Hate crime laws! Should it be tossed from the law books?

Should hate crime laws be tossed from the law books?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Stay only if implemented equally.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We see whites competing with blacks at the high school and college level. We know who the better basketball players are. Google 50 greatest NBA players of all time.

And remember, they were held back from the NBA until 1950. Given the chance, they took over the sport.

What you are doing is suggesting white men are smarter than women and blacks, Mexican Americans, Arabic Americans, Asian Americans.

What you are suggesting is that white men win on an even playing field. That's bullshit and you should know it. When the hiring managers at every level of the company are white men how can you say that? I know, because you are a white man.

Companies spend millions on antibias training each year. The goal is to create work forces that are more inclusive, and thereby more innovative and more effective. Studies show that well-managed diverse groups outperform homogeneous ones and are more committed, have higher collective intelligence, and are better at making decisions and solving problems. But research also shows that bias prevention programs rarely deliver. And some companies don’t invest in them at all.

The best bosses know bias exists. You must not be a good boss.

There are no genetic differences between the races, and no intellectual or physical differences giving one race an advantage over another.

However there is a phenomena in The US called Social Promotion which is tied to CRT, White Guilt, and Affirmative Action which gives minorities an unfair advantage in Scholarships. If your pool of players to ascend to the professional leagues is 95% Russian lets say, your professional leagues will be around 95% Russian. Social promotion is an artificial construct of exclusion, so you cannot draw any inferences from a Demographic of Professional Sports Athletes because it is not an open venue, and it is not a balanced process.

If one admits bias in one segment of society then one has to see bias in other parts of society. What kind of bias is permitted and promoted depends entirely on who controls the gates of access to the venue.
No we don't see blacks competing with whites. We see blacks not getting hired or promoted.

They aren't lesser people. You white male hiring managers think they are. You think blacks will be late all the time and sue you if you fire them. You think women will quit to have kids. You have bias'.

And we see women who should be made managers not be made managers, sue, and win, because it's clearly bias in the workplace.

Companies are spending millions on anti bias programs. White men are not complaining that they should have made the NBA but weren't given a chance because they were white.

In fact, all the owners and managers in the NBA and NFL are white. So it's not like black managers and owners are showing bias towards white athletes.

Like I said, bad comparison.
Hold on. Stop using the word "you" when it comes to me hiring people. Do not make it personal. So you believe someone would intentionally hire lesser people because of racism? Seriously? Most people like one color: GREEN.

Companies are spending millions but not why you think. Not all owners. Charlotte Hornets are owned by Michael Jordan. Magic has ownership stake in the LA Dodgers. Again Jews don't play in the NFL but own several teams. Is the NFL antisemitic?

I am using your logic. Are plumbing companies sexist? Only 5% are women.
Every time I hear about somebody being charged with a hate crime law 99% of the time it’s a white man.
almost all daily murders and horrific crimes are usually not done by a white person in America. yet nobody has charged with a hate crime..
If someone killing someone isnt hate what is it? Why is it only Administratted to just white men? Thanks
If you're beating or killing someone, you aren't exactly loving them, so the whole "hate-crime" narrative is a load of B.S.
If you're beating or killing someone, you aren't exactly loving them, so the whole "hate-crime" narrative is a load of B.S.
You seem to have a piss poor understanding of what a hate crime is in this context. You should do some reading on it before you say anything else foolish
You seem to have a piss poor understanding of what a hate crime is in this context. You should do some reading on it before you say anything else foolish
I am quite aware of what constitutes a hate crime (B.A. in Criminal Justice). However, I just don't happen to agree with it. The penalty for deliberately harming someone should be the same, regardless of your motive. If you walk up to someone and murder that person for their wallet, the penalty should be the same as if you walked up and murdered someone just because you didn't like them being, white, black, Asian, or Hispanic. Murder is murder and outside of mental illness and self-defense, your punishment be similar. There is of course, a difference between planning out a murder and a murder in the heat of the moment and that's why we have different degrees of murder charges.
It seems that you have not thought this through. let me see if I can help:

People kill for many reasons-robbery, power, passion, and yes hate. However hate crime laws are not applicable in situations where the perpetrator hates another individual for personal reasons. They are applicable to crimes that are committed against some one because the perpetrator is hateful towards the community or group that the victim is part of or perceived to be part of.

Hate crime laws, which stiffen penalties for violent crimes are necessary and appropriate because the attack on the person or persons that is motivated by the victims membership in an identifiable group is an attack on that entire group that feels violated. They are intended to deter such acts

Lastly for now, hate crime laws are applicable to any one who commits a crime motivated by bias.
and that includes black on white crime. But the fact is that is almost always the minority person is the victim.
Thats all you got? https://www.usmessageboard.com/members/ohpleasejustquit.83053/ A silly "dissagree"?
I am quite aware of what constitutes a hate crime (B.A. in Criminal Justice). However, I just don't happen to agree with it. The penalty for deliberately harming someone should be the same, regardless of your motive. If you walk up to someone and murder that person for their wallet, the penalty should be the same as if you walked up and murdered someone just because you didn't like them being, white, black, Asian, or Hispanic. Murder is murder and outside of mental illness and self-defense, your punishment be similar. There is of course, a difference between planning out a murder and a murder in the heat of the moment and that's why we have different degrees of murder charges.
See post 9, I stand by it for the reasons stated
The problem these Far Left morons like this is they think that the Lamestream press is true and accurate.

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