Hatch (R-UT) against removing tax loopholes

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Wonder why that would be? Could it be because the T Party has targeted him in the next election cycle?
Alexander, the chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, says that at a time when the federal government is borrowing 40 cents for every dollar it spends, “it is a good time to take a hard look at unwarranted tax breaks, and one appropriate use of those funds is to reduce the deficit.”
He says about a third of the $1.1 trillion in annual tax expenditures could be eliminated, citing a recommendation by Martin Feldstein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under former President Reagan.

The thread title doesn't sync with the OP which doesn't sync with either of those images.
The thread title doesn't sync with the OP which doesn't sync with either of those images.

Wonder why that would be? Could it be because the T Party has targeted him in the next election cycle?
The second one does as well as the last one. The first one was just an oldy but a goody ;) The text matches as the T Partiers are unhappy w/ incumbent pork-barrel, spender.
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Remember now that Hatch was the one that submitted a bill? to make it so that Arnold could become president :)
Hatch (R) is going to have a difficult primary. The T Party is tired of his "business as usual" tactics. I notice how McConnell is pushing Hatch in front of a microphone at every available opportunity now to make the T Partiers think he's working for them lol
Hey Dot Com:

I think I remember pummeling you recently for some dam lefty thing you did. :tongue:

But in this case you are spot on..

THe Repubs need to silence Grover Norquist (a subsidy cut is a tax hike), get serious about Defense cuts and extracting us from all 4 or 5 wars (lost count), and start dismantling stuff like ethanol, Green giveaways, and subsidies in general.. Redirect portions of that to TRUE R&D and innovation. NO company should get tax breaks for stuff it already makes.

So --- if you're serious about fixing the "G.E. paid no taxes" problems bud -- you gotta realize that environmentalism was the EXCUSE for corporate/govt collusion.

And yes -- if Hatch doesn't get it.. Then feed him to the Tea Party...
The thread title doesn't sync with the OP which doesn't sync with either of those images.

Yeah, but they are funny! The GOP will be singing, "NO NEW TAXES!" as the country defaults and we all are forced to learn Chinese.
Funny how removing a tax loophole or break and making the loopholers on a level playing field with everyone else is a tax increase.
Funny how removing a tax loophole or break and making the loopholers on a level playing field with everyone else is a tax increase.

The Republicans have gone completely over the edge on this tax thing. It seems they are saying, "even if it is a mistake and should be fixed, leave it alone." They are so scared of the Tea Baggers, they have completely flipped their collective noodles.
Intelligent Americans have to know that "tax loopholes" didn't get us intop the economic mess we are in. The left always assumes (incorrectly) that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a while. The truth is that money belongs to the citizens and they let the government use it for a while for necessary Constitutional mandated projects. That having been said, the fiction portrayed by neo-socialists is stunning. Here's the deal....you can't trust politicians with money anymore than you can trust a community activist with a stolen ATM card. Politicians have to learn to live with less money.
It is funny how removiing a loop hole for big business is considered a tax- increase by the Repubs. How brazenly they protect their masters or is it that they're putting party before country to get ready for '12?
Hey Dot Com:

I think I remember pummeling you recently for some dam lefty thing you did. :tongue:

But in this case you are spot on..

THe Repubs need to silence Grover Norquist (a subsidy cut is a tax hike), get serious about Defense cuts and extracting us from all 4 or 5 wars (lost count), and start dismantling stuff like ethanol, Green giveaways, and subsidies in general.. Redirect portions of that to TRUE R&D and innovation. NO company should get tax breaks for stuff it already makes.

So --- if you're serious about fixing the "G.E. paid no taxes" problems bud -- you gotta realize that environmentalism was the EXCUSE for corporate/govt collusion.

And yes -- if Hatch doesn't get it.. Then feed him to the Tea Party...

Good post except for the part about green energy. What one won't hear the conservatives here address is oil subsidies/write-offs. They claim that gas is the most cheap & efficient form of energy on the one hand but they ignore the fact that the co's are subsidized and wars are fought to ensure delivery of oil. If you factored those trillions into the equation, gas would cost a tad more ;)
Sen. Hatch (R). Can this guy be any more brazen? Oh Yeah, the T Party wants him out so he has to attack someone to appear tough. The big, scary poor/elderly are easy targets ;) Time for him to go!!!

As though the reviled wealthy don't also pay property, fuel, auto and other taxes.

Funny how liberoidals only seem to acknowledge the avalanche of other taxes the hoi polloy are burdend with when it's convenient for them to do so, innit? :rolleyes:
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