Has Obama just become a Conservative?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This guy spotted a Washington Post column where a leftist columnist is claiming that Barrak Obama is now a conservative.



It is also interesting how the GOP was farthest to the right under Mittens Romney than any other election.
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That guys who's video you linked in the op is a fraud by the way. For a year now he has claimed to be an independent liberal.

He has NEVER uploaded a video to my knowledge blasting the right like he does to the left 3 or 4 videos a day.

Basically he is a closet conservative afraid of his own true ideology.

Dont believe me look up any of his hundreds of videos.

He's playing conservatives for their wallets
That guys who's video you linked in the op is a fraud by the way. For a year now he has claimed to be an independent liberal.

He has NEVER uploaded a video to my knowledge blasting the right like he does to the left 3 or 4 videos a day.

Basically he is a closet conservative afraid of his own true ideology.

Dont believe me look up any of his hundreds of videos.

He's playing conservatives for their wallets

I noticed that the first time I heard of him. He claims to be a liberal, but has never had a bad thing to say about conservatives, or a good thing to say about liberals. He's not even very good at hiding it. He's like the Joe Scarborough of the right.
They've been trying to apply that label since he announced his candidacy in 2007.

Apparently it stuck enough in the beginning to fool the less intelligent among us.
He’s always a conservative around election time
The Bush administration transitioned seamlessly into the Obama administration. Now labels can mean many things. Many on the "right" will say that Bush wasn't a conservative. I don't want to get into that argument but whatever Bush was, Obama was more of the same.
That guys who's video you linked in the op is a fraud by the way. For a year now he has claimed to be an independent liberal.

He has NEVER uploaded a video to my knowledge blasting the right like he does to the left 3 or 4 videos a day.

Basically he is a closet conservative afraid of his own true ideology.

Dont believe me look up any of his hundreds of videos.

He's playing conservatives for their wallets

I noticed that the first time I heard of him. He claims to be a liberal, but has never had a bad thing to say about conservatives, or a good thing to say about liberals. He's not even very good at hiding it. He's like the Joe Scarborough of the right.
I've called him out in a couple of his videos in the comments but he has never responded.
I have no problem with him sharing his opinion. My problem is him pretending to be something he isn't WHILE asking viewers to donate to him personally.

That kind of shit just irritates me.
That and the fact that some of these youtubers make cash off of stoking outrage mobs.
Why would he want to be a conservative?
This guy spotted a Washington Post column where a leftist columnist is claiming that Barrak Obama is now a conservative.


View attachment 292176

It is also interesting how the GOP was farthest to the right under Mittens Romney than any other election.

Obama is a centrist left

Maybe by current Democrat standards. But even that is just a result of the finger in the wind routine. Just like his flip flop on faggot marriage
In practice, Obama was quite conservative.
Notice who pays for ObamaCare - working people.
And if all the family get "the virus" the same month
it will be a heavy cost on their budget.

Obama's other credential is "Black Nationalist".
Witness all those Federal judges he appointed.
Holder & Lynch too.
I hope I witness an evaluation of his presidency with no
"free pass" over color as we witness so far.


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