Has Trump Become "Unstoppable"?

I see no danger for Trump outside of himself.
Of course their is a very slim chance that Mueller knows something we don't but the way them morons leak shit to the liberal press I highly doubt it.
The point is that even if Mueller does know "shit", will it make any difference given today's political climate?

Has the anti-Trump movement become so diluted where half the country doesn't give a shit?

Correct; people like you sold their soul to vote for this pig...and you'll vote for him regardless of how many times he lies to your face.
Political scientists and psychologists will likely spend decades unraveling how the battered wife syndrome transferred itself to voters who should (and do) know better.
"Unstoppable"? What does that mean? Has any other president in history been "stoppable"? This crazy apparent need to defend a successful president (and the Constitution) is getting out of hand.
It is his being "unstoppable" which preempts the bizarre array of attacks to impotence.

I have not bothered to address his considerable achievements. They are superfluous to the subject matter I have attempted to introduce.
Has Trump Become "Unstoppable"?

Hell now even the UK Parliament want's Trump to come speak the guy is on a roll. I TOLD YOU SO libs Trump would contrast himself vs Obama making Obama look like a rank amateur. Hello billionaire business man vs a done nothing in his career hack like Obama, it was a certainty Trump would CRUSH him. :eusa_clap:
I see no danger for Trump outside of himself.
Of course their is a very slim chance that Mueller knows something we don't but the way them morons leak shit to the liberal press I highly doubt it.
The point is that even if Mueller does know "shit", will it make any difference given today's political climate?

Has the anti-Trump movement become so diluted where half the country doesn't give a shit?

Correct; people like you sold their soul to vote for this pig...and you'll vote for him regardless of how many times he lies to your face.
Political scientists and psychologists will likely spend decades unraveling how the battered wife syndrome transferred itself to voters who should (and do) know better.
There are few things sadder than aged prig. Just so we're clear, that's "prig" not pig, though both may apply.
I ask those of you have an iota of intellect, which excludes a great many of those who will respond with predictable outrage, but will any serious attempt to try to overthrow the president become such a divisive issue not seen since the Civil War?

Trump's approval has inched up despite the MSM's endless reporting of "scandals" ranging from a grand conspiracy theory of collusion to Russian hooker and now to a tired porn star.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Apparently, disappointingly few give a trollop's ass, preferring instead to ignore the selective self-righteousness of the media and acknowledge the significant accomplishments of the president which are undeniable.

Could any attempt to remove the president from office result in the demise of America as we know it? I put it to you.


Sure, the GDP growth under Trump is more or less the same as it was under Obama - 2.55% (who did a lousy job as well). The stock market has stalled. Inflation is rising. The dollar is far lower then when Trump took office. The trace deficit is FAR higher then it was when Obama left office. And the fiscal deficit (thanks to Trump's moronic tax cuts without cutting spending to match) is starting to skyrocket.

Oh...and the employment situation has gotten worse since last September.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

And forget the U-3, Trump (rightly) said MANY times on the campaign trail that it is a hoax.

So...if anything...outside of the stock market (which is worse YTD), the economy is no better and the fiscal situation is worse than when Trump took office.

As for foreign policy? He said being in the Middle East and Afghanistan were mistakes. America is still in both areas. He crowed 'America First'..and American troops are still all over the world. His trade war threat with China was monumentally stupid (just ask Wall Street)...and his delegation just left there with it's tail between it's legs.
He has done nothing to help with Iran. And North Korea? There is no proof that he has done anything there of a permanent basis.

Finally, the whole world thinks he is a joke.

So, to sum up. The economy is no better and getting worse. The fiscal deficit is DEFINITELY getting worse. His 'America First' promise was clearly a lie. His trade war threats have done far more harm than good for America. And he is a laughing stock around the world.

I thought both GWB and Obama did lousy jobs. But I would take either of them in a millisecond over Trump.
I see no danger for Trump outside of himself.
Of course their is a very slim chance that Mueller knows something we don't but the way them morons leak shit to the liberal press I highly doubt it.
Thanks for bringing that up because I’ve heard a lot of this talk about Mueller and leaking. What exactly has he leaked about his investigation?
It is hard to believe a cowardly liar, draft dodger and cat grabber is even president. He appears to have the intelligence and insight of a twelve year old except when it comes to stirring up hate for Americans by Americans. Money manages the mind of America today but its people seem not to notice.

Big American Money, Not Russia, Put Trump in the White House: Reflections on a Recent Report

This week in Trump World

Read all about it:

The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"One of the things the tyrant most cunningly engineers is the gross over-simplification of language, because propaganda requires that the minds of the collective respond primitively to slogans of incitement." Geoffrey Hill
This is the nonsense I was trying to avoid, but I get this is a public forum. It is also the reason that I believe Trump has become unstoppable, in a sense.

it is because of guys like that

that Trump will win again
He’s stoppable.

Witness the lack of a wall. The lack of a Muslim ban. The existence of transgender people in the military. The existence of the ACA.

Once the house is blue his agenda dies. He doesn’t care though. He’s not in it to accomplish things.
Go away.
LL brings up some good points that go towards your OP so why not respond? And you still haven’t responded to my “equivocation” post. You wanted engagement so engage.
Trump is not unstoppable but impeachment should not be a partisan tool to express political petulance. What was once rare and reserved for serious crimes has become a common threat since Clinton. The Dems need to to drop it and focus on ideas.

The reason he is not unstoppable is his inability to pass much in the way of real legislation despite having his party in power across the government. It is only going to get harder after midterms.
I ask those of you have an iota of intellect, which excludes a great many of those who will respond with predictable outrage, but will any serious attempt to try to overthrow the president become such a divisive issue not seen since the Civil War?

Trump's approval has inched up despite the MSM's endless reporting of "scandals" ranging from a grand conspiracy theory of collusion to Russian hooker and now to a tired porn star.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Apparently, disappointingly few give a trollop's ass, preferring instead to ignore the selective self-righteousness of the media and acknowledge the significant accomplishments of the president which are undeniable.

Could any attempt to remove the president from office result in the demise of America as we know it? I put it to you.
He will stay in office I am sure of it. Now, what qualities does Trump have that makes you think he is unstoppable?
I fear you missed the point my challenged friend. It is indeed not Trump "qualities" that has made him perhaps "unstoppable", but of those who oppose him.
Well as we speak he's opposed by a brilliant man Mueller and 17 or so experts in what they do Why do you think the moron yells every day??
Experts? Fuck off!

Sooooo...when someone makes a point you do not agree with? Instead of introducing salient points to counter them...you simply tell them, to 'fuck off'.

Your handle seems appropriate.
Trump is not unstoppable but impeachment should not be a partisan tool to express political petulance. What was once rare and reserved for serious crimes has become a common threat since Clinton. The Dems need to to drop it and focus on ideas.

The reason he is not unstoppable is his inability to pass much in the way of real legislation despite having his party in power across the government. It is only going to get harder after midterms.

Do you believe he has possibly committed impeachable offenses?
midcan5 said It is hard to believe a cowardly liar, draft dodger and cat grabber is even president. He appears to have the intelligence and insight of a twelve year old except when it comes to stirring up hate for Americans by Americans. Money manages the mind of America today but its people seem not to notice.

Hillary lost ,good times again ,ride the wave
View attachment 192014

only the biggest moron in the world would have voted for Hitlery.i am no sold on trump and wanst then but ANYBODY was an improvement over the evil wicked witch.LOL
midcan5 said It is hard to believe a cowardly liar, draft dodger and cat grabber is even president. He appears to have the intelligence and insight of a twelve year old except when it comes to stirring up hate for Americans by Americans. Money manages the mind of America today but its people seem not to notice.

Hillary lost ,good times again ,ride the wave
View attachment 192014

only the biggest moron in the world would have voted for Hitlery.i am no sold on trump and wanst then but ANYBODY was an improvement over the evil wicked witch.LOL

That’s an emotional reaction and not based in reality.
Trump is not unstoppable but impeachment should not be a partisan tool to express political petulance. What was once rare and reserved for serious crimes has become a common threat since Clinton. The Dems need to to drop it and focus on ideas.

The reason he is not unstoppable is his inability to pass much in the way of real legislation despite having his party in power across the government. It is only going to get harder after midterms.

Do you believe he has possibly committed impeachable offenses?
I am waiting for Mueller’s investigation to conclude. If impeachable offenses are found then that changes things but otherwise it is a distraction.
Yes. An attempt to impeach Trump would be ugly.

Yes, it would likely cause the Dems as much harm as it causes the GOP harm.

But if that fucker doesn’t at least try to hold Russia accountable for fucking with our election, he needs to be sent packing. It doesn’t matter how 2020 turns out. We must respond.
Trump is not unstoppable but impeachment should not be a partisan tool to express political petulance. What was once rare and reserved for serious crimes has become a common threat since Clinton. The Dems need to to drop it and focus on ideas.

The reason he is not unstoppable is his inability to pass much in the way of real legislation despite having his party in power across the government. It is only going to get harder after midterms.

Do you believe he has possibly committed impeachable offenses?
I am waiting for Mueller’s investigation to conclude. If impeachable offenses are found then that changes things but otherwise it is a distraction.

We are all waiting for that. My question simply asked if you believe that he POSSIBLY has committed impeachable offenses.

If so, calling for the Dems to refrain from impeaching him NOW is just as bad as calling for them to do so NOW.

If you feel that he hasn’t possibly committed impeachable offenses, then you have exhibited consistency.

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