Has Dianne Feinstein retracted her "Legal to Hunt Humans" committee speech?

My mother and I just had the largest political argument of our lives over the phone over this. Since she is a die-hard Democrat, she said "I am taking Dianne Feinstein out of context, and she meant it as a metaphor."

I want you to keep in mind that my mother also said "I will vote for anyone who gives me stuff." Word for word, not even making it up. I thought perhaps this video would show her the light.

She also said that the Veterans deserved to be arrested and forced to give them up.

Anything for hand outs. Is it even worth trying to save this country when most of them think this way, my own family? Should we just give in?
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No, and I doubt she will.
Does that mean we can hunt senators between now and when the ban fails?
If so I guess I will need to buy a gun that is designed to kill "a lot of people really fast". Are there any cheap AR-15s for sale in my area? - oh, and ammo - I will need hundreds of rounds of ammo for the new gun too.
In my God honest opinion, as much as I hate her vehemently, I seriously believe she meant to say something else, she didn't even seem phased at what she said, probably wasn't even paying attention to herself at the moment.

Feinstein needs to retract everything she's said in the last 30 years if she ever wants to be taken seriously. Can't imagine what excuse she could have for her stupidity. I think she suffers from the same affliction as Pelosi, Waters and Jackson Lee.
So, she thinks it's legal to "Hunt Humans" and wants to limit the capacity a clip will hold. For all you "Human Hunters" out there, she isn't saying you can't "Hunt Humans" any more, she's just saying you can't "Hunt Humans" with large capacity clips and magazines.
Excellent analysis, Scotsman.

Let us not forget that Feinstein was either on the scene or arrived at the scene of the Milk killing years ago. My memory is this was the "Twinky defense" case, but that is definitely subject to challenge.

On Feinstein per se, like Clinton she is as corporatist as any Republican leader is, and there are as many defense contractors on her list as on Chinless's and Boehner's, but Feinstein also supports human potential corporations like teachers' unions and mental health rackets. In sum she is like today's Republicans, only more thoroughly corrupt.
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In my God honest opinion, as much as I hate her vehemently, I seriously believe she meant to say something else, she didn't even seem phased at what she said, probably wasn't even paying attention to herself at the moment.

Much simpler explanation: she is in an advanced state of senility.
If you "seriously believe she meant to say something else," you don't know Diane Feinstein...

I know that she is one of the worst Authoritarians in the United States government today. I know she wants to confiscate all guns --- ultimately.

However, for the sake of her own reputation among the people that SUPPORT HER, it is hard to imagine that she would make a comment so factually incorrect, that even her own SUPPORTERS are calling her a moron for.


That being said, seeing that she issued no retraction of any sort, I must believe that she actually wants to PEDDLE this "metaphor" for Propaganda. If you say something enough, even a horrendous metaphor, it starts to internalize, the same way the media said the words "Terrorist; Iraq" back to back. Even though they never stated Iraq had anything to do with terrorism, they would report stories about terrorism, followed by a story about Iraq, in rapid succession, making people subconsciously associate Iraq and terrorism.

After a while, it became impossible to convince certain people that Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism, because the [falsely] recalled Iraq being terrorist from the media. Memories don't compile the same way information is compiled on a computer, and the government knows that. They know that [enough] people will memorize it wrong.

I can just see a few years from now, when people like my grandmother and my sister (20 years old) who are saying "Oh she meant it metaphorically ... blah blah" will eventually be saying "Yeah people shouldn't be allowed to HUNT humans."

So when you ask someone "what terrorists in 9/11 came from Iraq, and what involvement did Saddam Hussein ever have in 9/11?" they can't answer you, but they simply say "It was all over the news back then, I can't exactly recall," and they think you are the liar.

Five years from now "In which places was it legal to hunt humans?" Then they will reply "It was all over the news, even my Senator said it, I just can't recall exactly where or when." And they will once again think you are the liar and misinformed, making any discussion impossible.

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