Hate crime laws! Should it be tossed from the law books?

Should hate crime laws be tossed from the law books?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Stay only if implemented equally.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I explained quite clearly why it needed and the purpose that it serves. Not my problem if you are unable to comprehend the written word. Maybe you would like to explain what it's "stupid" if you can
To protect your voting base isn’t a good reason
See post 9........sweetie

Which addresses what I posted, and you responded to, in the first place.
It doesn't support equality under the law.

It attempts to make hatred a crime when it isn't.
Do you want me to come throw you in jail for hating someone?
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Which addresses what I posted, and you responded to, in the first place.
It doesn't support equality under the law.

It attempts to make hatred a crime when it isn't.
Do you want me to come throw you in jail for hating someone?
You know, I would have more respect for you if you would just come out and say what it is that you believe. The OP Maxnovax as stupid as he/she/ whatever is, is at least honest to some degree. Stop dancing around with this crap about making hate in and of itself a crime.

I actually think that you are smart enough to not actually believe your own bullshit, and that you know exactly what you're doing. The problem is that you do not have the spine to admit it.

Let me spell it out. You do not think that as a matter of public policy, an attack on a black, Latino, gay, Asian or whatever, because of who they are should be treated as a more serious crime that a random crime not motivated by bias. Are you with me so far?

Furthermore, you do not see such a biased motivated attack on a minority as an attack , threat to that entire community, while denying the fact that the community does indeed feel threatened and targeted, or you just don't care.

Do hate crime laws deter attacks on the Jewish, gay, black , Asian etc. ? Maybe and maybe not. But it sends a message that we as a society do not tolerate such behavior. I suspect that you do.

And I will add, that the reason that you do not think, or acknowledge the fear instilled in that community by bias crimes is because-at best- you do not give a fuck about that community, and at worst, you revel in the death and destruction being visited upon them.

Now be honest and tell the truth
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You know, I would have more respect for you if you would just come out and say what it is that you believe. The OP Maxnovax as stupid as he/she/ whatever is, is at least honest to some degree. Stop dancing around with this crap about making hate in and of itself a crime.

I actually think that you are smart enough to not actually believe your own bullshit, and that you know exactly what you're doing. The problem is that you do not have the spine to admit it.

Let me spell it out. You do not think that as a matter of public policy, an attack on a black, Latino, gay, Asian or whatever, because of who they are should be treated as a more serious crime that a random crime not motivated by bias. Are you with me so far?

Furthermore, you do not see such a biased motivated attack on a minority as an attack , threat to that entire community, while denying the fact that the community does indeed feel threatened and targeted, or you just don't care.

And I will add, that the reason that you do not think, or acknowledge the fear instilled in that community by bias crimes is because-at best- you do not give a fuck about that community, and at worst, you revel in the death and destruction being visited upon them.

Now be honest and tell the truth

You have no problem believing your bullshit.
Hatred is not a crime, and if you want to make it one then you better pack your bags and get ready for jail.

You don't even really have to hate anyone, by legal standards.
I just have to think you hate someone, and if you have ever said a derogatory word towards anyone ... Then you are going to jail.

I don't support a community of Thought Police and never will.
I prefer laws are based on crimes and that the law is executed equally.


You have no problem believing your bullshit.
Hatred is not a crime, and if you want to make it one then you better pack your bags and get ready for jail.

You don't even really have to hate anyone, by legal standards.
I just have to think you hate someone, and if you have ever said a derogatory word towards anyone ... Then you are going to jail.

I don't support a community of Thought Police and never will.
I prefer laws are based on crimes and that the law is executed equally.

Is that supposed to be an actual response? You just keep regurgitating the same tired crap over and over again without actually dealing with the points that I made. Get back to me when you are ready to have an actual conversation. Clearly you still do not have the guts to admit what you really believe and what your motives are, despite the fact that it is all very obvious
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Is that supposed to be an actual response? You just keep regurgitating the same tired crap over and over again without actually dealing with the points that I made. Get back to me when you are ready to have an actual conversation.

You haven't made a point to counter what I have posted other than regurgitating your own crap.
Crime is crime, and the law should be executed equally minus any virtue signaling not associated to a crime. ...
Suggesting otherwise would not support equality.

I never started a conversation with you about it, and you have only spouted your nonsense towards me.
You get confused pretty damn easy.

You haven't made a point to counter what I have posted other than regurgitating your own crap.
Crime is crime, and the law should be executed equally minus any virtue signaling not associated to a crime. ...
Suggesting otherwise would not support equality.

I never started a conversation with you about it, and you have only spouted your nonsense towards me.
You get confused pretty damn easy.
I most certainly made the point that all crime is not equal, which you are running from. You continue to avoid the central questions that I have posed to you

1 Do you or do you not believe that, as a matter of public policy, we should be doing all that we can to fight crime that is directed against minority groups? If not , why not?

2. Do you or do you not believe that crimes of violence against a member of a minority group-motivated by that persons being part of that group , is perceived as an assault on, and a threat against the entire group ? If not , why not?

Answer the damned question and cut the crap!
I find it hard to believe that such a subjective and divisive concept of "hate crimes" even exists in the American justice system. But here we are...and officer D. Chauvin was convicted of "murder" of a fentanyl overdose victim. Here we ARE.
Dude 90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. if what you said was true fed prisons would be full of black s
Where are you getting that shit from? Never mind. It is not even the topic The issue is hate crime/ bias laws. You started it. You should know.

Still waiting for you to explain why hate crime/ Bias laws are "stupid" There appears to be something wrong between your ears
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Where are you getting that shit from? Never mind. It is not even the topic The issue is hate crime/ bias laws. You started it. You should know. There appears to be something wrong between your ears
Look how you all freak out when you get real numbers.. I’m not attacking them .. I want to help the black community not attack, whites or Asians.
Dude 90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. if what you said was true fed prisons would be full of black s
PS For the record:

I most certainly made the point that all crime is not equal, which you are running from. You continue to avoid the central questions that I have posed to you

1 Do you or do you not believe that, as a matter of public policy, we should be doing all that we can to fight crime that is directed against minority groups? If not , why not?

2. Do you or do you not believe that crimes of violence against a member of a minority group-motivated by that persons being part of that group , is perceived as an assault on, and a threat against the entire group ? If not , why not?

Answer the damned question and cut the crap!

The crime is equal, and you are attempting to make it otherwise.
As long as you do not treat people and the crimes equally ... They will not be equal.

You fall into a stupid ideological trap all the time.
Why do you think they use racial division in reporting crimes?

It's to make you think exactly what you think, as it has everything to do with racial division and has nothing to do with the crime.

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Where are you getting that shit from? Never mind. It is not even the topic The issue is hate crime/ bias laws. You started it. You should know.

Still waiting for you to explain why hate crime/ Bias laws are "stupid" There appears to be something wrong between your ears
Looks like 81% here want to end the hate crime law
PS For the record:

Why not get rid of the law,, it’s stupid
The more I watch these shows like I survived a serial killer, the less I want to appoint liberal judges. I think you cons should make this an election issue and we should ask every judge how they feel about giving a violent rapist and murderer the chance to get out in 20 years, like this story I just watched. Horrifying!

Retired Toledo Police Department Detective Tom Ross said he believed the murders were racially motivated, adding that several of the victims were stalked. All of the victims were white, and the Cook brothers are black.

Hate crimes are violent crimes. I’m all for adding addition charges to violent criminals.

We should demand the laws be changed so prosecutors and judges can’t cop plea deals with violent criminals.

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