hastert victim is dead....so who did he pay


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
Exclusive Alleged Dennis Hastert Sex Abuse Victim Is Named By Family - Yahoo

Jolene never asked for money from Hastert, but his sister believes that “Individual A” is familiar with what happened with her brother. She does not know who Individual A is, but she said she’s thankful that Hastert’s alleged misconduct is coming to light.

“I feel vindicated and that Steve’s vindicated, that Mr. Hastert can’t pull this wool over everybody’s eyes,” she said. “Finally the truth comes out.”

Jolene said she wanted to speak publicly on behalf of her family about her brother’s ordeal because she believes there may be other victims and she wanted them to know they’re not alone, “that when they were kids, at that point in their life when they were going through this, it wasn't talked about like it is now.”

“But now there’s people that are going to believe them,” Jolene said. “I just think it’s really important that these kids get a chance to work through this because I think it’s going to give them a lot of relief... Please, come forward.”

the victims sister attempted to confront hastert and report him with no luck
Sounds like the Republican Leader of the House destroyed that little boys life. Helped send him to an early grave after a short tortured life.
In Steve Reinboldt’s 1970 high school yearbook, wrestling coach Dennis Hastert wrote that Steve was his “great, right hand man” as the student equipment manager of the Yorkville, Illinois wrestling team. But Steve was also a victim of sexual abuse a ... (ABC)

am i the only one who finds it extreme that he would pay that to cover this up....
The amount of money is relevant to what he had. Perhaps that sum is not such a big deal. Plus, we don't know how many other victims are out there, yet. It is a pretty big deal. He wasn't just a Congressman. He was third in line to the Presidency and controlled the House of Representative under the Bush administration. He was the top watch dog in the House during the longest war in American history.
He was an extremely CROOKED Speaker of the House, along with his buddy Tom Delay....probably the most crooked speaker in my lifetime if not all of History.... Medicare part D passage when the 15 minute vote was over, the Bill was defeated, but he refused to close the vote in the allotted 15 minutes for it and kept it opened for 4 HOURS so he and DeLay could BRIBE and twist arms of Republicans that voted against it, to change their vote, so the bill could pass, at 3am in the morning....(I actually stayed awake and watched that vote on CSPAN)

He also ALLOWED Tom Foley (R) to commit sexual abuse with the underage Page's....wonder why?

In a December 2006, the House Ethics Committee determined that Hastert and other congressional leaders were "willfully ignorant" in responding to early warnings of the Mark Foley congressional page scandal, but did not violate any House rules.[64][65] In a committee statement, Kirk Fordham, who was Foley's chief of staff until 2005, said that he had alerted Scott B. Palmer, Hastert's chief of staff, to Foley's inappropriate advances toward congressional pages in 2002 or 2003, asking congressional leadership to intervene.[65] Then-House Majority Leader John Boehner and National Republican Congressional Committee chair Thomas M. Reynolds stated that they told Hastert about Foley's conduct in spring 2005.[65] A Hastert spokesman stated that "what Kirk Fordham said did not happen."[65] Hastert also stated that he could not recall conversations with Boehner and Reynolds, and that he did not learn of Foley's conduct until late September 2006, when the affair became public.[65]

Dennis Hastert - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't blame Pres. Bush for what went on in Congress, but certainly this congress during his terms as president was the most corrupt congress in our History..... or up there for the running of the worst.

Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham, Dennis Hastert, Rep. Ney, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Abramoff dealings, Ken Lay dealings, etc etc etc etc etc....
Tom DeLsy was completely exonerated. Thst won't stop democrats lying about it.
I wish I could find an ounce of "compassion" for Hastert.....but I sincerely cannot......
Tom DeLsy was completely exonerated. Thst won't stop democrats lying about it.

Well, NOT "exonerated" really.......Texas' Third Court of Appeals stated that the evidence in the case was legally insufficient to sustain DeLay's previous convictions.
He was an extremely CROOKED Speaker of the House, along with his buddy Tom Delay....probably the most crooked speaker in my lifetime if not all of History.... Medicare part D passage when the 15 minute vote was over, the Bill was defeated, but he refused to close the vote in the allotted 15 minutes for it and kept it opened for 4 HOURS so he and DeLay could BRIBE and twist arms of Republicans that voted against it, to change their vote, so the bill could pass, at 3am in the morning....(I actually stayed awake and watched that vote on CSPAN)

He also ALLOWED Tom Foley (R) to commit sexual abuse with the underage Page's....wonder why?

In a December 2006, the House Ethics Committee determined that Hastert and other congressional leaders were "willfully ignorant" in responding to early warnings of the Mark Foley congressional page scandal, but did not violate any House rules.[64][65] In a committee statement, Kirk Fordham, who was Foley's chief of staff until 2005, said that he had alerted Scott B. Palmer, Hastert's chief of staff, to Foley's inappropriate advances toward congressional pages in 2002 or 2003, asking congressional leadership to intervene.[65] Then-House Majority Leader John Boehner and National Republican Congressional Committee chair Thomas M. Reynolds stated that they told Hastert about Foley's conduct in spring 2005.[65] A Hastert spokesman stated that "what Kirk Fordham said did not happen."[65] Hastert also stated that he could not recall conversations with Boehner and Reynolds, and that he did not learn of Foley's conduct until late September 2006, when the affair became public.[65]

Dennis Hastert - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't blame Pres. Bush for what went on in Congress, but certainly this congress during his terms as president was the most corrupt congress in our History..... or up there for the running of the worst.

Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham, Dennis Hastert, Rep. Ney, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Abramoff dealings, Ken Lay dealings, etc etc etc etc etc....
Wow. Wikipedia! You researched the fuck out of that. Case closed!
Hastert, no doubt, always pretends to be a good church going guy. Anytime you see someone with a lot of ambition and is supposed to be such a great guy or gal... try and look behind the facade. Most are hiding something.
Tom DeLsy was completely exonerated. Thst won't stop democrats lying about it.

Well, NOT "exonerated" really.......Texas' Third Court of Appeals stated that the evidence in the case was legally insufficient to sustain DeLay's previous convictions.
That's exonerated. There was no evidence against him.
There was plenty of evidence -- a jury convicted him.

Lucky for ole wheelin' dealing Tom the Republican judges in Texas overturned it.

Helps to have fiends in high places who can do things like that, eh?
They are all crooks and perverts. Teaper types allow this by always turning a blond eye. Hypocrites, they are. How can anyone excuse pedophiles, perverts and thieves
They are all crooks and perverts. Teaper types allow this by always turning a blond eye. Hypocrites, they are. How can anyone excuse pedophiles, perverts and thieves

...and, to my personal chagrin, these congressional idiots INSIST to have the adjective "honorable" title before their names.

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