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Has the Mainstream Liberal Media Finally jumped the Shark in this Election?

It's amazing how liberals can be bought off so easily with favors or even the promise of future favors. They'll watch their country be invaded by terrorists and drug dealers while the very people they voted for commit crimes with impunity. All it takes is some talking head on their tv set to tell them what they want to hear and they fall right in line and march in lockstep with their corrupt leaders like good little zombies.
One America News is somewhat conservative, could that be it?

Let me help you with something. Consider it very friendly advice, possibly the best you'll ever get for the rest of your life.

Don't blindly accept something because it appeals to you, nor deny something because it's unpleasant.

Reality covers a wide spectrum.

I am well aware of that, as I have worked as an engineer for 21 years and I had to repeatedly relearn that lesson; dont shy away from facts or you will have to do five times the work undoing what you mistakenly performed and then reworking it the right way, and that rework process itself introduces new problems all on its on as what could have been clean code winds up looking ass backwards and performs less efficiently as it strains to meet its functional requirements.

For example, I just made myself a new walking cane. It is not perfect, but as I shaped the handle, I wanted it to be ambidextrous, and I tried the feel of it in each hand and then ground and sanded it more over and over, and it started to look asymetrical.

I didnt like the look of it at all. It leaned to the right as I would hold it in either hand. I would hold it in one hand then the next, and it felt great but it looked ugly. Yesterday morning I decided to scrap it and start over.

But as I did various things with my wife, saw some movies and did a little 4 mile hike, I kept thinking that I shouldnt get rid of the cane simply because of how it looked. The looks were not my primary concern, the feel of the cane in both hands was the priority. And since the grip of the left hand is slightly different than the grip of the right hand, why am I surprised that the handle would wind up looking different, a physical manifestation of the differences of my two hands?

So this morning I took another look at the handle and it wasnt as exaggerated as I was remembering. There was definitely a lean to the rightward side, but it was still over the center of the shaft of the cane. I sanded it down more and it began to look beautiful again, to me anyway.

Because I stuck to the criteria of what I was trying to accomplished I unexpectedly found something that I now think of as beautiful though it looks very different than what I had envisioned.

This is a recurring aspect of conforming and shaping our mental concepts of Reality to the Reality itself and not trying to impose our own preconceptions on it as we go searching for Truth. Truth often shocks and surprises us in what it turns out to be as opposed to what we expected when we began our search.

Which is why I am no longer a member of the church I grew up in, have moved to a new state in a different part of the country and have very different views than what I held when I was 18 years old. I have grown and learned and become a more useful tool for the Hand of God whenever HE uses me, just as when He uses everyone to suit His purposes.

It is a shame that you leftards simply have deprived yourself of this process of growing in an honest search for Truth, as it has been (other than my marriage and raising two great kids) the best thing I have ever done in my life.

Calling me a left TARD proves you have no real interest in uncomfortable facts.

Brace yourself, I'll be unloading a number of them after the elections.

Journalism is dead. Who is holding anyone accountable for anything anymore? The press helped bring down Nixon for far less back in the day than for what Obama and Hillary have done

The only thing that the press is good for is to try and better understand how they want to steer us into thinking about any given issue.

For example, back when Obama and Hillary were drawing red lines in the sand with Syria, I remember the press trying to sell the notion that Assad was using WMD's. Pretty much every news storing was filled with awful pictures of alleged WMD use, as they tried to rouse the public to war against Syria. However, something wonderful happened. People simply stopped caring what they were being spoon fed. People were more tired of their bull shit wars, like in Libya, than they were of seeing news stories about Syria. As a result, the polls did not budge, people did not want to go to war and Obama erased his red lines in the sand.

Unfortunately, it usually does not happen like that. Usually the press is able to steer public opinion pretty easily.
What media are you using that has informed you that Obama deserves to be in jail?

Where to begin?

Obama went to war in Libya and decided not to notify Congress, something he was required to do by law under the War Powers Act. His excuse? He said Libya was not really a war.

Nope. The LAW says the CIC has 60 or 90 days to go to congress, which Obama did do.

Obama signed Executive Orders to pardon illegal aliens, something contrary to federal law regarding the treatment of illegal aliens. In effect, Obama violated federal law by edict.

He did not pardon them.... he prioritized who would be deported first by INS with the limited money they had slotted by congress. Which was gang members, drug dealers, and felons. He tried to bring the Dreamers out of the shadows. The children, who committed no crimes, and had grown up here for 5 years or more....

And our system worked just fine...Obama was challenged in the courts....NOT for him making a criminal act, but the authority of the EO. Several presidents in the past have been over ridden on their EOs in the Courts.... this is the way it works, and no president before him was called a criminal for trying EOs that the court ended up rejecting.

Obama and the NSA secretly invaded all of our e-mails and media, something that got Nixon impeached, or at least would have had he not resigned.

You mean President Bush with the NSA right? And again, CONGRESS can stop this.....IF THEY WANTED TO, but they don't want o put a stop to it.....congress is suppose to be the check on executive branch.....

Obama and Bill Clinton tried to pay off politicians in the DNC not to run against Congressmen that they liked. This happened in two states, Pennsylvania and Colorado. We know this because members of the DNC who were running for those seats told the press, but it was largely ignored.

Never heard of it, but it is common practice for private groups which the Rnc and Dnc are, to choose their members or who they want. Sorry, that's not criminal.... we may not like it, but these two parties always contemplate whether or not to put up a challenger in the primaries or not....

Obama sold Obamacare to the public on the notion that they could keep their health care, he would not raise taxes and Obamacare was not a tax, they could keep their doctors, and premiums would go down. Instead, we find out that his plan was not Constitutional so SCOTUS single handedly changed it into a tax so that it could be somewhat Constitutional. It ended up becoming the largest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history, as well as people losing their health coverage, their doctors, and paying much more for health insurance. Bill Clinton just admitted this and the ink is not even dry on the legislation yet.

If you think Obamacare turned out the way Obama intended I got a bridge to sell you....
It's needed reforms from the beginning, but our do nothing congress has sat on their hands for 6 years...instead of fixing some of the problems. Penalty, tax, or penalty tax, matters not, what it is called to me.

If any other corporate entity had been in charge of such fraudulent lies that cost people so much money and access to health care, they would all be in jail.

Should I continue or is your head still implanted in your back side?

Answers are in red.

You lie.


Obama did not consult Congress in the time frame he needed to do so. As I said, Obama claimed it did not apply to him because it was not really a war. At least you don't seem to agree with this absurd notion, so perhaps there is some hope for you.

As for the EO's, I have very little interest in what the courts have to say about the legalities of ignoring the law. Just because they say its Constitutional does not mean it is, much like how SCOTUS held up the Dred Scott decision regarding segregation at one time during a dark period in US history.
Kucinich and other Congressmen that disagreed with Obama's law team's interpretation sued I just read in your new york times article...(WOW! the nytimes is suppose to be liberal media and they reported on this, how could that be?) :D

Anyway, I googled it, and their lawsuit was dismissed in the courts, saying this was already adjudicated in the past....the congressmen were considering an appeal... haven't gotten any farther than that in my Search yet.... here's the link on it being dismissed...

Judge dismisses congressmen’s lawsuit over Obama administration’s Libya intervention


We only have the 'set up system of our government' derived from our constitution, with separate powers watchdogging each other...and it fails some times, like with Dred Scott...

But we seem to manage correcting the mistakes and bad calls, in time... the system does work, in the long run...

You are correct, it was a liberal news source with liberal Congressmen who were suing Obama. Imagine that.

So the courts let Obama off the hook.

The hell you say.

Incidentally, I can read the laws and the Constitution myself. I don't need some robbed partisan hack telling me what it says. Thomas Jefferson also thought the same thing, and was outraged with the court case Marbury vs. Madison which essentially have SCOTUS the all powerful task of being the only people who are capable of interpreting the Constitution. Just imagine if the Dred Scott Decision had never been over turned and segregation remained the law of the land. What we now have is a never ending Constitutional convention going on between 9 robbed activist partisan hacks who will decide what is Constitutional and what is not.

I would compare the court situation in the US to the church during the Middle Ages. Only priest were allowed to interpret the Bible and the Bible was only written in Lain, so many could not even read it. This gave rise to the corruption within the church of selling indulgences etc. Thankfully, Martin Luther put an end to it all and reformed their corrupt arses.
The facts are that the media has given Trump unprecedented coverage, and he and you minions have the nerve to complain.

How about they stop ignoring wikileaks?
When wiki leaks comes up with something, it will be reported. It is amazing how you guys embrace this rapist.

Whats really amazing is how you dipshits support crooked hillary.
Wikileaks is full of clear evidence that dems are crooked and the very fact that you choose to ignore the evidence tells me all I need to know about you.
I only support Hillary against Trump. If she were running against anyone else I would have voted for Bernie Saunders as I did in the primary.You dipshits have given her the White House

That just confirms how big a moron you really are.
If we are morons for not voting for Trump, I can hardly imagine how stupid those who vote for Trump. You are being swindled by a con man and call other people morons.
The facts are that the media has given Trump unprecedented coverage, and he and you minions have the nerve to complain.

How about they stop ignoring wikileaks?
When wiki leaks comes up with something, it will be reported. It is amazing how you guys embrace this rapist.
Typical liberal response, level a bogus sex charge against anybody who exposes your crimes.
Why do you think he is hiding in a foreign embassy? You must not get news under your rock.
Did you go to school to learn how to be that gullible? What better way to discredit someone than to accuse them of rape? You'll believe just about anything, won't you?
If he was innocent, he would prove himself so in a court of law, not hide in an embassy.
How about they stop ignoring wikileaks?
When wiki leaks comes up with something, it will be reported. It is amazing how you guys embrace this rapist.

Whats really amazing is how you dipshits support crooked hillary.
Wikileaks is full of clear evidence that dems are crooked and the very fact that you choose to ignore the evidence tells me all I need to know about you.
I only support Hillary against Trump. If she were running against anyone else I would have voted for Bernie Saunders as I did in the primary.You dipshits have given her the White House

That just confirms how big a moron you really are.
If we are morons for not voting for Trump, I can hardly imagine how stupid those who vote for Trump. You are being swindled by a con man and call other people morons.

Even with all the evidence that hillary,the MSM and a host of other government agencies have been colluding to disenfranchise voters and basically destroy America and you still support her tells me you're scum.
When wiki leaks comes up with something, it will be reported. It is amazing how you guys embrace this rapist.

Whats really amazing is how you dipshits support crooked hillary.
Wikileaks is full of clear evidence that dems are crooked and the very fact that you choose to ignore the evidence tells me all I need to know about you.
I only support Hillary against Trump. If she were running against anyone else I would have voted for Bernie Saunders as I did in the primary.You dipshits have given her the White House

That just confirms how big a moron you really are.
If we are morons for not voting for Trump, I can hardly imagine how stupid those who vote for Trump. You are being swindled by a con man and call other people morons.

Even with all the evidence that hillary,the MSM and a host of other government agencies have been colluding to disenfranchise voters and basically destroy America and you still support her tells me you're scum.
your insults prove that you have no valid argument.
How about they stop ignoring wikileaks?
When wiki leaks comes up with something, it will be reported. It is amazing how you guys embrace this rapist.
Typical liberal response, level a bogus sex charge against anybody who exposes your crimes.
Why do you think he is hiding in a foreign embassy? You must not get news under your rock.
Did you go to school to learn how to be that gullible? What better way to discredit someone than to accuse them of rape? You'll believe just about anything, won't you?
If he was innocent, he would prove himself so in a court of law, not hide in an embassy.

With hillary's trail of bodies you cant blame him.
At least he knows hillary is unlikely to hit the Ecuadorian embassy with a drone strike.
Although she probably would if it was up to her.
When wiki leaks comes up with something, it will be reported. It is amazing how you guys embrace this rapist.
Typical liberal response, level a bogus sex charge against anybody who exposes your crimes.
Why do you think he is hiding in a foreign embassy? You must not get news under your rock.
Did you go to school to learn how to be that gullible? What better way to discredit someone than to accuse them of rape? You'll believe just about anything, won't you?
If he was innocent, he would prove himself so in a court of law, not hide in an embassy.

With hillary's trail of bodies you cant blame him.
At least he knows hillary is unlikely to hit the Ecuadorian embassy with a drone strike.
Although she probably would if it was up to her.
You are gullible enough to believe that shit.
Whats really amazing is how you dipshits support crooked hillary.
Wikileaks is full of clear evidence that dems are crooked and the very fact that you choose to ignore the evidence tells me all I need to know about you.
I only support Hillary against Trump. If she were running against anyone else I would have voted for Bernie Saunders as I did in the primary.You dipshits have given her the White House

That just confirms how big a moron you really are.
If we are morons for not voting for Trump, I can hardly imagine how stupid those who vote for Trump. You are being swindled by a con man and call other people morons.

Even with all the evidence that hillary,the MSM and a host of other government agencies have been colluding to disenfranchise voters and basically destroy America and you still support her tells me you're scum.
your insults prove that you have no valid argument.

Oh STFU I'm just following in kind.
I only support Hillary against Trump. If she were running against anyone else I would have voted for Bernie Saunders as I did in the primary.You dipshits have given her the White House

That just confirms how big a moron you really are.
If we are morons for not voting for Trump, I can hardly imagine how stupid those who vote for Trump. You are being swindled by a con man and call other people morons.

Even with all the evidence that hillary,the MSM and a host of other government agencies have been colluding to disenfranchise voters and basically destroy America and you still support her tells me you're scum.
your insults prove that you have no valid argument.

Oh STFU I'm just following in kind.
Do you not think it is a bit dangerous to have your photo in your avatar?
One America News is somewhat conservative, could that be it?

Let me help you with something. Consider it very friendly advice, possibly the best you'll ever get for the rest of your life.

Don't blindly accept something because it appeals to you, nor deny something because it's unpleasant.

Reality covers a wide spectrum.

I am well aware of that, as I have worked as an engineer for 21 years and I had to repeatedly relearn that lesson; dont shy away from facts or you will have to do five times the work undoing what you mistakenly performed and then reworking it the right way, and that rework process itself introduces new problems all on its on as what could have been clean code winds up looking ass backwards and performs less efficiently as it strains to meet its functional requirements.

For example, I just made myself a new walking cane. It is not perfect, but as I shaped the handle, I wanted it to be ambidextrous, and I tried the feel of it in each hand and then ground and sanded it more over and over, and it started to look asymetrical.

I didnt like the look of it at all. It leaned to the right as I would hold it in either hand. I would hold it in one hand then the next, and it felt great but it looked ugly. Yesterday morning I decided to scrap it and start over.

But as I did various things with my wife, saw some movies and did a little 4 mile hike, I kept thinking that I shouldnt get rid of the cane simply because of how it looked. The looks were not my primary concern, the feel of the cane in both hands was the priority. And since the grip of the left hand is slightly different than the grip of the right hand, why am I surprised that the handle would wind up looking different, a physical manifestation of the differences of my two hands?

So this morning I took another look at the handle and it wasnt as exaggerated as I was remembering. There was definitely a lean to the rightward side, but it was still over the center of the shaft of the cane. I sanded it down more and it began to look beautiful again, to me anyway.

Because I stuck to the criteria of what I was trying to accomplished I unexpectedly found something that I now think of as beautiful though it looks very different than what I had envisioned.

This is a recurring aspect of conforming and shaping our mental concepts of Reality to the Reality itself and not trying to impose our own preconceptions on it as we go searching for Truth. Truth often shocks and surprises us in what it turns out to be as opposed to what we expected when we began our search.

Which is why I am no longer a member of the church I grew up in, have moved to a new state in a different part of the country and have very different views than what I held when I was 18 years old. I have grown and learned and become a more useful tool for the Hand of God whenever HE uses me, just as when He uses everyone to suit His purposes.

It is a shame that you leftards simply have deprived yourself of this process of growing in an honest search for Truth, as it has been (other than my marriage and raising two great kids) the best thing I have ever done in my life.

Calling me a left TARD proves you have no real interest in uncomfortable facts.

Brace yourself, I'll be unloading a number of them after the elections.

Lol, out of all the things I included in that post, the only thing you could focus on was this mistaken belief that I was referring to you personally as a leftard.

Yes, you are indeed a leftard, it would seem, but it was a rhetorical generality for the sake of making a point, which you conveniently demonstrated for me.

Thank you.
With hillary's trail of bodies you cant blame him.
At least he knows hillary is unlikely to hit the Ecuadorian embassy with a drone strike.
Although she probably would if it was up to her.
Both Hillary and Obama have demonstrated many times over that they have zero respect for human life, from their defense of partial birth abortion to their dismissal of the patriots who died in Libya to their willingness to drone strike and kill American citizens if that allows them to get one man they believe to be a terrorist.
Remember how we were all going to be sent to FEMA camps?

How the dollar would collapse and we'd all have to barter or use gold?

How they'd force-inoculate children?

How we'd all get chips implanted?

Never happened.

Because these sites like to scare people and people are stupid enough to believe them and send them money.

Take notes. See if you can come back in May of 2018 and tell me I was wrong.
1. You dont understand what is being claimed in these "Conspiracy theories". They are not saying that these things will happen tomorrow, they are saying that the likelihood of them happening is growing and that these are contingency plans that the US government should not be making in the first place as the servants of the People of this nation.

2. Your contempt for warnings follows the logic of the idiot who jumped from the top of the Empire state building who was over heard as he passed the 39th floor saying "All right so far." The same kind of criticisms you are using to attack the Doom sayers are exactly the same kind of thing that was said to people who warned of the real estate bubble and the CDS that were built up on them. "Oh, they h ave predicted a catastrophe every year but it has never happened and never will." What morons like you fail to understand is that it only has to be right ONCE.

3. And these Heralds of Doom are not ever saying that the catastrophes that they think will eventually happen or might happen will happen by any specific date or time frame. They are saying that current conditions are getting very bad and are cause for concern. Much like the moron who stock piles old news papers and National Geographics out in the shed with the gasoline for his mower, a combination of factors that sets the stage awaiting a triggering event. No one knows when or if the triggering event will occur, but they do know that such storage practices are stupid and dangerous, but brain dead drooling faced twits like you never fail to say "Dont worry, be happy!"

4. What have people been right about when it comes to Obama; a) the continued growth of government power, 2) the hobbling of small businesses and the resulting 3) anemic economic growth, and the 5) export of OUR jobs that we as the citizens of this nation have a right to, and 6) the continued pratfalls against terrorists like ISIS and 7) the ginormous corruption that even I could not believe, like giving Hillary Clinton a pass one her massive violations of national security document laws. And many many more things from the waste of billions of tax payer dollars on Global Warming nonsense and the rigging of our elections that now the DHS wants to take over from the states.

But no worries, Old Lady, you can go back to your knitting.
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How about they stop ignoring wikileaks?
When wiki leaks comes up with something, it will be reported. It is amazing how you guys embrace this rapist.
Typical liberal response, level a bogus sex charge against anybody who exposes your crimes.
Why do you think he is hiding in a foreign embassy? You must not get news under your rock.
Did you go to school to learn how to be that gullible? What better way to discredit someone than to accuse them of rape? You'll believe just about anything, won't you?
If he was innocent, he would prove himself so in a court of law, not hide in an embassy.
So, he has to prove himself innocent? Don't you have that backwards?
When wiki leaks comes up with something, it will be reported. It is amazing how you guys embrace this rapist.
Typical liberal response, level a bogus sex charge against anybody who exposes your crimes.
Why do you think he is hiding in a foreign embassy? You must not get news under your rock.
Did you go to school to learn how to be that gullible? What better way to discredit someone than to accuse them of rape? You'll believe just about anything, won't you?
If he was innocent, he would prove himself so in a court of law, not hide in an embassy.
So, he has to prove himself innocent? Don't you have that backwards?
Hiding in a foreign embassy is an admission of guilt. If he were innocent, he would clear his name.
Typical liberal response, level a bogus sex charge against anybody who exposes your crimes.
Why do you think he is hiding in a foreign embassy? You must not get news under your rock.
Did you go to school to learn how to be that gullible? What better way to discredit someone than to accuse them of rape? You'll believe just about anything, won't you?
If he was innocent, he would prove himself so in a court of law, not hide in an embassy.
So, he has to prove himself innocent? Don't you have that backwards?
Hiding in a foreign embassy is an admission of guilt. If he were innocent, he would clear his name.
What a hypocrite you are. If Hillary were innocent, everyone around her would not be pleading the fifth or refusing to answer subpoenas, and she would not have deleted thousands of emails AFTER they had been subpoenaed.
I am sick to death of all of them but one, One America News which is great.

I simply do not believe a damned thing these lying sons of bitches say about anything anymore at all.
In the past CNN talking heads would pretend their neutrality, but this election cycle it appears they gone over the cliff totally.
Who could ever believe them on anything they say? Fox used to be somewhat fair and balanced but now the libs outnumber the conservatives. I'm with JimBowie1958, I'm watching OAN now. I've had it with that bitch Megyn Kelly, Shepard Smith, and Dana Perino, to name a few. They only have a couple of conservatives now and the rest are either liberal or status quo rinos.
. I've noticed Fox news has been leaning liberal lately... So dam sad.
Who could ever believe them on anything they say? Fox used to be somewhat fair and balanced but now the libs outnumber the conservatives. I'm with JimBowie1958, I'm watching OAN now. I've had it with that bitch Megyn Kelly, Shepard Smith, and Dana Perino, to name a few. They only have a couple of conservatives now and the rest are either liberal or status quo rinos.
. I've noticed Fox news has been leaning liberal lately... So dam sad.
Well, remember they are establishment protectors who want to vindicate all the establishment failed republicans they promoted, that warned a Trump nomination would amount to a Clinton win.

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