Hate crime laws! Should it be tossed from the law books?

Should hate crime laws be tossed from the law books?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Stay only if implemented equally.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The more I watch these shows like I survived a serial killer, the less I want to appoint liberal judges. I think you cons should make this an election issue and we should ask every judge how they feel about giving a violent rapist and murderer the chance to get out in 20 years, like this story I just watched. Horrifying!

Retired Toledo Police Department Detective Tom Ross said he believed the murders were racially motivated, adding that several of the victims were stalked. All of the victims were white, and the Cook brothers are black.

Hate crimes are violent crimes. I’m all for adding addition charges to violent criminals.

We should demand the laws be changed so prosecutors and judges can’t cop plea deals with violent criminals.
When do we charged public school teachers In Baltimore with hate crimes?
50-50 split
Show me one poll on any issue where we are split.

Global warming, blm, gays, unions, trickle down, etc.

And look who’s starting all the newcthreads And the right wing slant in the political section.

Wake up

The crime is equal, and you are attempting to make it otherwise.
As long as you do not treat people and the crimes equally ... They will not be equal.

You fall into a stupid ideological trap all the time.
Why do you think they use racial division in reporting crimes?

It's to make you think exactly what you think, as it has everything to do with racial division and has nothing to do with the crime.

Same horseshit, different day. You are not dealing with the questions that I put to you in post 28.
Look how you all freak out when you get real numbers.. I’m not attacking them .. I want to help the black community not attack, whites or Asians.
Really? How? I asked you several times to explain and defend your position that hate crimes laws are stupid. It appears that you are to stupid to defend your own assertions about them being stupid which really makes you look.....STUPID
Same horseshit, different day. You are not dealing with the questions that I put to you in post 28.

I don't care what question you asked in post 28.
It won't change anything, and if you want to cry about it some more ... Go ahead.

Since you didn't answer the one question I asked, after you decided to disagree with me ...
I am certainly not in the least bit obligated to chase your silly misguided geese.

By the way ... On review, I did answer your question, and you just didn't like the answer.

Really? How? I asked you several times to explain and defend your position that hate crimes laws are stupid. It appears that you are to stupid to defend your own assertions about them being stupid which really makes you look.....STUPID


  • 5C6D19EE-5C5B-4B25-A993-A64701C2068C.jpeg
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One thing bidens infrastructure bill is going to put economic opportunities in black communities.

Its not nature why blacks are more violent it’s nurture.
How? Tokenizing a few Black people with grant money? The way you bring back liberty in the black community is by merit. De-regulate laws, allow blacks to build, use their talents. Like they used to. Pre-1933 when blacks were building some of the best communities in schools across America.
How? Tokenizing a few Black people with grant money? The way you bring back liberty in the black community is by merit. De-regulate laws, allow blacks to build, use their talents. Like they used to. Pre-1933 when blacks were building some of the best communities in schools across America.
The government spends tax dollars in your communities why not theirs? Bush spent a lot of money on defense contractors and weapons makers. Biden spends money and creates jobs in chicago. Got a problem with that?
The government spends tax dollars in your communities why not theirs? Bush spent a lot of money on defense contractors and weapons makers. Biden spends money and creates jobs in chicago. Got a problem with that?
We need defense contractors, they created a business based on merit. If you think giving money to people based on your skin color is OK you’re one of the most racist people I’ve ever met in my life. Lol if you don’t think blacks are equal enough to white second make it on their own you need some help or maybe meet some Black people. I guarantee you might like these Black people
MORON! The subject is HATE CRIME LAWS!! Your thread!

Or over who's hate you more agree with, according to your views on racial division.

You cannot see that all you are saying is that if you get enough people to hate someone else ...
Then you can make it a crime to hate you ... :thup:


Or over who's hate you more agree with, according to your views on racial division.

You cannot see that all you are saying is that if you get enough people to hate someone else ...
Then you can make it a crime to hate you ... :thup:

You're making less and less sense with each post

I never accused you of being able to understand anything ... :thup:
Is there a point you would like to make that we don't already know?

I have made many points, all of which have been lost on you. The one that you seem to have the most trouble with is your apparent inability to grasp the fact that I am NOT saying that hate itself is a crime. Rather I am saying that criminals who commit crimes that are motivated by hate deserve harsher treatment. You do not seem to think so but you have not stated a coherent reason for that view

You have been dancing around that by repeating your view that all crimes are equal and that hate is not a crime. I KNOW that hate is not a crime. You are either extremely obtuse, or playing a sick game.

As I said before, I think that you people who oppose hate crime/bias laws that enhance penalties really do not care if minority communities are terrorized, or worse, you want them to be targeted. Prove me wrong. Until you do I will hold your feet to the fire on that point

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