Has Trump's preparation & response to COVID-19 been the worse performance of US President ever?


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
You are drunk. Get some help pal.

Let me introduce you to the english language...

Now the question was to find a President who made this much of a screw up considering the deaths and the incompetence of his actions...

Since you didn't give one I presume this must be the worst...
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
You are drunk. Get some help pal.

So don't have a worse one then...

Another vote for Trump's performance is the worst...

You are free to give me one...
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
You are drunk. Get some help pal.

So don't have a worse one then...

Another vote for Trump's performance is the worst...

You are free to give me one...
the iraq invasion was worse. completely unnecessary. not even the best president ever could have prevented the virus hitting the USA. even the worst president could have not invaded iraq.
FIRST examine the giant mess left by Obama and other former presidents, the mess congress created over the past 20 years and handed Trump, the mess these incompetent fools in government agencies created and handed to Trump. THEN you can point a finger at president Trump.

Trump pointed out all these things ^^^ when running for president in 2016 HELLO. And before you run your big mouths about how Trump has had 3 whole years to fix it lets remember you people and the Washington establishment have spent the past 3 years 24/7 attacking the guy. Now STFU.
The President tried to limit travel from China early in the year and democrats fought him every step of the way. Democrats in NY told their constituents not to worry about the virus in March and if they stayed home it would be considered racist. The President recommended a drug that saved a democrat congresswoman's life and democrats censured the woman for speaking out and accused the President of investing in the drug. Speaker Pelosi took the media on a tour of her designer ice cream hoard and spent two months whining about the President's efforts.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

When you are hit with a global pandemic and your government has relied on the same global institutions that have allowed China to pervert them, there is NO president who would have prevented this. Regardless of the other issues, there is no question that Trumps decision to ban travel from China was the key defender. If it were preventable the rest of the world would have done the same.

You can't do anything about the countless who traveled from China prior, probably quite a few low hanging fruit businessman from New York for instance. You can't control the lies that W.H.O told, or the deceit by the filthy communists. You can't control all the rage against Trump and encouragement of people "go out and enjoy the Chinese New Year!" For the record, the vast majority of U.S Wuhan Virus problem resides in NY and NJ. The rest of your country was moderately impacted in comparison.

Our own premier in Ontario was asked about March Break, and his advice was "enjoy your vacation", believing like most of us, that this was a strong flu. Canadian planes were still accepting many from China long after you stopped accepting them, we were told it was "racist" to stop them (see how powerful TDS can cloud ones judgement?). Nobody at that point believed it was as bad or contagious as it really was. This is the problem with trusting agencies that were once honest and reliable, but no longer are. Be it the U.N, W.T.O or W.H.O, these are all nations that China is wielding excess influence and wealthy billionaires happily join the party even if it means arming Americas enemies.

I stick to my statement that all of the death and economic harm done to the world is solely the result of the Communist government of China. Western governments are not to be blamed, other than the wrong headed culture of trusting China and all it touches. The question is, how will government react to this going forward? Can China drop a nuke, blame it on a rogue citizen and get another pass? How many Chinese citizens and now global citizens need to continue to suffer under their regime while we send the Communist Party more jobs and business?
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
If we are blaming Presidents for how they deal with unprecedented virus outbreaks, Woodrow Wilson would be worse since 675 thousand Americans died of the Spanish Flu. That was clearly Woodrow Wilson's fault right?

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