Has Trump Become "Unstoppable"?

I ask those of you have an iota of intellect, which excludes a great many of those who will respond with predictable outrage, but will any serious attempt to try to overthrow the president become such a divisive issue not seen since the Civil War?

Trump's approval has inched up despite the MSM's endless reporting of "scandals" ranging from a grand conspiracy theory of collusion to Russian hooker and now to a tired porn star.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Apparently, disappointingly few give a trollop's ass, preferring instead to ignore the selective self-righteousness of the media and acknowledge the significant accomplishments of the president which are undeniable.

Could any attempt to remove the president from office result in the demise of America as we know it? I put it to you.
Both parties have gone to the extreme of their political spectrum and thus we have a significant divide in both our political spectrums and "some" of our public. The far-left is Marxist in its ideology and has been growing via our schools, media and colleges/universities. The Marxist ideology is to do away with Capitalism as well as the multi-party systems, replacing it with a one-party system that only allows big-government control over peoples lives and does not tolerate other parties and other party supporters. Such a party quickly becomes both oppressive and murderous to maintain control, once control is achieved.
The far-right in the case of the Conservative Party Republicans, claims to be for less government control and thus rely on "individualism" and personal greed to achieve its goal of unfettered corporate profit, regardless of any negative consequences to the public and environment.
While the far-right claims to be for far less government control, for the purpose of votes, they have no problem being in bed with the religious and ultra-religious communities to garner votes, thus they have no problem claiming less government, while still advocating women's private lives when it comes to pregnancy. One wonders how their so-called "small federal government" would act when women of child bearing age wish to travel to nations that freely offer abortions. Would they demand all women of child bearing age to submit to pregnancy tests before traveling abroad and have them repeated upon return, to ensure that the didn't obtain an abortion, or forbid women of child bearing age from traveling to nations that offer abortions and if any pregnant women did test positive and show that an abortion was done while abroad, would they then be arrested.....thus would end, "small" government.
The best candidates for political posts should be those who advocate for "middle-of-the-road" policies, being in favor of elements of both democratic and republican parties, yet not straying too far in either direction.
After all is said and done, Filthy Don will be a good reason an equivalent of Sorbane-Oxley Act will be put in place.

Fvcker is unethical and corrupt son of a bitch. You know FBI accountants are going through Filthy Dons books and saying, " My Goodness!" :113:
After all is said and done, Filthy Don will be a good reason an equivalent of Sorbane-Oxley Act will be put in place.

Fvcker is unethical and corrupt son of a bitch. You know FBI accountants are going through Filthy Dons books and saying, " My Goodness!" :113:
You're essentially an uncensored CNN host with all the credibility that goes with it. And like them, you fail to grasp that the law of diminishing returns applies also to the repetition of tired innuendo.

That is why Trump's approval rating is moving up and up. RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

And why few give much credence to the media.
After all is said and done, Filthy Don will be a good reason an equivalent of Sorbane-Oxley Act will be put in place.

Fvcker is unethical and corrupt son of a bitch. You know FBI accountants are going through Filthy Dons books and saying, " My Goodness!" :113:
Do you ever post anything that includes an actual fact?
Unstopable?? Un tells Trump KMA
SEOUL, May 6 (Reuters) - North Korea said on Sunday its intention to denuclearize, unveiled at a historic inter-Korean summit, was not the result of U.S.-led sanctions and pressure, warning the United States not to mislead public opinion.

Impoverished North Korea has been hit by a series of U.N. and U.S. sanctions in recent years in a bid to rein in its nuclear and missile programs.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in vowed "complete denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula in the first inter-Korean summit in more than a decade on April 27, but the declaration did not include concrete steps to reach that goal.

The North's official KCNA news agency said Washington was "misleading public opinion" by claiming the denuclearization pledge was the result of sanctions and other pressure.

The United States should not "deliberately provoke" the North by moving to deploy strategic assets in South Korea and raising human rights issues, KCNA said, citing a foreign ministry spokesman.

"This act cannot be construed otherwise than a dangerous attempt to ruin the hardly-won atmosphere of dialog and bring the situation back to square one," the spokesman was quoted as saying.

It would not be conducive to resolving the issue of denuclearization if Washington miscalculated North Korea's "peace-loving intention" as a sign of weakness and continued to pursue its pressure and military threats, KCNA said

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