Hey, I've never done this before, but so what? I'm me, and I'm the best ME EVAH!" and why this is so appealing to a certain type of American.

You missed the point. The point is that all politicians do that. Get it yet?

All of them? Really? Every single one since the beginning of time? Remarkable.

I guess you don't get it. Oh well, I tried.

Your hyperbole? Got it immediately. It's how you deal with criticisms of your side's candidates. "Ooooh, look over here - shiny!"

It's cute.
The China thing seems silly but Trump is using it to appeal to voters whose jobs were "outsourced" to China. And a lot of manufacturing jobs were. It's not a bad strategy.

That he's among the employers who've done this is something his adoring fans :lalala: or just don't realize.
Well yeah there is the fact he is among the "patriotic businessmen" who use communist Chinese labor.
The China thing seems silly but Trump is using it to appeal to voters whose jobs were "outsourced" to China. And a lot of manufacturing jobs were. It's not a bad strategy.

Yes, it's an appeal to the vengeance of a sort that such folks might want to obtain. In making that claim, among other things, Mr. Trump tacitly offers to be their champion. One of the other things he's doing is talking out of both sides of his mouth. His own clothing line is made in Mexico. Outsourced to Mexico or outsourced to China, the outcome for the American worker is the same: their job no longer exists in America. Such workers have several choices:
  • Retrain and find a different job
  • Do nothing and find a different job
  • Retrain and take no new job
  • Do nothing and take no new job
  • Complain about their job having been outsourced, and do one of the above
Mr. Trump is appealing to the folks who want to complain, but he himself hypocritically has enabled the outsourcing of jobs in the creation of his own line of clothing.

People may like that someone panders to their fears, angst, and anger, but the nation doesn't need that in its President. What it needs is someone who'll issue the right messages, which, from the standpoint of American business, as well as from the standpoint of what makes economic sense, is "get over it; move on."

The simple fact is that the companies that outsourced "whatever" to places like China and Mexico did so because their managers determined that at the time it made more business sense to do than to keep producing "whatever" in the U.S. Trust me, if and when it makes more business sense (basically more profit) to bring the productive process back to the U.S., they will, but until it does, they will not. Who wins the Presidency isn't going to change that.

There's no question that what Mr. Trump is doing is a good strategy for winning, at least it appears that way right now. It wouldn't be such a good strategy if more of the electorate were not such loons.
Yep Donald is all talk and they eat it up. "It'll be great!, We'll be great!"
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320, In answer to your questions: I do not believe in spoon-feeding people. People learn when they think for themselves, and arrive at conclusions on their own, rather than being told a conclusion initially. If you are seeing patterns, then follow them to learn and understand. Some people define human intelligence as: the capacity to see patterns. Therefore, if you are finding patterns it is an indication that the intelligence faculty may be functioning somewhat. However, it is education that destroys innate intelligence more than any other factor.

The ones with knowledge, whether from following NPR or CNN or Fox or the AP, etc., generally speaking, lose their intelligence and ability to reason for themselves. Education is the greatest enemy of free-thinking.

The university-educated people generally do not escape the system with their innate intelligence intact. The ones who only hold a High School diploma, and who do not follow the corporate and state-controlled news media, generally have a higher innate intelligence, than the PhD holders. It is rare for anyone to escape the education system with their innate intelligence intact.

Education is the antithesis of intelligence. Education replaces intelligence. Oftentimes, these educated people ridicule Trump-followers, but they are no better and just as brainwashed themselves, and long since lost their innate intelligence.

These are the college-educated, and followers of news media or political parties folks, generally speaking, and it doesn't matter what political party they are from; they are all trapped into relinquishing their own intelligence and swallowing the propagandist lines of their political parties or college professors or the corporate and state-controlled news media:

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320, In answer to your questions: I do not believe in spoon-feeding people. People learn when they think for themselves, and arrive at conclusions on their own, rather than being told a conclusion initially. If you are seeing patterns, then follow them to learn and understand. Some people define human intelligence as: the capacity to see patterns. Therefore, if you are finding patterns it is an indication that the intelligence faculty may be functioning somewhat. However, it is education that destroys innate intelligence more than any other factor.

The ones with knowledge, whether from following NPR or CNN or Fox or the AP, etc., generally speaking, lose their intelligence and ability to reason for themselves. Education is the greatest enemy of free-thinking.

The university-educated people generally do not escape the system with their innate intelligence intact. The ones who only hold a High School diploma, and who do not follow the corporate and state-controlled news media, generally have a higher innate intelligence, than the PhD holders. It is rare for anyone to escape the education system with their innate intelligence intact.

Education is the antithesis of intelligence. Education replaces intelligence. Oftentimes, these educated people ridicule Trump-followers, but they are no better and just as brainwashed themselves, and long since lost their innate intelligence.

These are the college-educated, and followers of news media or political parties folks, generally speaking, and it doesn't matter what political party they are from; they are all trapped into relinquishing their own intelligence and swallowing the propagandist lines of their political parties or college professors or the corporate and state-controlled news media:


While that my be your reply to my questions, it hardly constitutes a direct answer to them. That's a direct answer to some question(s), but not the two I asked.

Okay, you can make those assertions, but would now, please provide some sort of empirical evidence (case studies or something equally rational and intellectually convincing) or a fully developed deductive or inductive dialectical argument that shows it to be so, or even to be mostly so.

That's the one pair of remarks that I know to be so. The thing is that no matter one's innate intellect, one must learn to to use it. One must be taught how to think intelligently, but not told what to think.

The dilemma I see and have remarked upon has more to do with the lack of thought shown by Mr. Trump's proposals and the lack of thought shown among many of his supporters in evaluating them on practical and theoretical merit. Plenty of Mr. Trump's ideas sound good upon initial utterance; few of them pass muster upon deeper consideration, not the least of which is whether they are implementable, and the approaches for doing so are among the many things of substance Mr. Trump has not articulated. And, quite frankly, one need not have all that much intellectual ability to see that (1) he has not told us how he'd implement any of his ideas, and (2) he has no prior public office experience and thus is not familiar with the ways and means of getting them implemented. What Mr. Trump has, and he's clearly stated it, is experience with in effect buying votes, preferences, and favors from folks who have held public office. Well, as President, that tactic isn't an option.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump said in his campaign speech at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. / / / / Trump is so provocative ! I figure that if queried about this , he will claim that that hypothetical person he "shoots" is armed and dangerous , which would make his (Trump's) actions justified ; )
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“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump said in his campaign speech at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. / / / / Trump is so provocative ! I figure that if queried about this , he will claim that that hypothetical person he "shoots" is armed and dangerous , which would make his actions justified ; )

He's probably right. In fact this statement may increase his support from some of the more rabid gun rights advocates who may have been on the fence between him and Cruz.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump said in his campaign speech at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. / / / / Trump is so provocative ! I figure that if queried about this , he will claim that that hypothetical person he "shoots" is armed and dangerous , which would make his (Trump's) actions justified ; )
Love him or hate him, the Donald is a master marketer and a master at dominating the media cycle when he wants to do so!
The world according to The Donald is really easy to understand.

People that like and support The Donald are good....they are winners.

People who don't like and support The Donald are bad...they are losers.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump said in his campaign speech at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. / / / / Trump is so provocative ! I figure that if queried about this , he will claim that that hypothetical person he "shoots" is armed and dangerous , which would make his (Trump's) actions justified ; )
Love him or hate him, the Donald is a master marketer and a master at dominating the media cycle when he wants to do so!

He certainly is that. Has our political system now devolved into simply a marketing contest?

I haven't seen any figures on how much free air time the Donald gets compared to his opponents but my impression is that he gets considerably more than all of the others combined. Anybody know those numbers?
He certainly is that. Has our political system now devolved into simply a marketing contest?

I haven't seen any figures on how much free air time the Donald gets compared to his opponents but my impression is that he gets considerably more than all of the others combined. Anybody know those numbers?

Basically, yes. It's not that the "marketing-esque" character of political campaigns is new, IMO. After all, political campaigns are little other than the marketing of personalities and ideas and has always been exactly that. Rather, it's that Mr. Trump is the first candidate who has managed a political campaign as reality television programs and gossip shows like TMZ market/manage their content to attract and retain viewers, which is to say based largely on controversy and shock value rather than substance or some semblance thereof.

I don't know the full scope and extent of the free press Mr. Trump has received, but upwards of $50M is what the Tea Party people suggest.
The charge now appears to have switched from Mr. Trump finding fault in all but himself to a man of no substance. Perhaps he has taken note of how the Democrat pride and glory has mentioned, too many times to count, "I have a plan for that" without taking time to explain. When Trump states, read my book the libs go berserk. When "Hildebeast" states go to my website, the "Libs" roar with applause. The contradiction is not lost upon my non aligned self. I will state with some assurance, my vote will not be for Hillary or our esteemed Vice President. I do like Bernies call for much higher taxation on business in general as well as the tax evading rich. As far as tax increases for middle and lower class citizens, that will happen no matter who is elected. I have to think Mr. Trump is not a champion of the "off shore" tax evasion" crowd. Rubio and Cruz are the same old same old, so to speak. In summation, not a whole heck of a lot is left, except, the Bloomberg factor, and I happen to believe anyone who wants a "Big Gulp" should have the right to buy one. That would be an even bigger joke than what we have today. In summation, ...................................
The charge now appears to have switched from Mr. Trump finding fault in all but himself to a man of no substance. Perhaps he has taken note of how the Democrat pride and glory has mentioned, too many times to count, "I have a plan for that" without taking time to explain. When Trump states, read my book the libs go berserk. When "Hildebeast" states go to my website, the "Libs" roar with applause. The contradiction is not lost upon my non aligned self. I will state with some assurance, my vote will not be for Hillary or our esteemed Vice President. I do like Bernies call for much higher taxation on business in general as well as the tax evading rich. As far as tax increases for middle and lower class citizens, that will happen no matter who is elected. I have to think Mr. Trump is not a champion of the "off shore" tax evasion" crowd. Rubio and Cruz are the same old same old, so to speak. In summation, not a whole heck of a lot is left, except, the Bloomberg factor, and I happen to believe anyone who wants a "Big Gulp" should have the right to buy one. That would be an even bigger joke than what we have today. In summation, ...................................

Trump has done his share of talking but I don't trust that he has your or my problems in mind . I figure if he were to win POTUS , he would merely continue to enrich himself and secretly repay those who have provided so much campaign aid .
. . . just about like I would expect any of the other candidates to do . . . . choose your poison / guard your own
He certainly is that. Has our political system now devolved into simply a marketing contest?

I haven't seen any figures on how much free air time the Donald gets compared to his opponents but my impression is that he gets considerably more than all of the others combined. Anybody know those numbers?

Basically, yes. It's not that the "marketing-esque" character of political campaigns is new, IMO. After all, political campaigns are little other than the marketing of personalities and ideas and has always been exactly that. Rather, it's that Mr. Trump is the first candidate who has managed a political campaign as reality television programs and gossip shows like TMZ market/manage their content to attract and retain viewers, which is to say based largely on controversy and shock value rather than substance or some semblance thereof.

I don't know the full scope and extent of the free press Mr. Trump has received, but upwards of $50M is what the Tea Party people suggest.

That $50M was just for Fox. CNN has probably provided him with more than that. They broadcast his entire speech as well as Palin's last week when she endorsed him. They have been constantly broadcasting his speeches for the last several months. No other candidate gets that kind of exposure.

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