Has anyone recieved the American Community Survey?

Anything with the word "Community" in it is usually being presented by a corrupt & fraudulent "Community Organizer" group like ACORN. People should be very wary. It probably is bogus.

Funny, I feel the same way about the word "movement," as in the Tea Party Movement.
About the ACS: Question by Question Fact Sheets

And if so, how do you feel about the questions?

Will you answer them?

Are you concerned about the $100 to $5000 fine for not answering the survey?

Do you consider it to be a necessary or invasive line of questions?

I kind of already know the answers I'll get from some...just curious about some of the open minded folks out there.

First off, your title is intentionally misleading: The form is simply called the United States Census 2010. But astute people know what you were oh so cleverly implying.

That said, since there is a scam going on with a BOGUS form that has been sent out, one that looks the same but asks for information such as your Social Security number and bank information, it would be wise for that reason alone to use the correct title of the form.
If I get it, it will go straight into the shredder where it can join the other Census forms that I shredded a few weeks ago......
Beware of any politician who repeatedly uses the word "Community" over and over in their rants. They are most likely corrupt Left Wing "Community Organizer" cretins. You just have to know their lingo. The fact they're calling it an "American Community Survey" should set off alarm bells to anyone with some common sense left. It's all just a sad & corrupt "Community Organizer" scam in the end. It is what it is.

I take it then that you wouldn't participate if you were selected to recieve the survey...

Well since I've heard that only about 25% of Texans plan on filling out the census, my guess is you'd be one of those. You do know that it means redistricting and loss of federal funding for schools, roads, etc., based on new demographics. So you reap what you sow.
Anything with the word "Community" in it is usually being presented by a corrupt & fraudulent "Community Organizer" group like ACORN. People should be very wary. It probably is bogus.

You mean like this:

Community of Christ
Community of Science
Community of Caring
Community of Concern
Community of Democracies
Community of Writers
Community of European Railways
The Community of Jesus
The Community of Celebration
A Community of Friends
Community of Welcoming Congregations
Community of Peace Academy
The Wellness Community
Community of Hope

There are tons of others.


Pssst..........if you google it, you'll discover that MOST things with 'community' in their name are religion related. ROFLMAO.....(you are wrong so often, you're taking the fun out of this)..........LOL

Probably the only acceptable use of the word "community" to cons is in Gated Community, which is twofold: Homes for either the rich or the cowboys.
Just pay attention and listen closely to politician rants. If they're using the word "Community" over and over in their rants then you know they're just corrupt Leftist "Community Organizer" cretins. It's all there in their lingo. People just need to pay closer attention.

"Community Organizer" took on a vulgar meaning when every con in the country equated the characterization with evil liberalism. You're just parroting all those loudmouthed pundits who thought it was clever to denigrate neighborhood volunteers as what--unclean? It's so very typical of conservative "values," always speaking out of one side of the mouth in such a righteous manner, while the other side of the mouth smirks.
The amount of times a politician uses the word "Community" in their rants is a good indication of how far Left they are in their "Community Organizer" world. Just listen and pay closer attention. Using the phrase "American Community Survey" really does say it all. People are right to not trust it.

How many times are you going to say that? I have an idea: Don't fill out the form if you're so damned scared it's going to be used against you or is some part of a big plot to complete the building of a new Communist Nation. :cuckoo:
I filled out the short form but still don't understand the controversy. This info is already available to the govt. My municipality knows how many bathrooms I have and the IRS knows how much we make. What is the big deal?

There is NO question on the form about BATHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I filled out the short form but still don't understand the controversy. This info is already available to the govt. My municipality knows how many bathrooms I have and the IRS knows how much we make. What is the big deal?

Well, the big deal is that it's mandatory to fill it out or get fined up to $5000 if you don't. It's a big deal because they are diving way deeper into your personal information than just how many bathrooms you have and requiring you to answer the questions, without option to decline. It's a big deal because if you get one and DON'T fill it out, you are considered a criminal.

It's a big deal because the damn thing is TWENTY EIGHT pages long!!!!

UNFUCKING REAL^. The same 10 (T.E.N.) questions are asked on the following pages for anyone ELSE living at that residence. The form is so fucking simple, a five-year old could do it. And I reiterate, no one in Washington gives a shit whether you take a dump inside or outside.
About the ACS: Question by Question Fact Sheets

And if so, how do you feel about the questions?

Will you answer them?

Are you concerned about the $100 to $5000 fine for not answering the survey?

Do you consider it to be a necessary or invasive line of questions?

I kind of already know the answers I'll get from some...just curious about some of the open minded folks out there.

First off, your title is intentionally misleading: The form is simply called the United States Census 2010. But astute people know what you were oh so cleverly implying.

That said, since there is a scam going on with a BOGUS form that has been sent out, one that looks the same but asks for information such as your Social Security number and bank information, it would be wise for that reason alone to use the correct title of the form.

Maggie...did you even bother to click on the link? It's FROM the census bureau. Now, when you take a little responsibility for your stupidity and actually go and look at the site, you'll need to come back and admit your mistake.

there was NOTHING misleading about my title. You can actually SEARCH it. And it will come up with the FIRST selection. It will send you to the census website and explain everything. I guess you're one of those "astute" people that doesn't bother with the obvious.

it's not a scam...it's not bogus...it's not a ruse to get your SS info.
Anything with the word "Community" in it is usually being presented by a corrupt & fraudulent "Community Organizer" group like ACORN. People should be very wary. It probably is bogus.

Funny, I feel the same way about the word "movement," as in the Tea Party Movement.

why doesn't that surprise me????

care to answer the questions in the OP?

I did. Pay attention. And yes, I filled out the form, which took less then 30 seconds.
I filled out the short form but still don't understand the controversy. This info is already available to the govt. My municipality knows how many bathrooms I have and the IRS knows how much we make. What is the big deal?

Well, the big deal is that it's mandatory to fill it out or get fined up to $5000 if you don't. It's a big deal because they are diving way deeper into your personal information than just how many bathrooms you have and requiring you to answer the questions, without option to decline. It's a big deal because if you get one and DON'T fill it out, you are considered a criminal.

It's a big deal because the damn thing is TWENTY EIGHT pages long!!!!

UNFUCKING REAL^. The same 10 (T.E.N.) questions are asked on the following pages for anyone ELSE living at that residence. The form is so fucking simple, a five-year old could do it. And I reiterate, no one in Washington gives a shit whether you take a dump inside or outside.

hey Maggie, you're still showing your stupidity

WE ARE NOT... I REPEAT...NOT...talking about the fucking SHORT FORM!!!!!!!!

Now do some research before you "re-iterate" your moronic tendencies.
Anything with the word "Community" in it is usually being presented by a corrupt & fraudulent "Community Organizer" group like ACORN. People should be very wary. It probably is bogus.

Funny, I feel the same way about the word "movement," as in the Tea Party Movement.

it scares us every time you have a bowel movement.

Oh come on, now, Willow. You weren't supposed to share our little secret exchange over the time of day we have our shit breaks. Now I'm gonna have to tell everyone that you've been constipated for weeks because of that stick up your ass. Be sure to let me know when you're ready to blow.
I filled out the short form but still don't understand the controversy. This info is already available to the govt. My municipality knows how many bathrooms I have and the IRS knows how much we make. What is the big deal?

Well, the big deal is that it's mandatory to fill it out or get fined up to $5000 if you don't. It's a big deal because they are diving way deeper into your personal information than just how many bathrooms you have and requiring you to answer the questions, without option to decline. It's a big deal because if you get one and DON'T fill it out, you are considered a criminal.

It's a big deal because the damn thing is TWENTY EIGHT pages long!!!!

Who gets it and who doesn't? We got the short form (I guess) - all it wanted to know was how many people in the house and what race we were.

Do they only send the long form out to certain folks?
About the ACS: Question by Question Fact Sheets

And if so, how do you feel about the questions?

Will you answer them?

Are you concerned about the $100 to $5000 fine for not answering the survey?

Do you consider it to be a necessary or invasive line of questions?

I kind of already know the answers I'll get from some...just curious about some of the open minded folks out there.

First off, your title is intentionally misleading: The form is simply called the United States Census 2010. But astute people know what you were oh so cleverly implying.

That said, since there is a scam going on with a BOGUS form that has been sent out, one that looks the same but asks for information such as your Social Security number and bank information, it would be wise for that reason alone to use the correct title of the form.

Maggie...did you even bother to click on the link? It's FROM the census bureau. Now, when you take a little responsibility for your stupidity and actually go and look at the site, you'll need to come back and admit your mistake.

there was NOTHING misleading about my title. You can actually SEARCH it. And it will come up with the FIRST selection. It will send you to the census website and explain everything. I guess you're one of those "astute" people that doesn't bother with the obvious.

it's not a scam...it's not bogus...it's not a ruse to get your SS info.

Why didn't you just ask if we had filled out the 2010 Census? You don't fool me, ya hack. An I didn't SAY that the link YOU posted was bogus. For once PAY ATTENTION!!! I said there is a scam perpetrated by someone who is sending out like forms, which is nothing more than a ruse to collect information to steal your identity. READ! Oh fuck, nevermind, asking someone like you to read and comprehend something is a great expectation.
why doesn't that surprise me????

care to answer the questions in the OP?

I did. Pay attention. And yes, I filled out the form, which took less then 30 seconds.

No...you didn't. because if you did, you'd know that you are talking out of your ass....


I filled out the same form Maggie did. We never got any long form that wanted to know all of the information you are talking about.

And it only took me 30 seconds or so to fill it out as well.

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