Has the Bible ever been proven wrong?

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Impose is a strong word and a sensative issue as far as religion is concerned.
I know, you know, we all know it happens on both sides of the fence.
It happens with everything to include politics. Everyone wants life to be as
easy as possible, but you can't make everyone happy. Is there an easy way
to be nuetral? I think not, but we'll never solve anything by trying to prove
who gets to be right or wrong. There is no possible way you could credit
or discredit the entire Bible, or any other religion for that matter.
So what's the solution?

I think impose is accurate, but that's just because it is a sensitive issue... one I think best left away from the political arena.

An easy way to be neutral? Good question. But I really don't know the answer to that. I figure the best way to be neutral is for state to stay out of Church and Church to say out of the government. Then everyone gets left alone and can live their lives as they wish.

I have no desire to discredit the bible. Not do I think anyone else does, really... except when one has to argue WHY it doesn't belong in government or schools or science classes. That's a shame really, because I think one can have both faith and science. But there ya go.

Also, if you look, it wasn't anyone who wants to discredit the bible who asked the question forming the basis of this thread. It was someone who feels the need to prove their religious beliefs, though faith is impossible to prove or disprove... nor should it be proven or disproven. It should just be acknowledged that it's faith
Honestly folks,
I don't see how this topic pertains to anyone that doesn't believe in the bible.
Unless it's for entertainment purposes, it does no good to argue the point.
I myself do not believe in the Bible but I know enough to leave it be.
What’s wrong with having faith in the Bible, true or not?
That’s the beauty of faith. We all believe in something even if it’s nothing.
If you can convince me that this topic has a profound affect on you life, then
so be it. Otherwise, don’t try so hard to bring people down for no reason
other than your own personal satisfaction. I will continue to believe in my
religion without anyone’s approval, and I don’t really need proof that I’m right
or wrong so long as I think I’m doing the right thing (Within reason, as it
pertains to society).

I think its dumb to have faith in something that is untrue. I have proven the Koran false easily, which IMO is why Islam is such a sham.
I agree with everything you say. But I'd point out that it's not the people who don't believe the NT is fact/science/ or anotherwise appropriate basis for legislation who make it an issue.

I think everyone should be free to believe or not believe as they wish. I have no wish to dissuade anyone from their chosen beliefs. But I don't want them saying their book is the literal truth and, as such, should be imposed on the rest of us.

I see you've taken your usual jump in logic there.
I think its dumb to have faith in something that is untrue. I have proven the Koran false easily, which IMO is why Islam is such a sham.

Faith isn't about logic.
I can't prove that my religion is true and I shouldn't have to.
I also wouldn't assume everyone has to prove me wrong or else I'm right.
I think what's important is a code of ethics and standards of merit which most
accepted religions share. I would only hope everyone would have "faith" for
this reason.
Faith isn't about logic.
I can't prove that my religion is true and I shouldn't have to.
I also wouldn't assume everyone has to prove me wrong or else I'm right.
I think what's important is a code of ethics and standards of merit which most
accepted religions share. I would only hope everyone would have "faith" for
this reason.

That is strictly your personal opinion. I choose to test my faith with logic.
1. You've lost me on this one.:confused: The olny time I've used "the Bible to prove the Bible" has been to show consistency, which is standard practice in the legal profession, to use your analogy.

What I'm saying is that something cannot be proven true just b/c that entity claims to be the truth.

2. You'll have to ask them. I think that they are making a mistake.


4. I don't believe that God said that. But for the sake of argument, say that it looked exactly like a snake. So what? It could have looked like a brick.:confused:

It's the fact that a non-human had taken on human qualities of speech, emotion, cognitive thought, ect.... which, since that day, has never happened again.

All I'm getting at here is that some stories in the Bible are logically man-made and they are not meant to be taken as 100% truth.
[1] What I'm saying is that something cannot be proven true just b/c that entity claims to be the truth.
[2] It's the fact that a non-human had taken on human qualities of speech, emotion, cognitive thought, ect.... which, since that day, has never happened again.

[3] All I'm getting at here is that some stories in the Bible are logically man-made and they are not meant to be taken as 100% truth.
1. You have mischaracterized what I have said, as well as the purpose of this thread, which is simply as stated.
2. That’s not true in the Bible as in life. I’m sure there are many stories about humans interacting with animals in speech.
3. Some stories are parables and meant to portray complex ideas in a way easily understood by a wide audience.
You can start with post 1.:wtf:

Which is why I thought you started this thread in the first place. Don't tell no1tovote4 though. He thought it was a literal question. Yes, the bible has been proven wrong in many ways, not least which it was physically impossible to create the Earth in one day. Science as proven over and over again in various experiments how long it takes a tree to grow, animals to grow etc. And before you say it is allegory or somesuch, who decides which parts of the bible are allegory and literal? You? Different churches? And why would those who write the bible say a day in Genesis is different from a day now? Why not just say it took a billion years or whatever instead of a day? I think those who wrote Genesis all those centuries ago said what they said in order to prove how powerful their god was. They relied on the ignorance of the times. I wonder how they would have written the book these days - when science caught up with them?

Other things that are totally provable are that Jesus never turned water into wine. It takes a leap of faith to believe that. It has never happened since that I know of. No irrefutable evidence exists of it happening before or since that time.
Which is why I thought you started this thread in the first place. Don't tell no1tovote4 though. He thought it was a literal question. Yes, the bible has been proven wrong in many ways, not least which it was physically impossible to create the Earth in one day. Science as proven over and over again in various experiments how long it takes a tree to grow, animals to grow etc. And before you say it is allegory or somesuch, who decides which parts of the bible are allegory and literal? You? Different churches? And why would those who write the bible say a day in Genesis is different from a day now? Why not just say it took a billion years or whatever instead of a day? I think those who wrote Genesis all those centuries ago said what they said in order to prove how powerful their god was. They relied on the ignorance of the times. I wonder how they would have written the book these days - when science caught up with them?

Other things that are totally provable are that Jesus never turned water into wine. It takes a leap of faith to believe that. It has never happened since that I know of. No irrefutable evidence exists of it happening before or since that time.

Dude...you're a tool. You're a tool and you don't even KNOW it...it's sad.

"It's impossible to create the earth in one day" - Tell me, how many days SHOULD it take? For something to be 'created' it MUST, by definition have a 'creatOR', no? Again, you'll default to "It all happend by chance!" - and you claim it takes FAITH to believe in God? You put faith in 'chance' - something that you can't see - but refuse God. It's sad and hilarious.

The bible's story is not allegory - it's LITERAL and factual. I have more faith in the Bible's story of Creation than in Man's WILD fantasies about accidental creation of life.
Dude...you're a tool. You're a tool and you don't even KNOW it...it's sad.

"It's impossible to create the earth in one day" - Tell me, how many days SHOULD it take? For something to be 'created' it MUST, by definition have a 'creatOR', no? Again, you'll default to "It all happend by chance!" - and you claim it takes FAITH to believe in God? You put faith in 'chance' - something that you can't see - but refuse God. It's sad and hilarious.

The bible's story is not allegory - it's LITERAL and factual. I have more faith in the Bible's story of Creation than in Man's WILD fantasies about accidental creation of life.

Someone is a tool because they don't believe what you believe?

Good that you have faith, but that's on you and it's really kind of bizarre to have that kind of hostility for someone simply because they don't or don't believe in the same thing.
Dude...you're a tool. You're a tool and you don't even KNOW it...it's sad.

"It's impossible to create the earth in one day" - Tell me, how many days SHOULD it take? For something to be 'created' it MUST, by definition have a 'creatOR', no? Again, you'll default to "It all happend by chance!" - and you claim it takes FAITH to believe in God? You put faith in 'chance' - something that you can't see - but refuse God. It's sad and hilarious.

The bible's story is not allegory - it's LITERAL and factual. I have more faith in the Bible's story of Creation than in Man's WILD fantasies about accidental creation of life.

Thanks Darin :)
Gee, why do some of us look at Christians sideways again? Reading your post, what do you think YOUR god would think of you? Rhetorical question, you wouldn't dream of talking on his/her behalf would you?

I think it sad that people believe in a god and don't take responsibility for their own lives, but that's just me. I certainly don't think they're a tool for beleiving such fantasies - each to their own....
Dude...you're a tool. You're a tool and you don't even KNOW it...it's sad.

"It's impossible to create the earth in one day" - Tell me, how many days SHOULD it take? For something to be 'created' it MUST, by definition have a 'creatOR', no? Again, you'll default to "It all happend by chance!" - and you claim it takes FAITH to believe in God? You put faith in 'chance' - something that you can't see - but refuse God. It's sad and hilarious.

The bible's story is not allegory - it's LITERAL and factual. I have more faith in the Bible's story of Creation than in Man's WILD fantasies about accidental creation of life.

dmp, do you acknowledge that you are the biggest tool on this MB? It is true, but I'm asking if you recognize that you are completely full of yourself and you almost solely are closed-minded. If you do not realize this, then you are just that much bigger of a jackass.
Which is why I thought you started this thread in the first place. Don't tell no1tovote4 though. He thought it was a literal question. Yes, the bible has been proven wrong in many ways, not least which it was physically impossible to create the Earth in one day. Science as proven over and over again in various experiments how long it takes a tree to grow, animals to grow etc. And before you say it is allegory or somesuch, who decides which parts of the bible are allegory and literal? You? Different churches? And why would those who write the bible say a day in Genesis is different from a day now? Why not just say it took a billion years or whatever instead of a day? I think those who wrote Genesis all those centuries ago said what they said in order to prove how powerful their god was. They relied on the ignorance of the times. I wonder how they would have written the book these days - when science caught up with them?

Other things that are totally provable are that Jesus never turned water into wine. It takes a leap of faith to believe that. It has never happened since that I know of. No irrefutable evidence exists of it happening before or since that time.

The two examples you cite - creation of the earth in one day and turning water into wine - are obviously not physically possible. That's why we call them supernatural events, or miracles. That's why, when Jesus' disciples witnessed Him turning water into wine, they put their faith in Him - precisely because He acted supernaturally. That's why, when Jesus walked on water and when He rose from the dead, His disciples worshipped Him. Simply saying, "it's physically impossible, so it can't happen" is begging the question, because it presupposes that God cannot act supernaturally.
Which is why I thought you started this thread in the first place. Don't tell no1tovote4 though. He thought it was a literal question. Yes, the bible has been proven wrong in many ways, not least which it was physically impossible to create the Earth in one day. Science as proven over and over again in various experiments how long it takes a tree to grow, animals to grow etc. And before you say it is allegory or somesuch, who decides which parts of the bible are allegory and literal? You? Different churches? And why would those who write the bible say a day in Genesis is different from a day now? Why not just say it took a billion years or whatever instead of a day? I think those who wrote Genesis all those centuries ago said what they said in order to prove how powerful their god was. They relied on the ignorance of the times. I wonder how they would have written the book these days - when science caught up with them?

Other things that are totally provable are that Jesus never turned water into wine. It takes a leap of faith to believe that. It has never happened since that I know of. No irrefutable evidence exists of it happening before or since that time.

It's really pretty tiring to go over these points numerous times for every enlightened liberal that comes along. Read through the thread before you repeat the same dumb questions.
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