Has Trump's preparation & response to COVID-19 been the worse performance of US President ever?

Can I just clear up a few things:
1. I explained that Airlines had stopped travel before Trump announced a ban. Sorry but Trump's order had little or no effect. US got the virus mainly from Europe any way.

2. We are not blaming Trump for the Virus but how his administration prepared and then responded. Trump himself told many false statements(e.g. everyone can get a Test, PPE,...)

3. Trump was asked for evidence of a Chinese / WHO mass cover up (rather than screw up), none has come.

4. For those who blame China.... Trump was the one that removed CDC from the Ground. Trump ignored his intelligence reports, his advisors, WHO,..... By the way why is it China's issue to tell US anything, are China not allowed to have Make China Great Again Policy or China Fist policy... Sorry but Trump was the one pushing the isolation route first...

We have two worthwhile answers worth talking:
1. Iraq Invasion
2. Swine Flu


Lives looks like it will be >100k
Financial starting at $6 Trillion
This is still going on and Trump shouldn't get 100% of the blame. But his in action and lack of preparedness must result in 50% of this.

Both arguments are well worth discussion..

1. Iraq Invasion
Serious contender, it was a complete screw up, WH led a lot of people up the garden path. It was highly incompetent and reckless...
But you have to look at damage and lives lost. Invasion cost a lot of
  • Iraqi lives (Cira 500,000) with 4,500 US deaths.
  • Financial Cost of $1.1 trillion
2. Swine Flu
To be fair what mistakes did the President make with the knowledge he had available to him?
A lot of lessons like Social Distancing was learnt from this epidemic.
Sorry I can't see the evidence of incompetence here...

As I see it Iraq War could be shading it if you count the Iraqi death toll and the absolute incompetence/corruption of the Bush Administration, but COVID is not gone yet...
Considering the lack of response we can say Trump is not the worse decisions in a crisis but he is mow on second place...
We really won't know for sure until we can look back and do a full postmortem.

He's done a lot right, in terms of opening up all available resources. That's a positive, for sure.

Did he wait too long? Did he retard the response? That will probably come out, one way or the other.

But all the way through, he just hasn't stopped saying stupid, unnecessary, counter-productive things. As usual.

Too early. But I do hope we don't look back and have to say that another American President's bad judgment caused a lot of deaths.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
The Spanish Flu killed way more people, does anyone blame the US President for that?

What are you comparing the response to? Every nation on the planet is dealing with it, and none were able to prevent it.
Most third world countries aren’t even bothering with testing or keeping track of how many deaths. They know if they just lie about it, many people will believe the numbers (like you).

So tell us, how exactly is Europe doing? Are all their leaders just as “incompetent” as ours? We’ve yet to hear any detailed plan on how to stop it. Oh I know, we just need to elect Sleepy Joe. I’m sure he’ll have an epiphany after being elected and come up with a cure.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

Your accusation (LOL @ "I'm not attacking Trump" - PROGS are so intellectually dishonest) is full of holes. I'd love to post this but it's too long. Here you go. TIMELINE: The Trump Administration’s Decisive Actions To Combat the Coronavirus
How about the accuser (the OP) cite evidence how Trump botched this instead, wouldn't that lean more rational?
We really won't know for sure until we can look back and do a full postmortem.

He's done a lot right, in terms of opening up all available resources. That's a positive, for sure.

Did he wait too long? Did he retard the response? That will probably come out, one way or the other.

But all the way through, he just hasn't stopped saying stupid, unnecessary, counter-productive things. As usual.

Too early. But I do hope we don't look back and have to say that another American President's bad judgment caused a lot of deaths.

Fair enough from one side...

I would disagree with you about his handling of resources...

He had out of dates stock, unmaintained Ventillators,... But the biggest problem is didn't take charge, force companies to produce stock for the Feds and then direct that stock to the most effective places to curb the spread... US needed a leader...
We really won't know for sure until we can look back and do a full postmortem.

He's done a lot right, in terms of opening up all available resources. That's a positive, for sure.

Did he wait too long? Did he retard the response? That will probably come out, one way or the other.

But all the way through, he just hasn't stopped saying stupid, unnecessary, counter-productive things. As usual.

Too early. But I do hope we don't look back and have to say that another American President's bad judgment caused a lot of deaths.

Fair enough from one side...

I would disagree with you about his handling of resources...

He had out of dates stock, unmaintained Ventillators,... But the biggest problem is didn't take charge, force companies to produce stock for the Feds and then direct that stock to the most effective places to curb the spread... US needed a leader...
Allocation of resources will be another thing we'll be able to see more clearly in the postmortem. But I think it's fair to remember that this was a black swan, and while it's fair to expect a certain level of organization and competency, it's also reasonable to be a little softer on the grading in the fog of war.

Regarding his behaviors, well, he's behaved as we might have expected. Unfortunately.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
You are drunk. Get some help pal.

So don't have a worse one then...

Another vote for Trump's performance is the worst...

You are free to give me one...
the iraq invasion was worse. completely unnecessary. not even the best president ever could have prevented the virus hitting the USA. even the worst president could have not invaded iraq.

LBJ invaded vietnam. The worst president. Him, w, and o are at the bottom of the outhouse.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
The Spanish Flu killed way more people, does anyone blame the US President for that?

What are you comparing the response to? Every nation on the planet is dealing with it, and none were able to prevent it.
Most third world countries aren’t even bothering with testing or keeping track of how many deaths. They know if they just lie about it, many people will believe the numbers (like you).

So tell us, how exactly is Europe doing? Are all their leaders just as “incompetent” as ours? We’ve yet to hear any detailed plan on how to stop it. Oh I know, we just need to elect Sleepy Joe. I’m sure he’ll have an epiphany after being elected and come up with a cure.

1918 : US had 5.5% of world pop and had 1.2% of the deaths
2020 : US have 5% of world pop and had 27% of the deaths

And that is body count rather than using excess death numbers...

I didn't compare him to European Leaders... Bu t Europe got it a lot quicker with much less warning... Trump got more time and had better warning, so that is why his failure is so much worse...
Georgia has a growth rate of 3% (worse than the UK) and Trump is supporting opening up...

German Plan

Irish Plan
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
What a giant boatload of horseshit. No one but the already deluded accept any of your premises, Nimrod.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
Where are the greatest number of infections and deaths?....Who runs those shithole states and cities?
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
You are drunk. Get some help pal.

So don't have a worse one then...

Another vote for Trump's performance is the worst...

You are free to give me one...

As usual you make a totally one sided claim, here is what you missed out:

January 2020

Please visit coronavirus.gov for up-to-date information on the U.S. Government's coronavirus response.

December 31: China reports the discovery of the coronavirus to the World Health Organization.

January 3: CDC Director Robert Redfield sent an email to the director of the Chinese CDC, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus.

January 5: CDC Director Redfield sent another email to the Chinese CDC Director, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak,

January 6: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a level I travel notice for Wuhan, China due to the spreading coronavirus.

January 7: The CDC established a coronavirus incident management system to better share and respond to information about the virus.

January 11: The CDC updated a Level 1 travel health notice for Wuhan, China.

January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles.

January 20: Dr. Fauci announces the National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus.

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response.

January 23: The CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed coronavirus test.

January 27: President Trump tweeted that he made an offer to President Xi Jinping to send experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.

January 27: The CDC issued a level III travel health notice urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the coronavirus.

January 27: The White House Coronavirus Task Force started meeting to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 29: The White House announced the formation of the Coronavirus Task Force to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 31: The Trump Administration:

  • Declared the coronavirus a public health emergency.
  • Announced Chinese travel restrictions.
  • Suspended entry into the United States for foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

January 31: The Department of Homeland Security took critical steps to funnel all flights from China into just 7 domestic U.S. airports.


The media has for months been twisting his words and flat lying about what he said or what has done. They tried to force Dr. Fauci to say Trump ignores the medical advisor teams advice.

It is a wonder that he is still standing after the months of petty political attacks on him, while they themselves have made some terrible mistakes, thus hypocrisy becomes a common word to describe these haters.
From Republican George Conway:
"For Trump supporters, let me make one thing VERY clear!
For the record NO ONE is blaming the President for the virus. Let me repeat. Coronavirus is not Trump’s fault.
Here’s a detailed list of what we are blaming him for:
* Trump declined to use the World Health Organization’s test like other nations. Back in January, over a month before the first Co-vid19 case, the Chinese posted a new mysterious virus and within a week, Berlin virologists had produced the first diagnostic test. By the end of February, the WHO had shipped out tests to 60 countries. Oh, but not our government. We declined the test even as a temporary bridge until the CDC could create its own test. The question is why? We don’t know but what to look for is which pharmaceutical company eventually manufactures the test and who owns the stock. Keep tuned.
* In 2018 Trump fired Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossart, whose job was to coordinate a response to global pandemics. He was not replaced.
* In 2018 Dr. Luciana Borio, the NSC director for medical and bio-defense preparedness left the job. Trump did not replace Dr. Borio.
* In 2019 the NSC’s Senior Director for Global Health Security and bio-defense, Tim Ziemer, left the position and Trump did not replace the Rear Admiral.
* Trump shut down the entire Global Health Security and Bio-defense agency. Yes, he did.
* Amid the explosive worldwide outbreak of the virus Trump proposed a 19% cut to the budget of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention plus a 10% cut to Public Health Services and a 7% cut to Global Health Services. Those happen to be the organizations that responds to public health threats.
* In 2018, at Trump’s direction, the CDC stopped funding epidemic prevention activities in 39 out of 49 countries including China.
* Trump didn’t appoint a doctor to oversee the US response to the pandemic. He appointed Mike Pence.
* Trump has on multiple occasions sowed doubt about the severity of the virus even using the word hoax at events and rallies. He even did it at an event where the virus was being spread. Trump has put out zero useful information concerning the health risks of the virus.
* Trump pretended the virus had been contained.
* Trump left a cruise ship at sea for days, denying them proper hospital care, rather than increase his numbers in America.
Repeat. We do not blame Trump for the virus. We blame him for gutting the nation’s preparations to deal with it. We blame him for bungling testing and allowing it to spread uninhibited. We blame him for wasting taxpayer money on applause lines at his rallies (like The Wall). We blame him for putting his own political life over American human life. I hope this clears things up."

Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
What a giant boatload of horseshit. No one but the already deluded accept any of your premises, Nimrod.

Just descending into ranting there....

You can't even take the point I made and construct a counter argument...
That we have the virus not his fault, making it political & throwing in a ton of mixed messages, that's his.
Do you hold the medical experts responsible in any way?

You mean these ones:

Sorry but Medical Experts gave ample warning ... that is why Trump's shifting of blame to China and WHO is a joke... Maybe they were late warning by a week or two but Trump took the guts of two months... He didn't take information from his own team, why would WHO or China make a difference...
That we have the virus not his fault, making it political & throwing in a ton of mixed messages, that's his.
Do you hold the medical experts responsible in any way?

You mean these ones:

Sorry but Medical Experts gave ample warning ... that is why Trump's shifting of blame to China and WHO is a joke... Maybe they were late warning by a week or two but Trump took the guts of two months... He didn't take information from his own team, why would WHO or China make a difference...
No, obviously I mean the experts who have been wrong on just about every aspect of this virus.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
What a giant boatload of horseshit. No one but the already deluded accept any of your premises, Nimrod.

Just descending into ranting there....

You can't even take the point I made and construct a counter argument...
Your "point" is based on a pile of lies. Treating it seriously would only condone the lies.

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