Has the entire country gone stupid?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Even a little old 72 year die hard liberal women with massive Multiply Sclerosis scaring in the brain understand what Romney meant when the said he was not worried about he poor and the rich because they had a safety net but he was worried about the middle class, who is the new poor but temporary and their safety net is jobs which he plan to create for them. The poor is the long term chronic poor, elderly, disabled, mental ill, and their safety net which they have always had is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, free cell phones, utility subsidies, access bus and discount bus tickets, medicare drug program, food bank, etc. and if there are holes in them he will fix them. The rich can take care of them selves. Even a village idiot can understand this and if you don’t, it is because you do not want to and just want to attack Romney on something. If he fix the middle class with jobs he will fix most of the problems of our economy and the deficit.
How many of you would like to "fire" Obama because he is not doing this job. "Fire" teachers not doing their job. You "fire" people when they are not doing their job. WTF is wrong with that?
These attacks on Romney is a new meaning for stupid. And this country is in big dodo.
Romney, you did not miss-spoke and have nothing to apologize for. You cannot apologize for stupid. He has said many stupid things but this was not one of them.

I am the poor he should not be worrying about. I have social security, Medicare, drug program, food stamps, HUD housing, discount bus passes, utility allowances, discount cable, free cell phone with 250 minutes a month. I am in my safety net and doing quite well and save $500 a month. Now the ones he worry about is my daughter, son, and grand children, that don't have these safety nets. When these people are doing fine, we all do fine. Because they will contribute to the economy and pay down the deficit while providing for theiro own safety net. Unemployed they cannot do it.

Has the entire country gone stupid?

Actually I think that was some time ago but hopefully we will recover in time.
Has the entire country gone stupid?

Actually I think that was some time ago but hopefully we will recover in time.
Indeed. Come November when Obama loses his comfy position that he loathes, and the Statists are rejected out of the Congress en masse.
Has the entire country gone stupid?

Actually I think that was some time ago but hopefully we will recover in time.

Its disheartening to see so many people side with the Biggest Money and against their own best interest. Hopefully, as the election gets closer, people will honestly assess and contrast the amazing accomplishments of President Obama on one side with the obstructionism and Let Them Eat Cake politics of the GObP and cast their vote for America and Americans.

Even a little old 72 year die hard liberal women with massive Multiply Sclerosis scaring in the brain understand what Romney meant when the said he was not worried about he poor and the rich because they had a safety net but he was worried about the middle class, who is the new poor but temporary and their safety net is jobs which he plan to create for them. The poor is the long term chronic poor, elderly, disabled, mental ill, and their safety net which they have always had is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, free cell phones, utility subsidies, access bus and discount bus tickets, medicare drug program, food bank, etc. and if there are holes in them he will fix them. The rich can take care of them selves. Even a village idiot can understand this and if you don’t, it is because you do not want to and just want to attack Romney on something. If he fix the middle class with jobs he will fix most of the problems of our economy and the deficit.
How many of you would like to "fire" Obama because he is not doing this job. "Fire" teachers not doing their job. You "fire" people when they are not doing their job. WTF is wrong with that?
These attacks on Romney is a new meaning for stupid. And this country is in big dodo.
Romney, you did not miss-spoke and have nothing to apologize for. You cannot apologize for stupid. He has said many stupid things but this was not one of them.

I am the poor he should not be worrying about. I have social security, Medicare, drug program, food stamps, HUD housing, discount bus passes, utility allowances, discount cable, free cell phone with 250 minutes a month. I am in my safety net and doing quite well and save $500 a month. Now the ones he worry about is my daughter, son, and grand children, that don't have these safety nets. When these people are doing fine, we all do fine. Because they will contribute to the economy and pay down the deficit while providing for theiro own safety net. Unemployed they cannot do it.


Sounds like they could come live comfortably with you.
Nobody, not Obama, not Romney, NOBODY, is going to put wads of money in the pockets of the middle class. You might come out with an extra $80 a month or so. That's about it. Not enough for Club Med.
Voters should not continue to elect the 1% and/or their representatives to office. That will not bring change. It will continue to protect the wealth of the 1%.

It will also continue to protect the white collar criminals that play their part in the destruction of the economy.

Buying into the rhetoric that we must elect the wealthy to office and/or business people has yet to prove itself true. Where is the hard evidence?
Romney has a way of saying what he does not mean. Yes, he continued to clarify what he meant, however, that was too late. In English composition one of the lessons in writing to communicate clearly was to summerize the point of your paragraph in the first sentence. Often, that is all that people will remember. Romney, and any other politician, would do well to remember that.
My grandmother is poor. She grew up in a time when men where supposed to talk care of the family, but ended up marrying an asshole. She ended up with four kids on her own (and eventually met a great man later on), one who is mentally retarded in which she has cared for, for decades (Instead of dropping him off to the state which would have cost so much more, she cared cares for him with all her heart). Plus, he worked for 30 years doing menial tasks, but earned a paycheck.

My grandmother is one of these "welfare queens" that the right wing love to lambaste, but the truth is that she is hardly lazy. Nor does she live off the dole. She lives in a trailer and eats bologna sandwiches. She does the best supporting two people off of $16,000 a year.

I would support her (In fact, I just sent here a nice check, but I wish I could send her more), but I was in school and was hit hard by this crisis. I had to cash in all my savings since I only made $3,000 one year and $6,000 another years and was destitute and living on a mattress with the spring poking through.

I tried applying for foodstamps, which would have helped for $150 month for 6 months (then disqualifying me for 6 years), but I had $200 too much in my bank account, despite the fact that I was almost living in the streets. Thankfully, I found a place to donate plasma for awhile to scramble by.

Finally, I scrapped by, landed a decent job, and helped my grandmother buy a car since her old one literally rotted away.

Fuck this reich wing lie that the poor have it easy. Fuck you.
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Voters should not continue to elect the 1% and/or their representatives to office. That will not bring change. It will continue to protect the wealth of the 1%.

It will also continue to protect the white collar criminals that play their part in the destruction of the economy.

Buying into the rhetoric that we must elect the wealthy to office and/or business people has yet to prove itself true. Where is the hard evidence?

YEAH! Let's elect the homeless guy on the corner. That should cure all that ails this country! :rolleyes:
My grandmother is poor. She grew up in a time when men where supposed to talk care of the family, but ended up marrying an asshole. She ended up with four kids, one who is mentally retarded in which she has cared for, for decades (Instead of dropping him off to the state which would have cost so much more, she cared cares for him with all her heart). Plus, he worked for 30 years doing menial tasks, but earned a paycheck.

My grandmother is one of these "welfare queens" that the right wing love to lambaste, but the truth is that she is hardly lazy. Nor does she live off the dole. She lives in a trailer and eats bologna sandwiches. She does the best supporting two people off of $16,000 a year.

I would support her (In fact, I just sent here a nice check, but I wish I could send her more), but I was in school and was hit hard by this crisis. I had to cash in all my savings since I only made $3,000 one year and $6,000 another years and was destitute and living on a mattress with the spring poking through.

I tried applying for foodstamps, which would have helped for $150 month for 6 months (then disqualifying me for 6 years), but I had $200 too much in my bank account, despite the fact that I was almost living in the streets. Thankfully, I found a place to donate plasma for awhile to scramble by.

Finally, I scrapped by, landed a decent job, and helped my grandmother buy a car since her old one literally rotted away.

Fuck this reich wing lie that the poor have it easy. Fuck you.

What do you get paid for posting on internet message boards? Where did you put your computer when the spring poked you? Whose sock are you? TDM's?
Romney has a way of saying what he does not mean. Yes, he continued to clarify what he meant, however, that was too late. In English composition one of the lessons in writing to communicate clearly was to summerize the point of your paragraph in the first sentence. Often, that is all that people will remember. Romney, and any other politician, would do well to remember that.

What do you get paid for posting on internet message boards? Where did you put your computer when the spring poked you? Whose sock are you? TDM's?

Yeah, its a fucking conspiracy. It is all a fucking conspiracy in your little mind.
Voters should not continue to elect the 1% and/or their representatives to office. That will not bring change. It will continue to protect the wealth of the 1%.

It will also continue to protect the white collar criminals that play their part in the destruction of the economy.

Buying into the rhetoric that we must elect the wealthy to office and/or business people has yet to prove itself true. Where is the hard evidence?

YEAH! Let's elect the homeless guy on the corner. That should cure all that ails this country! :rolleyes:

You have preconceived notions about homeless people. You could be wrong.

What about:
Reagan/Bush and Bush Cheney home loan scams

Bush/Cheney home loan scams

Nixon's Watergate

Reagan/Bush Iran Contra secret weapons deal

Still A Bad Idea – Bush Tax Cuts aka The ENTITLEMENT program for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class = duped one more time.
Still a Bad Idea | Dollars & Sense

6. In the end big debt and super duper bailouts were the results which does not seem to bother Republicans, as long as they are in power.

In fact, by the time the second Bush left office, the national debt had grown to $12.1 trillion:

* Over half of that amount had been created by Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy.

* Another 30% of the national debt had been created by the tax cuts for the wealthy under Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

• Fully 81% of the national debt was created by just these three Republican Presidents.
Social Security Q&A | Dollars & Sense

Perfect examples of why the largest campaign spenders should not be elected and most certainly no more republicans.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1Ymvf0WEVM&feature=player_embedded]Romney says he misspoke about not caring for poor people - YouTube[/ame]
Voters should not continue to elect the 1% and/or their representatives to office. That will not bring change. It will continue to protect the wealth of the 1%.

It will also continue to protect the white collar criminals that play their part in the destruction of the economy.

Buying into the rhetoric that we must elect the wealthy to office and/or business people has yet to prove itself true. Where is the hard evidence?

YEAH! Let's elect the homeless guy on the corner. That should cure all that ails this country! :rolleyes:

You have preconceived notions about homeless people. You could be wrong.

What about:
Reagan/Bush and Bush Cheney home loan scams

Bush/Cheney home loan scams

Nixon's Watergate

Reagan/Bush Iran Contra secret weapons deal

Still A Bad Idea – Bush Tax Cuts aka The ENTITLEMENT program for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class = duped one more time.
Still a Bad Idea | Dollars & Sense

6. In the end big debt and super duper bailouts were the results which does not seem to bother Republicans, as long as they are in power.

In fact, by the time the second Bush left office, the national debt had grown to $12.1 trillion:

* Over half of that amount had been created by Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy.

* Another 30% of the national debt had been created by the tax cuts for the wealthy under Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

• Fully 81% of the national debt was created by just these three Republican Presidents.
Social Security Q&A | Dollars & Sense

Perfect examples of why the largest campaign spenders should not be elected and most certainly no more republicans.

Do you think 'the common man' can run a fortune 500 company? If you do then you are as dumb as they come. The executive position in this, a country far bigger than a fortune 500 company- the CEO- needs to be someone who is wealthy, who understands wealth. Only through being run by the wealthy has everyone else in this country come to enjoy the best standard of living in the world. You need to remember that the founders of this country were not poor country bumpkins. They had money, wealth. And they created this country to preserve their wealth and so others could have wealth as well.

It was congress, from the electorate who has decided to spend us into a hole. And a lot of them came from nothing. It shows. They are taking the rest of us back to nothing. And their boy at the top now is NO different. His supposed 'working class' background as enforced and reinforced his stupidity.
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