Hasan Supports The Taliban

A Palestinian who murdered 13 Americans in a "workplace violence" incident admitted his support for the Taliban and a Muslim American who murdered an American soldier in Little Rock, during jury selection today. Who woulda thunk it?

Fort Hood suspect says he supports Taliban

He's quickly putting a noose around his own neck and I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't found to be a traitor as well as murdered. There's no way he's gonna escape the death penalty! :clap2:
Coyote, et al,

Clearly, you have a handle on the dilemma that faces the world at large. It is a most provocative view; causing one to think.

You can place the blame on extremism but to blame an entire religion for the acts of extremists has nothing to do with "politically correct". At this point, in history - the extremists happen to be Islamic.

We want to be enlightened and say, these are extremist that just happen to be Islamic. But then we do the math and we see that nearly half of all individual terrorist actions are Islamic related. Then we look at the last decade of conflicts.

  • 2003 War in Darfur oppressing non-Arab Sudanese in favor of Sudanese Arabs.
  • 2004 Shia insurgency in Yemen dissident cleric Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, head of the Shia Zaidiyyah sect, launched an uprising.
  • 2004 Conflict in the Niger Delta - Oil War
  • 2004 South Thailand insurgency partly under the influence of foreign Islamist groups such as al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah,
  • 2009 Insurgency in the North Caucasus 1999 armed incursion of 1,500 Islamic radicals led by Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev and notorious Saudi jihadist Ibn al-Khattab in support
  • 2009 South Yemen insurgency 2009, prominent Southern Islamist leader Tariq al-Fadhli, who had fought for the Mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviet war in Afghanistan, broke his alliance with President Saleh
  • 2010 Tajikistan insurgency conflict taking place in eastern Tajikistan between the Tajik army and Islamist militants,
  • 2011 Bahraini uprising (2011–present) aimed at achieving greater political freedom and equality for the majority Shia population
  • 2011 Sinai insurgency Sinai insurgency is radical Islamist militant activity in the Sinai peninsula,
  • 2011 Syrian civil war spillover in Lebanon (Sunni 'v' Shi'ite)
  • 2011 Libyan factional fighting (2011–present) Islamists across northern Lebanon have arranged sit-ins, roadblocks, and confrontations to protest the arrest of a Lebanese Islamist Islamists, and militias who fought against Gaddafi but refused to lay down their arms when the war ended
  • 2012 M23 rebellion Africa (non-Islamic)
  • 2013 Aftermath of the 2013 Egyptian coup d'état

One can see that more than 80% of the conflicts (not counting Afghanistan, the aftermath in Iraq, of the Syrian Civil War proper) have a Islamic/Muslim component. This projects an image of something less than complementary and non-violent. The constant bombardment of this imagery has an impact.

This imagery is very powerful.

Once you start down the road of blame, you take a path that leads to scape-goating and the persecution of innocents and it happens all too often - just look at the rhetoric that surrounds us coming from mouths of such people as Pamela Geller and accepted by some of our own elected officials.

I don't think it is "blame" that we are looking at, but the association of terrorism and the probability of dangerous radicalism and deadly extremism with a specific culture.

Pamela Geller is a symptom of reactionary effects.

"She offers practical, tested, effective guidance on how freedom lovers can stop jihadist initiatives in local communities. It details how Islamic supremacists are demanding ever more accommodation of Islamic principles and practices, and growing ever more aggressive in eroding our freedoms - with politically correct public officials only too happy to oblige them."

Her message represents the counter-Ostrich Effect (don't bury your head in the sand and merely hope it goes away). The Ostrich Effect didn't work for the Israelis and it won't work for a majority of the other Islamist/Jihadist extremism that is emerging.

It's the rhetorical and cultural paths that lead to the acceptance of things like the internment of the Japanese or the Holocaust. We should never forget those shameful aspects of our history or what our fellow man are willing to do to each other in the name of ignorance and fear. I feel very strongly about this and that is should be fought at every juncture just as strongly as extremism should be fought.

Yes, there are very few international powers that can claim clean hands; least of which is the US. The US has had it share of trouble in this area. Having said that, doesn't mean that the US is making progress. Not all cultures can say that.

Most Respectfully,
Why is there any issue with American troops being killed in Afghanistan?

The Taliban may well be a bunch of total bastards and I have no support for them at all but, it's their country and you invaded.
I think you have to accept some of your guys are going to die when you invade a country.
Tell me, Fred, did the Ahmadis invade some country that they have to be killed by your Sunni brethren? They aren't even treated so well in your own country. Such a shame that the Ahmadis say they only feel safe in America.

If we're flying off in opp topic tangents - perhaps they're getting survival tips from the North American Indians you tried to wipe out or are in email contact with the Vietnamese survivors of the American invasion.

Perhaps, since you're so worried about minority groups, you can detail your fight for the Indian nation and what you've done to assist them in their rightful fight to have a decent existence in their invaded country.
Why is there any issue with American troops being killed in Afghanistan?

The Taliban may well be a bunch of total bastards and I have no support for them at all but, it's their country and you invaded.
I think you have to accept some of your guys are going to die when you invade a country.
Tell me, Fred, did the Ahmadis invade some country that they have to be killed by your Sunni brethren? They aren't even treated so well in your own country. Such a shame that the Ahmadis say they only feel safe in America.

If we're flying off in opp topic tangents - perhaps they're getting survival tips from the North American Indians you tried to wipe out or are in email contact with the Vietnamese survivors of the American invasion.

Perhaps, since you're so worried about minority groups, you can detail your fight for the Indian nation and what you've done to assist them in their rightful fight to have a decent existence in their invaded country.
One group I support is Saint Joseph's Indian School.

St. Joseph's Indian School

1301 North Main Street · Chamberlain, SD 57325

(800) 798-3452 · [email protected]
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I assume Christianity is the standard religion forced upon the Indians.
A Palestinian who murdered 13 Americans in a "workplace violence" incident admitted his support for the Taliban and a Muslim American who murdered an American soldier in Little Rock, during jury selection today. Who woulda thunk it?

Fort Hood suspect says he supports Taliban

He's quickly putting a noose around his own neck and I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't found to be a traitor as well as murdered. There's no way he's gonna escape the death penalty! :clap2:
I don't think he would have a problem with that because he would feel that he was being a martyr for Islam. He would be a hero in the eyes of many Muslims, the same way Bin Laden was and still is. Maybe he is looking forward to those beautiful virgin houris in the Islamic paradise who will wait on him hand and foot.
Why is there any issue with American troops being killed in Afghanistan?

The Taliban may well be a bunch of total bastards and I have no support for them at all but, it's their country and you invaded.
I think you have to accept some of your guys are going to die when you invade a country.
Tell me, Fred, did the Ahmadis invade some country that they have to be killed by your Sunni brethren? They aren't even treated so well in your own country. Such a shame that the Ahmadis say they only feel safe in America.

If we're flying off in opp topic tangents - perhaps they're getting survival tips from the North American Indians you tried to wipe out or are in email contact with the Vietnamese survivors of the American invasion.

Perhaps, since you're so worried about minority groups, you can detail your fight for the Indian nation and what you've done to assist them in their rightful fight to have a decent existence in their invaded country.
Why, Freddie, in the past there have been several Native Americans posting on various forums, and they didn't seem to hold a grudge against America, but they were certainly on the side of Israel. Besides, Freddie, this is the 21st century, and your brethen are certainly having such a good time murdering innocent others in the world of today. As far as the Vietnamese, why don't you contact them in California in Little Saigon and ask them if they have any problems with America. In fact, maybe you need a little vacation and can visit them in person and query them about their feelings. Little Saigon | Anaheim/Orange County - Visitor Information By the way, didn't your Sunni brethren blow up several Shiites in Iraq the other day, as well as wounding many more? I really think it would be more helpful, Freddie, if you get the word out for your Sunni brethren to be more tolerant toward the religious beliefs of others. Why should people be harassed and murdered and their places of worship destroyed just for their religious beliefs?
I assume Christianity is the standard religion forced upon the Indians.
Since you are going back to olden days, Freddie, I just know you wouldn't mind me going way back and say............

I assume that Islam is the standard religion forced upon the Christian inhabitants of those lands invaded by the Muslims when they left the Saudi Peninsula. Of course, Freddie doesn't care what happened to the Copts, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, etc. He doesn't even care what happened to the original Persian community.
Of course, Freddie doesn't care what happened to the Copts, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, etc. He doesn't even care what happened to the original Persian community.

Please quote a post where I've said these things or admit you made them up.
Of course, Freddie doesn't care what happened to the Copts, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, etc. He doesn't even care what happened to the original Persian community.

Please quote a post where I've said these things or admit you made them up.
Since you seem to have no problem posting on the forum regarding the Middle East on the USMessageBoard (of course dissing Israel), you should have no problem condemning what is happening to the Christian minority in the Muslim Middle East countries
Since you seem to have no problem posting on the forum regarding the Middle East on the USMessageBoard (of course dissing Israel), you should have no problem condemning what is happening to the Christian minority in the Muslim Middle East countries

None at all.
Some Muslims treat Christians very badly as I sometimes see in Indonesia.
However, your's was a question and quoted nothing about how I don't care about the groups you mentioned earlier.
I requested you back up your accusation with quotes but you have failed to do so.
Does that mean you'll apologise in your next post?

As for 'dissing' Israel, there's lots to dis, but that doesn't imply any support for Palestinians or others attacking civilians.
That remains wrong in my book so I'd like to see the Arab side stop following Israel's lead.

Now - about that quote or apology............:tongue:
Since you seem to have no problem posting on the forum regarding the Middle East on the USMessageBoard (of course dissing Israel), you should have no problem condemning what is happening to the Christian minority in the Muslim Middle East countries

None at all.
Some Muslims treat Christians very badly as I sometimes see in Indonesia.
However, your's was a question and quoted nothing about how I don't care about the groups you mentioned earlier.
I requested you back up your accusation with quotes but you have failed to do so.
Does that mean you'll apologise in your next post?

As for 'dissing' Israel, there's lots to dis, but that doesn't imply any support for Palestinians or others attacking civilians.
That remains wrong in my book so I'd like to see the Arab side stop following Israel's lead.

Now - about that quote or apology............:tongue:
You really think anyone owes an apology to a poster who really digs those hate sites like Jew Watch, Freddie? Try again some other time, buddy.
I wonder what Freedie means when he says, "I'd like to see the Arab side stop following Israel's lead," Just what is Israel's lead, Freddie? I don't think anyone sees Israelis in different locations of the world killing innocent people like Freddie's brethren do. Meanwhile, Freddie, I think all the viewers realize by now that your actual purpose here and on other forums is to diss Israel, while closing your eyes to what is happening when it comes to those of your own religion. Since there is a forum on the USMessageBoard called Asia, and your country is in Southeast Asia if I am not mistaken, I wonder why you didn't bring this news up. All in your country who are Muslims should be tolerant of the religious beliefs of others, especially since the Muslims have been able to build an enormous amount of mosques in countries where the Muslims are a minority. Just what is it about other religions that there is a problem in Indonesia? Maybe it doesn't interest you what the Muslims are doing in other countries like Egypt or Syria, but I would think you would keep abreast of the news in your own country.

INDONESIA Hundreds of Muslim extremists against the construction of a Catholic church in Bekasi - Asia News
You really think anyone owes an apology to a poster who really digs those hate sites like Jew Watch, Freddie? Try again some other time, buddy.

You lied on open forum so you should apologise on open forum.

As for the hate site; so many other sites have the same UNDISPUTED FACTS about the birth of Israel using acts of terrorist murder.

To your link.
I don't dispute there are problems with more extreme Muslim groups in Indonesia so there's little point in arguing as I don't dispute these facts and condemn them without reservation.
However, you're clearly unaware of the real situation here and what groups such as the FPI are really doing.
Why not pop over for a couple of years and find out the truth?
I'll give you an example.
A mate of mine was involved in a church project that was getting nothing but trouble when it came to getting permits.
A big bribe to the FPI saw the permits within a couple of weeks.

A few months ago; 7-11 had major problems, including FPI anti alcohol raids and government permits.
All disappeared like a fart in the wind and one has to wonder why.

Their 'rent a mob' is for hire if you're will to pay up.

FPI diversifies business to land conflicts | The Jakarta Post

Before you consider google to get half a story, ask me instead because I live here and know what's really happening.

Now, that apology for your lie?
I assume Christianity is the standard religion forced upon the Indians.

Right. Christianity is the religion that says convert or we'll behead you...oh wait.


There is a history of that and Christian countries have invaded more foreign lands that Muslim countries ever have.

Quit deflecting. We weren't talking about invasions. We were talking about converting or we'll behead you.
Right. Christianity is the religion that says convert or we'll behead you...oh wait.


There is a history of that and Christian countries have invaded more foreign lands that Muslim countries ever have.

Quit deflecting. We weren't talking about invasions. We were talking about converting or we'll behead you.

Hate to be the one to break bad news but the history of Christianity is rife with forced conversions and a high mortality rate for the reluctant. Granted...they might not have actually beheaded much but dead is....dead...

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