Has the Bible ever been proven wrong?

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dmp, do you acknowledge that you are the biggest tool on this MB? It is true, but I'm asking if you recognize that you are completely full of yourself and you almost solely are closed-minded. If you do not realize this, then you are just that much bigger of a jackass.
What's really a jackass is you responding to a post by attacking the poster.:slap:
Thanks Darin :)
Gee, why do some of us look at Christians sideways again? Reading your post, what do you think YOUR god would think of you? Rhetorical question, you wouldn't dream of talking on his/her behalf would you?

I think it sad that people believe in a god and don't take responsibility for their own lives, but that's just me. I certainly don't think they're a tool for beleiving such fantasies - each to their own....

What does God think of Me? That's such a played-out argument. Honestly, God demands TRUTH. God demands accountablility. I'm telling you "You are wrong - but not just wrong, you are pig-headed about being wrong." You NEED to face the music man. Stop running to lies and avoiding truth. Stop having Faith in stupid things (man's ability to GUESS how things were created) and have faith in GOD.
I know what you said, but your not really testing your faith with logic now are
you? Seems to me that your questioning other peoples faith against your logic.

Perhaps you can point out a single instance where I have said something and meant something completely different. Do you see where it may be offensive to me for you to make assumptions of how I think? :slap:

My "faith" is strengthened by logic and science. I've been a Catholic all my life and a working scientist for most of it. The more I study each the more evidence I find about the Truth, and the more I realize that atheism and Islam are totally whacked out. I challenge you or anyone to prove me wrong.
Perhaps you can point out a single instance where I have said something and meant something completely different. Do you see where it may be offensive to me for you to make assumptions of how I think? :slap:

My "faith" is strengthened by logic and science. I've been a Catholic all my life and a working scientist for most of it. The more I study each the more evidence I find about the Truth, and the more I realize that atheism and Islam are totally whacked out. I challenge you or anyone to prove me wrong.

Be offended all you want. The moment you say I'm right, now prove me
wrong you're acting as an athiest would. Why should anyone have to prove
you wrong? If your content with your way of life so be it, but posting a
thread and challenging others to show the logic behind their faith is silly.
You gather faith from logic, what you don't understand is faith is belief even
in the absense of logic. This religious battle of who's right and wrong isn't
even close to over, and I don't think it ever will be. So I guess I just want to
know what you really want in this discussion, A COOKIE?

Josephus, in the book Jewish Antiquities" wrote:

"At that time lived Jesus, a wise man, if he may be called a man; for he performed many wonderful works. He was a teacher of such men as received the truth with pleasure. . . .And when Pilate, at the instigation of the chief men among us, had condemned him to the cross, they who before had conceived an affection for him did not cease to adhere to him. For on the third day he appeared to them alive again, the divine prophets having foretold these and many other wonderful things concerning him. And the sect of the Christians, so called from him, subsists at this time" (Antiquities, Book 18, Chapter 3, Section 1).

Tacitus, in writing about accusations that Nero burned the city of Rome and blamed it on Christians, said the following:

". . .Nero procured others to be accused, and inflicted exquisite punishment upon those people, who were in abhorrence for their crimes, and were commonly known by the name of Christians. They had their denomination from Christus (Christ, dm.), who in the reign of Tibertius was put to death as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate. . . .At first they were only apprehended who confessed themselves of that sect; afterwards a vast multitude discovered by them, all of which were condemned, not so much for the crime of burning the city, as for their enmity to mankind. . . ." (Tacitus, Annals, 15, 44).
Why would you assume that I, as a working scientist, would not have faith in science? Now perhaps you can comment on a specific post instead of doing the Liberal thing and attacking me personally.:slap:

Huh? Where have I attacked you personally? Unlike say using the term "dumb questions". Hey I'm glad you've found what you're looking for, but can you please prove to me that the tooth fairy doesn't exist? Prove me wrong...
What does God think of Me? That's such a played-out argument. Honestly, God demands TRUTH. God demands accountablility. I'm telling you "You are wrong - but not just wrong, you are pig-headed about being wrong." You NEED to face the music man. Stop running to lies and avoiding truth. Stop having Faith in stupid things (man's ability to GUESS how things were created) and have faith in GOD.

And i think you are pig-headed about being right. You are so wrong it ain't funny brother. God no more exists than the moon is made of cheese IMO...but I wouldn't insult you about it...:bye1:
And i think you are pig-headed about being right. You are so wrong it ain't funny brother. God no more exists than the moon is made of cheese IMO...but I wouldn't insult you about it...:bye1:

You just did, :tryinghardnottoding:
Huh? Where have I attacked you personally? Unlike say using the term "dumb questions". Hey I'm glad you've found what you're looking for, but can you please prove to me that the tooth fairy doesn't exist? Prove me wrong...
The vast majority of adults know the tooth fairy does not exist, as they have partaken in the ruse. So if I brought a few into court, then yes I could prove that. And you could not prove otherwise.

You insulted me in post 300.
Atheists often accuse religious people of "attacking science". Well, actually, in areas like archaeology...science always proves the Bible correct! For example, about a century ago, nobody had ever found any evidence proving the existence of the Hittites (which are mentioned about 47 times in the Bible) and jumped on that as proof that the Bible is a load of crap. But then, of course, scientists found buried Hittite cities and writings...and only then did everybody concede that the Bible had it right. Evolutionists may accuse Christians of hanging on to outdated religious dogma, but science is really our best friend!
You gather faith from logic, what you don't understand is faith is belief even in the absense of logic.

That's exactly right...although I must point out that evolutionists, who pride themselves on being completely irreligious...actually have to have a hell of a lot more faith than creationists do! Think about it...believing in all those billions of "missing links" and "in-between forms" even though not a single damned one has ever been found...and having to come up with an explanation for how the tiny little atom came from a huge explosion called the Big Bang. (The Big Bang theory, interestingly, doesn't explain where matter came from because it assumes that matter existed in the beginning.) It's doesn't take that much faith for anybody to believe that God made it. No mental gymnastics required for that.

The theory of evolution violates the Law of Entropy as well...which teaches that things lose energy and decay as time goes on. New things wear out, fast things slow down...that's just how it goes. TOE says that people are evolving and getting better...which is a load of crap. DNA is just like anything else...it wears out too, leading to more and more harmful mistakes and a less pure gene pool each time. I've heard it said (by evolutionists) that if it wasn't for our medical knowledge keeping us alive, humans would only live about 35 years now.

Genetic mutations don't improve anything like atheists say! One of the things they really do is cause kids to be born with mental retardation, whereupon they grow up and post on this board under the name Bullypulpit.
The vast majority of adults know the tooth fairy does not exist, as they have partaken in the ruse. So if I brought a few into court, then yes I could prove that. And you could not prove otherwise.

You insulted me in post 300.

I think you'd have to have a bit more proof than that my friend. All they would be offering was an opinion. And you cannot prove that the bible (especially the more faith-based aspects) is based on fact. All you have is faith. Nothing wrong with that either, but it is what it is.

Where was the insult in post 300?? Be specific..
I think you'd have to have a bit more proof than that my friend. All they would be offering was an opinion. And you cannot prove that the bible (especially the more faith-based aspects) is based on fact. All you have is faith. Nothing wrong with that either, but it is what it is.

Where was the insult in post 300?? Be specific..

1. It appears that you have a different standard of proof for the tooth fairy than for God.

2. The insult: assuming that you know how I think. I find that deeply offensive.
Atheists often accuse religious people of "attacking science". Well, actually, in areas like archaeology...science always proves the Bible correct! For example, about a century ago, nobody had ever found any evidence proving the existence of the Hittites (which are mentioned about 47 times in the Bible) and jumped on that as proof that the Bible is a load of crap. But then, of course, scientists found buried Hittite cities and writings...and only then did everybody concede that the Bible had it right. Evolutionists may accuse Christians of hanging on to outdated religious dogma, but science is really our best friend!

Excellent post. Science has proven the Bible right many times and consistently. It has never proven the Bible wrong.
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